FOA GOA: Regarding Majestic Will 3


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
erm he's repeating over and over again that he didnt dispute the fact that it was bug? he just wanted the same hot fix the US got so he didnt have to waste money on an RA respec that he should have been given for free(like US did)? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Ormorof got it, I dont even care if it was a bug or not, we should get the same 'fix' as the US did...

And mavl, I respeced into a powerfull ability for 30 ra points (40 if you count prequest), you do know that at RR8 that I am... Its nearly half of my RA points to even hit a mob ? Yes for 30 points I do expect a powerfull ability ... Perhaps not as powerfull as it was as I do agree it was overpowered...

But lets take the example, the dragon raid with 3fg... Do you think 3 fg of tanks can take down the dragon? I certainly think so... Do you think 3 fg of casters (even RR8) can take down the dragon? With the current state of MW3, no way in hell...

But that doesnt matter, it doesnt matter if you think I abused a bug or not, it doesnt matter if it was a bug or was overpowered...

All I want as a paying customer of GOA, is the same bug fix as the US got... And thats MW3 (current state) for 10 points instead of 30... OR, do a quick 'fix' till 1.68 gets here and boost the current MW3 upto the MW5 (which US has or is going to get) level as the costs are nearly the same (30 vs 34 points)... And then there's no need to refund points until 1.68 gets here...

I cant wait for the time that tanks have to spend 34 points to maybe hit a level 75 mob a bit more... But thats another story...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
[NO]Magmatic said:
Ormorof got it, I dont even care if it was a bug or not, we should get the same 'fix' as the US did...

And mavl, I respeced into a powerfull ability for 30 ra points (40 if you count prequest), you do know that at RR8 that I am... Its nearly half of my RA points to even hit a mob ? Yes for 30 points I do expect a powerfull ability ... Perhaps not as powerfull as it was as I do agree it was overpowered...

But lets take the example, the dragon raid with 3fg... Do you think 3 fg of tanks can take down the dragon? I certainly think so... Do you think 3 fg of casters (even RR8) can take down the dragon? With the current state of MW3, no way in hell...

But that doesnt matter, it doesnt matter if you think I abused a bug or not, it doesnt matter if it was a bug or was overpowered...

All I want as a paying customer of GOA, is the same bug fix as the US got... And thats MW3 (current state) for 10 points instead of 30... OR, do a quick 'fix' till 1.68 gets here and boost the current MW3 upto the MW5 (which US has or is going to get) level as the costs are nearly the same (30 vs 34 points)... And then there's no need to refund points until 1.68 gets here...

I cant wait for the time that tanks have to spend 34 points to maybe hit a level 75 mob a bit more... But thats another story...

Of course, i can understand you. EU players should get the same handling of this situatuon as US players.

But if I specced my char specifically for these 3 fg dragon raids(or some other event that lies on the edge of "fair play") which I actually consider not right(although they are not very easy to do) as the dragon is supposed to be THE epic mob of the realm, as I understand it, and then mythic did some kind of nerf that made this spec useless, i wouldnt be the one complaining.

Damon_D said:
Nope dont even have a caster any where near the RR5 required , and non of my other chars joined in the UBER 133t farming . Only thing that pisses me off is cry babies like you calling other peopel cheaters because of penis envy :kissit:
Damon_D said:
I never said he used MW3, only peopel here random acussing peopel of that and cheating is himself :eek:

Ehhh so what ?? Does that give him the right to call other peopel cheaters ??
Or does that make him an expert in how Mythic programmed that RA to work.. or anything ell's for that matter ?? I dont think so..

Dealing out dmg FAST is what casters do, they dont have the luxery of infinite power , like melee's has with end reg , and they dont have the abillities to withstand a beating , that being engaged in combat for longer periode would involve, they fire of there spell's as fast they can and hope its enough , and if its not they die.. sure MW3 might have been a bit over the top , im not saying it was not , and so is no one ell's here , but that dont give that silly muppet the right to call any one a cheater....

I dare you to browse through this thread and show me the post where i called someone a cheater before opening your mouth any further, you blightering idiot.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
But if I specced my char specifically for these 3 fg dragon raids(or some other event that lies on the edge of "fair play") which I actually consider not right(although they are not very easy to do) as the dragon is supposed to be THE epic mob of the realm, as I understand it, and then mythic did some kind of nerf that made this spec useless, i wouldnt be the one complaining.
Why are you so focused on the dragon? 3fg on the dragon isnt 'border line' its minumum, if mythic didnt intend to have the dragon killed by 3fg, they would have 'fixed' that in some way... They did that when it was possible with 1-2 FG... (personally say that not much more should always be the minimum, its silly to bring more, daoc cant handle that)

But 3, heck, 6 or 9 fg of casters cant kill the dragon... We could with MW3, and ok, with fewer casters then tanks and a lot faster... But note my wording, we could... It doesnt mean every caster that had MW3 was doing just that...

