FOA: Goa / Zargar / Kemor


Lomald Umilinn

You have made me completely unable to get my new game login and password. Tell me how to get it back.

You do *NOT* have my active e-mail adress registered in the rightnow, and i have begged you tonz of times to update it to my new one ... still you say i must do it .. however, you know i have problems with that feature (its in the right now logs) and still you don't change / update my email?

Now how the FUCK am i supposed to get my NEW game password, my NEW sub password when i CAN'T login using your account page, and when you CAN't reach me on that e-mail?

I have also mailed you at:

still not a reply, now you better tell me how you will give me my password back because this is your own fault completely.

Regards, and hope to hear from you ASAP.


After starting the procedure to change all the game passwords yesterday, we can finally come back to you with clearer information and answers to some of the many questions.

The situation : Since the 18th of August, the European DAoC platform has been under the attacks of a malicious person.

This is the first real attack with important direct repercussions on the game and is the cause of :

the temporary closing of our subscription pages the temporary closing of our customer support tool : RightNow !

It was decided to avoid any blurry and incomplete communication of what was happening and to wait until the threat was neutralised in order to prevent further attacks via other means. We did not wait doing nothing however and during this period, we :

Analysed the origin and nature of the attack by doing a quite extensive technical audit.
Took necessary steps to prevent such attacks to continue or happen again.

What now ?

Emergency actions have been taken already and the coming days will be used to strengthen the security on our entire platform before bringing back up the various services of Dark Age of Camelot (RightNow & Subscription pages). Current estimations show that it will take several days and that everything should be back to normal at some point next week.

Billing security & characters.

We always keep a close watch on your questions and doubts via forums and other communication channels. Here are some answers that should reassure you :

Your billing information is not stocked on our servers. Everything related to your money is handled by a billing partner specialised in online transactions. Your billing information is totally safe and isolated from the platform targeted by the recent attacks.
No character has been corrupted in any way during these attacks and this is proven by our logs. No worry here either then, your characters are just as they were before.

New passwords

As announced yesterday, it has been decided to change the passwords of all our customers as a precaution. The first phase began yesterday and changed your GAME passwords. In the coming days, we will do the same procedure for the SUBCRIPTION passwords. Once this is done, we will restart our subscription pages.

We are very aware of all the problems that will arise due to these procedures, especially for the ones of you who did not keep their information up to date (email, etc). All the problems will be treated on a case by case basis as soon as we re-open our Customer Support tool RightNow.

As you can see, the consequences of these attacks are quite nasty. We are doing everything humanly possible to have all our services available as soon as possible and are planning to offer a compensation (free days) to all our players.

Finally, we would like to express our sincere apologizes regarding all the problems caused by these malicious actions. We will keep you informed on the evolution of the situation and on the planned actions.

They will prolly do something about that problem, be patient :)

Lomald Umilinn

Originally posted by haid_deathclaw
They will prolly do something about that problem, be patient :)

Hopefully, becuase i know tonz of friends having the same problems ... but patience with goa is required though, learned it the hard way ;).

Thanks for that post though.


I finally got my shrouded isles copy, im coming back after 12 months of inactivity from daoc. However i cant even do that because the sub pages are still down. Any ideas on when its coming back up? I convinced a friend of mine who bought a copy of the game recently to come play on exc with me. But he cant get online either.

I dont run a company but wouldnt it make sense to get some sort of backup account page running? Every day that someone cannot reactivate their account is a day of lost money for the company. If a potential customer quits because they cant sign up thats a lot of potential money lost.

*sigh* Need meh daoc!!! :scared:


Originally posted by pitspawn

I dont run a company but wouldnt it make sense to get some sort of backup account page running? Every day that someone cannot reactivate their account is a day of lost money for the company. If a potential customer quits because they cant sign up thats a lot of potential money lost.

problem is that the subscription server was attacked so nobody could actually use it. Having a back up wouldnt have helped, as that one would also been under attack :(. But they fixed the problem somehow.

the sub page will be up soon though i assume :)


how are you supposed to do this? say you dont have your right email at the sub page, for whatever reason.

the only way to get in contact with GOA is either mail someone, or use rightnow. but to log in on rightnow, you have to get your new password, which you cant (see above).

so you then use a friends RN account. when logged in on the friends account, you say "hi my name is blahblah, since i didnt have my correct email adress in the subscruption info, i would like you to mail <account name>s game and subscription password to this email : <your email>." now, they cant know if you are the owner of the account, so they cannot grant this.

personal mails to GOA staff can also be faked, as long as they know someones accout name, taken from internet cafes or whatnot.

the only solution i see to this, is to contact the person that paid the accout the last time, and send the info to him.

am i right?


Originally posted by vintervargen
how are you supposed to do this? say you dont have your right email at the sub page, for whatever reason.

the only way to get in contact with GOA is either mail someone, or use rightnow. but to log in on rightnow, you have to get your new password, which you cant (see above).

so you then use a friends RN account. when logged in on the friends account, you say "hi my name is blahblah, since i didnt have my correct email adress in the subscruption info, i would like you to mail <account name>s game and subscription password to this email : <your email>." now, they cant know if you are the owner of the account, so they cannot grant this.

personal mails to GOA staff can also be faked, as long as they know someones accout name, taken from internet cafes or whatnot.

the only solution i see to this, is to contact the person that paid the accout the last time, and send the info to him.

am i right?

