First RR10 in the world!



Grats to Echoic of Iseult with becoming the worlds first Einherjar :clap:

old.Gombur Glodson

I bet her parents are proud.

But what do you do when you've killed all epic mobs (including dragon and legion) gotten rr 10? Is there a point to continue rvr?


im sure they will encourage her to venture forth into that realm the elders talked about all them times usually referred to as "outside" :)

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
I bet her parents are proud.

But what do you do when you've killed all epic mobs (including dragon and legion) gotten rr 10? Is there a point to continue rvr?

yea, get RR11, or 8.2mil rps ;p


Isn't rr10 max?

Anyway I think he should be awarded something special... Nothing that make him uber but maybe some special grafic on the armor he wear or make his eyes shine red or something;)


10L9 I think is the max... but never know there might be a RR11 :)

and he's a she


thats one skald i wouldnt want to bump into on my own :p prolly has every single usefull RA there is :/ here`s me with just one :p


i hope he quits :) cos he is a bastard to kill when he is out with his group . and he hits feckin hard

been a debate a few times as to wether he is a she or he :) many think it is a male roleplaying a female char . some think its just a female :) suposse nobody will know unless she/he says her/himself lol .


im glad i aint her. but its a big achievement. pity it doesnt really mean anything.

wolvon fury

And i bet he/she Never been outside in about a year,

:sleeping: :sleeping:

Wake up go outside and smelly the flowers,


Snappy comments aside, compare the times US players have been able to farm to Euro and then compare our highest individuals and you'll see that little Eleasias is the one to REALLY need a smell of the flowers ;)


Go read the IGN thread before you start retarded comments about her having no life. As one posts, she teaches art when she isnt around playing.
As another fella state, many female MMORPG players are very skilled, and actually have a life on the side also. Just like many men.

Maybe she set a goal for getting rr10.. It takes so much time, not something you just do(or atleast I doubt it) without setting this as a goal, or minimum achievement.

I bet my penny that Madeleine will be the first one to pull this off at EU :p


Originally posted by old.Kladen
im glad i aint her. but its a big achievement. pity it doesnt really mean anything.

well if I knew her I could do other than just assume, but I maybe she's just very determined with her goals. I bet she achieved more in real life than far most of those who sit here saying "get a life"


it could be determination as you say or it could be pure addiction which is quite common amongst online gameplayers from the states. I know u say determination and all but to get that many rp's thats looking at over 100 days /played easy id say which in turn is over 1/4 of a year solid gaming. Dont get me wrong daoc is fun and i enjoy playing but there is a line between fun/daoc and real-life and getting rr10 to me isnt a casual gamer as the people i see who have rr7-8 play ALOT as in most of each day.


I am more of a casual gamer, I mean come on look at my levels and I been here since beta :p
But hey, that does take a LOT of time... I mean ask someone how many hours a day Eleasias spends farming RPs. Still, one may have a life as well... you can always squeeze in a few hours with your friends on week-days and then say "I have to go home, so later". :p


Originally posted by SFXman
Still, one may have a life as well... you can always squeeze in a few hours with your friends on week-days and then say "I have to go home, so later". :p

ehhehehehehehehehehhe.........errrrmm gotta go guys im eeerrrrrmmm washing my hair tonight :D


Originally posted by amphetamine
ehhehehehehehehehehhe.........errrrmm gotta go guys im eeerrrrrmmm washing my hair tonight :D
Exactly. Nah, my friends play games too although one might not believe it if they do not know them as friends.
Computer games are becoming more and more popular all the time... which is especially good since we get some female gamers too. Always a good thing.


It is pure envy to say that she hasn't got a life.

Quite a bit of info can be found on echoic from the Team Skald site, Isuelt site and her Guild pages. She is apparently a RL 'she' and teaches art full-time....but by all accounts when she is online the death spam she creates is awesome.

Is also a randy bitch....

Some other factors are quite interesting. Her group avoids the Alb zerg and predominantly slaughters Hibbies. Due to the prevalence of PBT among her chosen enemy she uses a fast 1 hander and shield...and is proof that a 'gimp' can succeed. Prior to respec (when she had over 4 mill rp's) she was 50 BS/39 weapon, which any skald worth his salt will tell you is gimped :D

Grats Echoic


Originally posted by wolvon fury
And i bet he/she Never been outside in about a year,

:sleeping: :sleeping:

Wake up go outside and smelly the flowers,

If playing DAOC is what you like and where you got time for, then you have a life.

If you want to go walk and smell the flowers, and that's what you like then you have a life.

It's not because they do what you don't have time for that they don't have a life.


Originally posted by Cadwallon
proof that a 'gimp' can succeed.

This is a fairly relative comment. First of all the speccing is very versatile and due to diminishing returns on overspeccing what is refered to as gimped can be losses of a few % of effectivity at the most. Secondly as you know she moves with a great group which takes alot of load of the individuals need to be perfect, hardly saying she's leeching em ;) just that player stats matters less with more people. Thirdly RA's, once past R7 her edge in RAs over other players will compensate for a few points less weapon spec. Forth.. well same as second a bit.. succes isn't the same as being the one to rule them all but the one to farm them all, takes good friends, skill and dedication for this but it IMO not take all that much of a char.


Oh dear.
Stop flaming her for having a life. So she's RR10, isn't it a bit pathetic that your own jealousy makes you not merely say "omg, what a sad person" but also instantly suspect that she is a real girl?
As far as I'm concerned, people who play a social game a lot with the same group of other real human beings, have more of a life than the tw*ts that loiter around my town drinking alcopops and leering at passers-by.
If it's fun, and if you can control your wanting to do it so that it doesn't wreck your life, then you have a life.
Be honest with yourselves, oh ye flamers...


And AFAIK one of the best Q3A player, Kornelia was a she too... But also heard she was an ugly one tho ;)


Yup, Kornelia or however the hell it was spellt is some GameSpy quake player :p
Not too good looking though as pics have revealed. No I am not saying that females who play are always horrible creatures of the night because I know many on MadOnion for example who overclock and are very good with PCs and are hot :p
Anyway one of the things I was supposed to say is that what the freaking hell does her being some horny woman have to do with anything? Also what does it matter if someone has a full-time job? Just about all people have full-time something, be it school or a job... so one can still be a hermit of the computer desk.

Anyway, I am not pointing this at anyone, be it Echoic or Eleasias or whomever.
Just some things I thougt of while reading these posts...

Anyway, still an awesome achievement :p

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