Anyways I was pissed at the nerf at first but I've adjusted, however I do like to get the same fix as the US got, e.g. cost lowered to 10 (well 34 if you count the 5 levels that US get in 1.68), and points refunded...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
If they change how an RA work, wether it's a bug fix, overhaul or tweak, those that have it should at minimum get it automatically stripped and the points refunded. ( use See Hidden as an example ). In this case where it has a pre-requisite, maybe, but just maybe, a full RA respec could be in order, or atleast a more thorough strip of RA's.

Same goes for specline changes. ( like SB's and Berserkers were given a free respec when LA fix was introduced. )

Some might have bought it to farm dragon. Others just saw it as a way to once again be able to do their thing in PvE in high level encounters, especially with ToA here. For whatever reason they took the RA, a change to it, especially one as drastic as this one - should result in a strip+point refund.

I'm sure you tanks would want that if they change each level of determination to 1-5% value: with the same cost ( not that it really cost anything ), right?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Fafnir said:
Think this is why they fixed MW this way, dragonfarming had gone way out of hand. If people had not been farming the dragons with MW like they had started doin, then the fix would have come later instead of being thrown in your faces.

It was just same with the 1hit stay in stealth, i was "Working as intended" until to many stealhers came out of the pk's. :)

MW was fixed as a result of ToA. Mythic have stated that they keep track of all epic mobs; ToA has a significant number. People were respeccing into MW to do the MLs etc. making them easier than intended. Mythic decided that it was becoming to common and changed MW.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
It was just coincidence really that it was at the same time TOA was introduced here.......... ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
[NO]Magmatic said:
Why are you so focused on the dragon? 3fg on the dragon isnt 'border line' its minumum, if mythic didnt intend to have the dragon killed by 3fg, they would have 'fixed' that in some way... They did that when it was possible with 1-2 FG... (personally say that not much more should always be the minimum, its silly to bring more, daoc cant handle that)

But 3, heck, 6 or 9 fg of casters cant kill the dragon... We could with MW3, and ok, with fewer casters then tanks and a lot faster... But note my wording, we could... It doesnt mean every caster that had MW3 was doing just that...

Anyways I was pissed at the nerf at first but I've adjusted, however I do like to get the same fix as the US got, e.g. cost lowered to 10 (well 34 if you count the 5 levels that US get in 1.68), and points refunded...

I'm focused on the dragon because it is a typical example of an epic mob. And I understand the caster issues while fighting epic mobs(i'm a caster myself, and had to use my staff on dragon raids instead of spells taht i specced for), but don't you agree that taht MW in it's former state was just too powerfull ? havent you seen the movie where "dragon"(insert random very tough epic mob here) gets killed in under 20 seconds by a fg of casters and one aggro holder ?
As for refund, nevertheless handling of the situation should be the same for EU players as for US players, as I stated before.

Whisperess said:
If they change how an RA work, wether it's a bug fix, overhaul or tweak, those that have it should at minimum get it automatically stripped and the points refunded. ( use See Hidden as an example ). In this case where it has a pre-requisite, maybe, but just maybe, a full RA respec could be in order, or atleast a more thorough strip of RA's.

Same goes for specline changes. ( like SB's and Berserkers were given a free respec when LA fix was introduced. )

Some might have bought it to farm dragon. Others just saw it as a way to once again be able to do their thing in PvE in high level encounters, especially with ToA here. For whatever reason they took the RA, a change to it, especially one as drastic as this one - should result in a strip+point refund.

I'm sure you tanks would want that if they change each level of determination to 1-5% value: with the same cost ( not that it really cost anything ), right?

Actually if mythic made det a 5% per level ability, high level would still be a must, as the effect is just too powerfull.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Mavl said:
I dare you to browse through this thread and show me the post where i called someone a cheater before opening your mouth any further, you blightering idiot.

Ahh sorry Signore Monkey ball'z but in my book calling someone a bug abuser and exploting idiot and what not = calling someone a cheater , but ofcourse your right Signore Monkeyball'z , and I would therefor edit the word cheater to bug exploiter/abusing what ever kind of git you called peopel , if this crap board let me but it dont so ....... :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Damon_D said:
Ahh sorry Signore Monkey ball'z but in my book calling someone a bug abuser and exploting idiot and what not = calling someone a cheater , but ofcourse your right Signore Monkeyball'z , and I would therefor edit the word cheater to bug exploiter/abusing what ever kind of git you called peopel , if this crap board let me but it dont so ....... :m00:
wow you're so smart :rolleyes: but do i actually care about "your book" ?

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