Basically, when the support thing comes back up, you won't be able to contact them, they will have to provide an email address which you send your old passwords / accounts, and as much information about yourself as possible, home address etc ( not cc, as sending credit card info in an email is just stupid, like giving it to a random stranger on the road, and saying you will be back in 10 mins, please don't use it. )

hopefully with my account they can check the two accounts and see that one of the email addresses doesn't work.. so I should be able to get my account back up and working.. although I'm guessing 2 - 3 weeks of not being able to play Deerstalker / Slime :/

I also tried mailing support email address today, looks like they took the email server off line, it's completely swamped. No joy emailing goa , so don't bother would be my advice just sit tight till they fix right now.



I am hoping that when the e-mail from GOA gets bounced back from my old (now closed) e-mail account. This should create a log with GOA and alert them to expect an e-mail from me, with my details asking for them to re-send the e-mail to my new addy.

But this wont happen in a rush, i bet?

Lomald Umilinn

give my fucking password back you morons before i tell George W Bush to abomb you freaking idiots.


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
give my fucking password back you morons before i tell George W Bush to abomb you freaking idiots.

They will sent it to your post adress << Where you live etc.

So unless thats a wrong adress allso, you will get it back :)


Originally posted by tonita
they don't care :)

I think they care a lot tbh... They are losing money and that ain't good for them. I also think they do what ever they can do to get RightNow! up working again..

just my 2 cents..


Originally posted by haid_deathclaw
The situation : Since the 18th of August, the European DAoC platform has been under the attacks of a malicious person.

This is the first real attack with important direct repercussions on the game and is the cause of :

the temporary closing of our subscription pages the temporary closing of our customer support tool : RightNow !

Oo0oo There only down temporary, Who long does the word temporary actually mean?

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by np-insane
I think they care a lot tbh... They are losing money and that ain't good for them. I also think they do what ever they can do to get RightNow! up working again..

just my 2 cents..

Then Kemor or Zargar should be active here telling us that.


They used to be, back in the day.

I guess they are surfing looking at things, but lets be honest - if they post some hormonal muppet is just going to start unloading on them with as many swear words in one post as he can get.

Nobody has to put up with that abuse, if you don't like the customer service it is your choice whether you continue to pay for it. If there was a better mmo out atm I wouldn't be paying goa for the service that they have given me, but there isn't and so I continue to pay for my fix :D

In a perfect world kemor would be posting now to allay your concerns, but then in a perfect world people wouldn't be making these sorts of comments

QUOTE]Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
give my fucking password back you morons before i tell George W Bush to abomb you freaking idiots. [/QUOTE]

I know you're frustrated - but that sort of comment isn't going to illicit any other response other than "ahh another flame for the bin"



Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
give my fucking password back you morons before i tell George W Bush to abomb you freaking idiots.

I know you're frustrated - but that sort of comment isn't going to illicit any other response other than "ahh another flame for the bin"

I think this comment was meant to be a j/k, Although i maybe wrong :p


Originally posted by leoric
Oo0oo There only down temporary, Who long does the word temporary actually mean?
longer than immediatly ... shorter than forever

hope that helps ;)


Originally posted by uglymug
longer than immediatly ... shorter than forever

hope that helps ;)

Thank you, In goa,s terms not anytime soon then :)


Originally posted by Lomald Umilinn
You have made me completely unable to get my new game login and password. Tell me how to get it back.

You do *NOT* have my active e-mail adress registered in the rightnow, and i have begged you tonz of times to update it to my new one ... still you say i must do it .. however, you know i have problems with that feature (its in the right now logs) and still you don't change / update my email?

Now how the FUCK am i supposed to get my NEW game password, my NEW sub password when i CAN'T login using your account page, and when you CAN't reach me on that e-mail?

I have also mailed you at:

still not a reply, now you better tell me how you will give me my password back because this is your own fault completely.

Regards, and hope to hear from you ASAP.

how about you go and read the news on their site?


hm if we read the news

it tell us to come back early this week to read news

still no news and now its the end of the week it´s Friday tomorrow.. I rest my case...

If you write a official msg to your costumers it´s vital to get back with some news bad or god news what ever.


maybe it's not this week, might be some future week, in a distant future yet to be seen :)




Originally posted by StormriderX

agree but a bit emphatically:



Not really - more like 18hrs ;)

Just annoying to pay for a service and not get it t.t


They didn't get hacked - they're also at a point I have witnessed in many MMORPG's i.e. no feedback (in any shape or form) = losing players and revenue - their mismanagement of absolutely basic business fundamentals is laughable - patching times translation lead times (a joke ) communication with the people paying their wages etc etc we all know the problems - however someone needs to sit up and at least post 1 email here or on the Camelot site to give people information because without that they are essentially fooked when the next crop of MMORPGs emerges V soon

my 2 cents also


I really don't care mcuh about my passwords, but i see many got problems with it. My problems is the acc needed new payment the day after they shutted the server down.
I freaked kinda addicted to Daoc, cause its fun :)

I guess it would be better to look forward to see WoW go gold....this has taken too much time imo. Im not sure, but wasen't the Daoc team in Germany or soemthing to show the next expansion?
They leave their place to make a damn commercial of i say.
That was like 2-3 days they were gone....annoying.
Im giving them 1 more week to restore that server! If you got decent backup and are going to rechange a program. Would be like 4 days, if everything goes as planned.
Anyway...more than 1 week...and im out of this game to drool more aobut WoW.

My annoying 2 cents...


I doubt they will answer and be slow as usual

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