Fixed melee RvR group - anyone interested?


Jan 8, 2004
cu out there.. and i agree with the ones who said you need casters in a group. Pure melee or Pure caster group dosnt realy work anymore. Need to do a inbetwean group imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
shout me if u ever need a shammy, i am usually just getting bored of getting ganked by the stealth zerg at those times so a group would be nice :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Count Ixoth in. lvl 50 shield thane.


50 hammer, 42 shield, 39 sc.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
Aye, I do think Im gonna need a caster of some sort, but that
will be the next group. For now we'll try with the one set up and
see how it goes.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
Mutant, Siiri, Tinah, Paldina, Megarevs and Maddude was
fun grouping with you, even though we only did one run
and didn't have a Shaman. :)

Please ignore those other times/dates I set a few posts before this
one, as we decided a day to play on a regular basis. Neonblue I'm
gonna contact you as soon as I see you online, and then you'll
play our Warrior while Paldina plays the Shaman.

Cheers guys/gals! :fluffle:

:clap: :clap:


Loyal Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
Brite said:
If you decide you need a caster to compete, give me a shout, ML10 Banelord rr6L7 BD, Complete ToA set etc, got 42 aug 33 cave sham bot also

better leave one spot empty then invite this damm n00b !


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Eroa said:
cu out there.. and i agree with the ones who said you need casters in a group. Pure melee or Pure caster group dosnt realy work anymore. Need to do a inbetwean group imo.

Doesnt really matter to be honest. good melee group can still do very well; just not on the highest level of competition I guess. Then again neither does a caster-group low RR.

Better have a semi-balanced group out having fun then nothing at all.

Pure melee might do very well against the non-Eclipse wtfpwn groups too.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
RvR group dead and buried. :m00:

Oh well at least I did an attempt. Good luck out there. :)

:cheers: :cheers:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Thornar said:
RvR group dead and buried. :m00:

Oh well at least I did an attempt. Good luck out there. :)

:cheers: :cheers:

It's very hard to run a melee group in any realm these days, you got a master level called grapple that when hibs use it can instantly cost you the fight, no way to fight back at all.You are best using 2 tanks+2 casters, 3 healers 1 shaman.

Preferably a suppression spiritmaster and a bonedancer i think.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
Sycho said:
It's very hard to run a melee group in any realm these days, you got a master level called grapple that when hibs use it can instantly cost you the fight, no way to fight back at all.You are best using 2 tanks+2 casters, 3 healers 1 shaman.

Preferably a suppression spiritmaster and a bonedancer i think.
Thank you but that wasn't the problem, problem was people promising
this and that and not showing up + some other issues and it took too
much of my energy. That's why I buried it. Seems it's impossible to get
a decent group out of non-guild members where everyone is focused and
meets up at the right times.

Jakus Morgan

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
Yes it's a problem.
I tried to run a weekly fixed RvR group recently & ran into similar problems.
It started out well but gradually tailed off with less & less people showing up.
Each week different people weren't able to attend for a variety of reasons.
When only 4 people have turned up you're really no better off than with a random group.
We did have some good runs & realm points though. :)

I might have a try sometime at just posting for a specific date/time & getting people to reply if they want to come for just that session. Might have more success.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Sycho said:
It's very hard to run a melee group in any realm these days, you got a master level called grapple that when hibs use it can instantly cost you the fight, no way to fight back at all.You are best using 2 tanks+2 casters, 3 healers 1 shaman.

Preferably a suppression spiritmaster and a bonedancer i think.

Maelstrom grp is :

3 healers
1 shaman
2 savages
1 skald
1 bd ( 1sm when bananplockaren cant play)

Must say that Bonedancer owns when meeting hibbs....with grapple :eek:
Sm is very good for zergs ;)


Loyal Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
dont need fg, start with less.. get some friends playing base of grp then do rest with random ppl.. u'll get to know these random dudes and later on know which of them to invite and which better left at mpk :p

have to spend some time before u wanna rvsr get this needed ppl tho.. annoying aye :)

good things are u can do experimental grp setups.. :p

also this is prolly better way to get that uber set fg eventually, get to know ppl ingame in rvsr not some random muppets on BW :)


Loyal Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
Minn, maelstrom is so not fotm !

kick valg and some savvy and get them casters :F


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
We've found pretty entertaining way to make rvr groups without actually committing to rvr on some set schedule.

We just start group with me and Moriad, then ask for people from alliance and some friends to join. Then we got group and it usually lasts for whole night, sometimes few people change on the way if they gotta go. I've found it very rare that people would leave after we lose or so. Why, last night we lost almost all our fights and not a single person left :)
Of course, we often end up playing with same people, and if there's someone in group who we haven't played with before, it's usually just one person like that.
The people are usually different each day, but on long run it's maybe only around 15-20 different people we regularly group with. That makes it pretty nice since people can get the hang of our group and playing in it even if it's not set group. Of course, it's much different from rvr'ing with same people every day, but also much easier to arrange and I find it nice to play bit different class setup and people every now and then.
This might be good idea for someone who is online much and can lead/organize a group. If you arrange your group well and people have good time, they probably wanna join you next time too.

Bit same thing like someone already suggested, have few people who rvr alot and together to be the base of group, and fill rest with non-set people, those people will probably be same pretty often if they like rvr'ing with you :)

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