For all exp groups, one piece of advice.



Originally posted by SFXman
Because it is very often so. This is a fact and is NOT intended as a flame:
People who are a fair bit younger than the average DAoC tend to use a lot of swear words, this can be seen in RL as well... also they tend to use a lot of "elite speak" typing.
Also, no offense intended, younger people have a harder time believing or understanding game mechanics.

Answer to your question tRoG.

the swear words can[/] be related to age, as can the 1337 5p33|<
but I honestly doubt it. I've been in a guild where people older then me (yes, I am a full grown adult) would not allow themself to being caught typing a proper english sentence. (tho it wasn't so much let speek, more a kind of lazy typing)

likewise there's probably a lot of people who feel they don't need to be polite anymore, just because the DAoC world isn't "real"


Well maybe my post was uncalled for but that's what I feel like... RL cases too back it up for me.
As to not being polite because this is only a game, give us a break :)


I didn't say I agree with that reasoning. I'm trying to always be polite in game, no matter what idiot is in front of me.
I was trying to think of a reason why some seem to be acting as total assholes, and didn't want to bring socially handicapped into it.

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