FOA: Goa / Zargar / Kemor


Lomald Umilinn

new news on camelot-europe says those who couldn't subscribe again will be given 2 days free subscription ;) .... at least more then one day ... lol (they missed more then1 week).

Those who had paid and can''t get their new password will get bigger compensation of course, nothing given .... no fucking information AGAIN.

No date .. just that over the course of the next week ....


no - the news says EVERYONE gets 2 days... i.e. the poeple that couldn't get in for two days.

I imagine the people that have suffered more will get more.


I love the way all the guys that have their passwords are saying chill. How would you feel if you still had no password? I know I would ff'ing pissed off and I don't blame these people for being cross and upset.

Least GOA can do is come out and try address the aggresion instead of hiding behind old news.

Lomald Umilinn

at least i got some kind of response from goa ... Zargar replied ;).


If this is still a problem at this time, you should contact and they will look into it.



Lomald Umilinn wrote on 26-08-03 21:57:
Hello there you are working at GOA i suppose.
now help me out.

What do i need to do to get my account login and password after what have happened with your company recently?

1.the e-mail adress in my rightnow information is NOT ACTIVE, not been for 1
Regards, Lomald Umilinn | L50 Infiltrator @ Excalibur.

Lomald Umilinn

Ohhh my fucking god.
i finally got a freaking e-mail from GOA .. .and what do they give me? NOTHING
the same bloody text that i could read 2-3 days ago on

We have not heard from you concerning your request for support in the 48 hours since we sent you a response. Consequently, we have changed the status of your question to SOLVED.

Discussion Thread
Response (CS) 09/08/2003 04:04 PM

Due to the problems encountered these last few weeks, you were unable to receive your new GAME passwords. We are therefore sending your GAME information to the indicated email.

Being aware of the trouble caused with the recent changes, we have decided to compensate the loss to all the ones concerned, and you will therefore be granted a full free month of subscription in the coming days.

Sincerely yours,

European Dark Age of Camelot Team.

Now what is wrong here? They claim since they have not heard from me the last 48 hours .. they have changed the freaking status to solved? omg ... first of all, they ahven't sent me anything but this junk mail with no information at all.

What is their problem?


anyone else noticed he put foa instead of fao on the subject?

ah well :D

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