Firefall (Tabula Rasa meets Borderlands meets Global Agenda)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
It was like, I tried I think around november last year? and it was pretty dire.


Mar 11, 2004
Its one of those games thats good in a small group. Played it for a couple of weeks as a three and had some fun building up our chars and gear. But after a while the thump thump event thump thump gets a bit boring.

Donno if they've added anything new to it since then. But if you dont mind the grind its a fair timesink with a couple of mates.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
been playing it a bit today, seems ok, not really much to do other than run around like a lemming or do thumping, which was the case ~a year ago

reasonably fun if somewhat mindless

if anyone is playing give me a poke, want to see if its better with a semi decent group


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Depends on what you mean by better, the only thing you can do with a group that makes things different (read slightly harder) is thumping and (some) missions.. But there's quite a lot more to do now then there was a year ago though. Like tons of sidequests and a "main" story i don't really know what it's about. :)

It doesn't have much pvp anymore, they removed almost all of it quite a while ago when their plans on making it a hardcore tournament game blew up in their faces (no one but they expected that to work in a game like this), but they are claiming to be reworking it and will add it back in at some point if. There are an open piece of pvp enabled area just outside sunken harbour if you wanna take a look, but as far as i've seen there's never anyone there.

So yeah, it's a better game then it was a year ago, it's not brilliant but it's not horrible anymore either. They still seem to be really hesitant on dropping the sandbox model, but as long as they don't give us anything to work with as a sandbox it just won't work.

Not sure i agree with the choice of making it level based though.

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