finnally announced!



Many questions, some answers.

After starting the procedure to change all the game passwords yesterday, we can finally come back to you with clearer information and answers to some of the many questions.

The situation : Since the 18th of August, the European DAoC platform has been under the attacks of a malicious person.

This is the first real attack with important direct repercussions on the game and is the cause of :

the temporary closing of our subscription pages the temporary closing of our customer support tool : RightNow !

It was decided to avoid any blurry and incomplete communication of what was happening and to wait until the threat was neutralised in order to prevent further attacks via other means. We did not wait doing nothing however and during this period, we :

Analysed the origin and nature of the attack by doing a quite extensive technical audit.
Took necessary steps to prevent such attacks to continue or happen again.

What now ?

Emergency actions have been taken already and the coming days will be used to strengthen the security on our entire platform before bringing back up the various services of Dark Age of Camelot (RightNow & Subscription pages). Current estimations show that it will take several days and that everything should be back to normal at some point next week.

Billing security & characters.

We always keep a close watch on your questions and doubts via forums and other communication channels. Here are some answers that should reassure you :

Your billing information is not stocked on our servers. Everything related to your money is handled by a billing partner specialised in online transactions. Your billing information is totally safe and isolated from the platform targeted by the recent attacks.
No character has been corrupted in any way during these attacks and this is proven by our logs. No worry here either then, your characters are just as they were before.

New passwords

As announced yesterday, it has been decided to change the passwords of all our customers as a precaution. The first phase began yesterday and changed your GAME passwords. In the coming days, we will do the same procedure for the SUBCRIPTION passwords. Once this is done, we will restart our subscription pages.

We are very aware of all the problems that will arise due to these procedures, especially for the ones of you who did not keep their information up to date (email, etc). All the problems will be treated on a case by case basis as soon as we re-open our Customer Support tool RightNow.

As you can see, the consequences of these attacks are quite nasty. We are doing everything humanly possible to have all our services available as soon as possible and are planning to offer a compensation (free days) to all our players.

Finally, we would like to express our sincere apologizes regarding all the problems caused by these malicious actions. We will keep you informed on the evolution of the situation and on the planned actions.


communication... woooo!


Disgruntled employee or outside interference ,I wonder.


heh so basically I cant use the subpages and pay until last of all, which would be middle/end of next week. Which would make it 14 days with no daoc at least.

Great job, wonder what would happen if a bank showed that pace when it comes to security. Hey dude, sorry you cant reach your money, hope its oke. Bah.. Im bored, angry and frustrated now, waited one week already and have to wait another week.. GG



Credit where credit's due - at least it's info of some sort..

But as I suspected all along - this wasn't a hack as such but the actions of an employee who is now presumably an ex employee.

As fo free days, well - I'm one of the silly ones who didn't keep my email up to date, so as far as that's concerned I'm in their hands and whatever they offer ain't going to cover my downtime... ah, silly me..


And still doesn't mention anything about people being sent passwords that don't actually work..fantastic :eek:


Okay, I'm satisfied for the time being. They were honest, they stated their plans and they reassured us.

Now I hope they'll find the guy who did this.

But this is all I wanted from GOA. I'm a happy man now (considering the circumstances).


Hummmmm I have my BB new password, but not my main my BB registerd in game a lot lot later than main and my main registered on First Day of UK release.

Humm nice GOA, pointless running round with my shammy

Ohh and GOA forget Free Days I recon we should all get at least 1 lvl worth of XP if under 50 and if lvl 50 should get Free Days, and im talking the amout of time it takes to sort this crap out like from the 18th Aug - All aspect including customer support and right Now are fully operational (this may take weeks)

I know this may sound harsh but I work in harsh business enviroment, and basically you as a company are supposed to be providing me with a service (one with which I am not happy about) and I expect some repayment.



Just got my replacement switch through. Expires end of this month. Doesnt look like im going to get to play, as i have no way of changing those details in my subs login.


Originally posted by Skaven
His savage finally died and logged.

Mega LOL :) so thats what he's been doing instead of working on it! :clap:


Originally posted by Skaven
His savage finally died and logged.

the hacker send an apocalypse on him, but he managed to kill the apocalypse. Then he got zerged by 100 albs, he killed 99 of them but the last one (that was me!) gave the final blow...

oh and by the way:

We always keep a close watch on your questions and doubts via forums and other communication channels. