For all exp groups, one piece of advice.



This is not a flame as such, this is just a little tip or recommendation for all groups...
When someone asks if they have any space, PLEASE answer in some way.
It does NOT matter if you have to say "Sorry, we are ok as we are" because that is still a million times better than not saying anything.
Imho it is a perfectly good reason for not taking more members because the group is fine as they are... sometimes a small group can easily handle what they have so why invite more people?
A group tends to answer almost always when they are full because they know that this answer will be accepted fine by the person asking to join. Same goes when a group is waiting for a new member to arrive.

It is extremely frustrating when a group does not answer...
It might even give you a bad impression of some individuals or even an entire group. There are usually a few who do answer after some time but why could they not do that the second the person answered, sure you can understand it if the group is in combat but this all happens even when groups are resting or waiting for a member to pull new mobs.

This was not a flame as such like I said, just a little advice. Advice, I call it that because this is called being polite in my humble opinion.

Just something I had to say... I bet some have mentioned it before but even if some have done so why does it keep on happening. :rolleyes:
Surely saying "Sorry we are ok." is not too much to ask. I bet that most that are trying to join will just say "Np, good luck." and try find another group.


but why could they not do that the second the person answered, sure you can understand it if the group is in combat

That could be just because they are takling about taking you in or not. Questions like 'Do we need ... ?' or 'Are we find or ... ?' are usually handled in group chat before answering. It is often not meant impolite or disrespectful.

But on the not-answering part, yes ... it can be frustrating.


Ah, well I guess I said it a bit wrong. By the "why could they not do that the second the person answered" I mean something below 5 minutes :p
That is enough time by FAR to answer.

Then again they might say "One moment." or anything such as this that indicates they are discussing it. Maybe, like sometimes happens, a person could /send the person a message that he or someone is asking about it...
You get my point.


I second that!

Tbh I'd much rather be told that the grp was doing fine as they were than not being answered. To be blunt, it just plain pisses me off when people don't answer.


There are people out there who just dont understand what "No." means... Its weird...


On the flip side of this you have the idiots that are blantantly nowhere near your level range that constantly bite at your heels asking for a group.

Or the ones that say: group?

What really annoys me though, are people that just invite you to join them. No /send or /say just a cold invite in the middle of your screen as you try to pull. I click decline without even looking usually and say nothing. Then you ofcourse get another invite. Loop until you finally say "I don't want to group (with you), so stop inviting me."

I also agree with most of what you said too :D


Some people even ignore a direct send (when they are flagged as looking for more members too) :(


I have had one evening where i stopped sending back to people who asked to join my group, mostly cause the 3 first people who asked and who i politely turned down spend the next 30 minutes calling me an asshole or lying twat or well any other nice words in that line. I know its not nice not to answer or anything and i do hate when i get that myself, but hey some nites you just get plain feed up with other people.

Also you might have been unlucky and hit upon one of the many spanish groups out there.


A little piece of advice here, as I generally get an answer from anyone I ask fi they have space.

I usually go "Hiyas, you guys happend to be in need of a <level> <class>? :)", generally that has given me replies everytime (Even if it is a no, it's still an answer), either it just works or I am just lucky.

My main problem regarding groups is, that a huge amount of people just ask things like "room in grp for me?", without letting anyone know their class or their level. If people in general tried to come across as more cheerfull or polite, not to mention informative in their requests to join, I am sure they would get more feedback.


Originally posted by Gekul
Some people even ignore a direct send (when they are flagged as looking for more members too) :(
This is really don't like. No, my messages are not blatant or rude that is for sure.
My most common message is something like: "Hey, ya'll got space for <level> <class>?"
If they don't answer for a long time I do send something like, "Well I guess not, oh well... good luck."
Then again sometime the flagging is bugged, but usually the answer then is sent and it is "We are full." but that is just because the group does not stop flagging... which is not supposed to be going on.

If I am next to a group who wont answer for a long time I usually say things such as, "Just one thing, could you say that you are ok or waiting for a member rather than be quiet, it's a bit frustrating." and THAT usually results in "Yeh I know what you mean" (ironic) or then I get teh real reason.... I find it peculiar that I have to say so before I get a reply quite often.
Oh yeah and next to group I'd usually say "Heya, got space for <level> <class>?" and not something like "GOT SPACE!??!!? HUH?!?!?!?" :)


Originally posted by Keri
Racism isn't nice. :(

:twak: :twak: :twak:

I don't think it's racism. it's a well known fact (at least on Excal) that a lot spanish people you encounter (and know about they are spanish. the the "Cabaleros Del Grial" is a good sign) speak either very poor or no english at all.

I grouped with a bunch of very good people from them. (this isn't directed at the Cabolertos btw, just abusing their name as an example) sad thing is tho, most lacked the english to be able to form a decent group.

besides that, I fully agree. nothing is more infuriating as getting ignored. not much anyway


As for being flagged whilst full...

the game has a bug, if someone joins your group it resets the flag on the group screen, unfortunately it doesn't actually change anything.

I.e. if you have 4 people in your group, and are "looking for all", if someone joins it'll still be "looking for all" (i.e. people will find you) but on your group screen it says 'Not Looking'

This applies even when the group is full. It's basically a display bug, it says yer not looking when you are.

To fix it, click 'Looking for all' then 'not looking again'. Et voila - cleared.


I find if you close the group screen (eg look at your inventory and then flip back), it also clears whatever you were clicked on. Does this mean I haven't got to keep the damn page open, in fear of clearing this flag?


Originally posted by grebneklaf

Also you might have been unlucky and hit upon one of the many spanish groups out there.

I don't think the remark was meant to be racist.

For illustration: About a month ago I was invited by a Spanish player (I didn't know at the time he was Spanish), which went more or less like this:

- "you want in for group?"

- "gladly"

- "sorry - no understand - yes or no?"

- "lol! yes please"

Now imagine you asking the same person for a group with a more than simple sentence, something like:

"are you perhaps looking for a good healing-druid to complement your group?"

It would probably be ignored, or answered with a "sorry - no understand"

This post is not meant in any way to be disrespectfull to any other player, just as a possible explanation of the opening remark.


Originally posted by kr0n
There are people out there who just dont understand what "No." means... Its weird...

Well no is clear enough :) but i think it is a bit (just a bit, not very) rude not to spend more then 1 word to a polite request

As for not answering is really annoying


Then we always have this...

"Can i join your group?"

Which i usually answer with an invite or a "No need for another, sorry" etc...

Then it turns annoying...

"PLZ I only have two bulbs to level??"

"I said no, i'm sorry but we don't need any more"

"Oh come on! My axe/hammer/spear/pet/buffs/asparagus is sooo great!"

And so on...

I personally go over to a group, wave, stand around for a moment. They usually invite if you just wait, or don't, then i ask :p


I don't like the in-person waving thing, they're distracting whilst you're pulling, and if I decide to go hunt somewhere unusual I can't just flag for a new member if I need one.

The people that don't take no for an answer get annoying :)

admittedly I tend to poke fun when I get a friendly enough no.. e.g. 'Sorry, group thinks yer too low.' I answer 'But I can dance the tango! And my buffs are killer. I also am very good at screaming like a girl when we get too many monsters pulled.'

Usually gets a chuckle :) occasionally even a group invite ;)

but if someone were to reply to me 'But my polearm pwzn0rs j00!'* I'd start pondering the /ignore command :)

Oh and being two bubs (or 0.2 bubs) from a level ain't in your favour, I don't give a damn how much you need, and saying that says to me "I need to ride on the back of your group for 2 bubbles before I run off mid-pull to go train."

* unless I knew them and they were taking the piss of course


I just say: "Hi, I'm Kemor's alt, could I join you lot?"

It works always.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Then we always have this...

"Can i join your group?"

Which i usually answer with an invite or a "No need for another, sorry" etc...

Then it turns annoying...

"PLZ I only have two bulbs to level??"

"I said no, i'm sorry but we don't need any more"

"Oh come on! My axe/hammer/spear/pet/buffs/asparagus is sooo great!"

And so on...

I personally go over to a group, wave, stand around for a moment. They usually invite if you just wait, or don't, then i ask :p
Cases where whinging appears are not enough to justify not answering to others from there on though, not answering after you have clealy and politely stated that you are ok in this case is understandable...
I will ask to be put on a waiting list if the group is ok/full/waiting for a member and sit there quietly unless there is another group nearby.


normally, when someone asks if (s)he can join my grp, i reply 'just a sec' and ask in grp chat. and after that, i reply :)


Originally posted by fl3a
normally, when someone asks if (s)he can join my grp, i reply 'just a sec' and ask in grp chat. and after that, i reply :)
Many don't say that, I'd love if all did.


i remember once i was the leader of a tl group in spindel, we had just lost a tank, but we had another 3 anyway so we were fine.

so we decided to invite another healer.

we're getting on fine, about 5 mil per mob with pretty fast pulls, when i get a send from a hunter (who happens to be in the same guild as the healer).

