Fire Wiz


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
Kinetix said:
Dam thats one hell of a fast healer 400dex+ :eek7:+ Reflexes of doom :D
just cast a sh when u see the first bolt coming or just relaxe if DI is up.

About the castable stun i was reffering to keepfights, sure purge heleps u the first time u get stunned, 1 min later when u check out from a window u get stunned again and nuked to oblivion w/o anything to do.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
Oboy said:
just cast a sh when u see the first bolt coming or just relaxe if DI is up.

About the castable stun i was reffering to keepfights, sure purge heleps u the first time u get stunned, 1 min later when u check out from a window u get stunned again and nuked to oblivion w/o anything to do.

get CB up ^^ Anyways in a keep/tower fight after that stun with that many albs inside he´s bound to get interrupted after 1rst spell :) at least thats what i do. when i see a hib caster do stun i CANT resist myself to dd/bolt him just to interrupt him...i know im evil ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
Kinetix said:
get CB up ^^ Anyways in a keep/tower fight after that stun with that many albs inside he´s bound to get interrupted after 1rst spell :) at least thats what i do. when i see a hib caster do stun i CANT resist myself to dd/bolt him just to interrupt him...i know im evil ^^

yes i pray for this everytime i get stunned inside a keep
but it dosnt change the fact that stun is op as hell in siege and that wizzes need some sweet luve :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
Plenty of mixed opinions.. thanks! :)
I think ill get it to level 50 then TOA it when 1.81 comes out.

Thanks to those who gave some opinions!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2005
Old.Fanta said:
u are rigth m8 but some chars are more group friendly because they has more utility than others, Wizard dont have anything good that cant be done better by other class. Bolts sux, and a caby can do more damage than Fire wizards. But anyways if u have to roll a wizz go to ice line imo

have u ever been nuked by a good wizard there is no way a caby can make more dmg with the same int + wizzards got more range


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
wiz fire dd 300(-300) @ 2.8, cabby dd 450(-150) to 600(-20) @ 2.5s hmm lemme think... body sorc can debuff heat u say? cabby can debuff spirit for a theurg too and i know which i'd prefer in my group :)

bolts? great, once every 20s u can half kill someone or 1-shot a rezzed caster with no shields, if it doesn't miss, or hit DI.

i have a 6L3 wiz btw, most of it as fire, i wouldn't ever play him in rvr again (except at a keep fight). wiz can be a fun zerg tool but for "serious" rvr? no way do they offer anything a caby, sorc or theurg doesnt do better.

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