[Note - I don't have chat logs to copy from, but this is the general flow of conversation]

hunter: hi, can i join ur group plz?

me: sorry, we're full.

hunter: no ur not! stop lying u asshole!

me: yes we are. you can come down and count us if you like.

hunter: but u just invited my m8!

me: he was the eighth person.

hunter: fuk u cunt, its just coz i is a hunter innit?

me: no, it's because the group is full.

[He then spent 20 mins telling me my group was not full. What a strange person.]

BTW, we did NOT have the lfg bug - i checked with another player outwith the group.

It's this sort of thing that makes group leaders not answer.


I used to get ignored alot, but then I changed the way I ask for a group, it used to be

"/send bob Do you need a level X Hunter?"

but now I have changed it to

"/send bob Do you need/feel sorry for a level X Hunter?"

I don't think I've been ignored once since I started asking like that, most people reply with a "lol" and whether or not I can join.

And when I am being asked if someone can join my group I try to give an honest answer, I was once in a group in yggdra with a Thane and a Shadowblade quite happily killing isalfs and the odd solo stealther that tried to kill the a Thane who appeared to be sat alone (Mwuhahahaha), I got a /send from a healer asking for a group, this is how the conversation went:

"Need a level X Healer?"

"No sorry we are fine as we are"

"lol let me join, I'm a healer"

"sorry but we don't need another member :("

"omfg you n00b everyone needs a healer, let me join"

"really sorry but we are fine"

"fuck you ur on my ignore list"

Never saw that healer again and thankfully I've never met anyone else quite as bad as that :)


why is it when we quite these *excuse my french* dickheads, we always make them speak in leet/abbreviations? eg. 'group plzzz - ur a fukkin..'


Because it is very often so. This is a fact and is NOT intended as a flame:
People who are a fair bit younger than the average DAoC tend to use a lot of swear words, this can be seen in RL as well... also they tend to use a lot of "elite speak" typing.
Also, no offense intended, younger people have a harder time believing or understanding game mechanics.

Answer to your question tRoG.


As a Shadowblade:

Me: Hello, room in your group?

Answer: Class Level?

Me: SB Lvl X

Answer: Sorry no.


While hunting a bit around Gna Faste.

Peep-Invite, Me-Decline (several times)

Me: Sorry iam soloing

Peep: Group?

Peep-Invite, Me-Decline (several times)

Me: Sorry i dont want to group.

Peep-Invite, Me-Decline (several times)

Peep: Group with me.

Peep-Invite, Me-Decline (several times)

Me: Please stop inviting me.

Peep-Invite, Me-Decline (several times)

Peep: com'on group.

Me: No sorry.

Peep-Invite, Me-Decline (several times)

Peep: Help me level.

Peep-Invite, Me-Decline (several times)

Me: Again no sorry.

Peep-Invite, Me-Decline (several times)

Peep: I need x bubs.

Me: /sit /q waiting 10 minutes, logging on again, looking around me, peep gone...


On the famous wait list for H


/send x Hello, who is lk today?

Responds: x is

/send thanks

/send lk: Hello can you add me on the list?

Responds: Sure u nr x

/send lk: Thank you


/send lk: Hello again, can u look what nr iam on list now?

Responds: U x now

/Send lk: Thanks

(Woot almost my turn!!)


(Still no free spot, iam logging now
:sleeping: )


As a Minstrel.

Peep: Come to Lyonnesse now, we need you at camp x



Peep: You grped?

Me: Yes

Peep: Disband and join my group now.


Roo Stercogburn

One of the things I've noticed in groups when someone asks to join is that sometimes nobody is sure what to say and how to answer.

Not answering seems to be the easy way out in these cases. I'm not justifying it, and I agree that some kind of answer is in order.

Another thing I've noticed that sometimes its not clear who the person that wants to join a group is asking and again peeps take the easy way out by not replying. In the scav room in Spindelhalla for example there can be up to 4 or 5 groups organising/pulling not including solo peeps. Sometimes the best you can do is yell lfg and then start pm'ing peeps that are obviously grouped.

Just observations I have from playing a char class that til recently was a social leper :)


<whispers> Dont group with Roo - have you seen his rash!

But seriously I hate the 'cold calling' invitation to group - especially if they are spammers - had a level 5 keep spamming me with invites the other week - ignored him and spotted him back at gna when I came back several hours later - still level 5!

Even soloing is faster than that??? If he said it was for his find a group quest I have no problem with it but just blindly spamming is annoying.

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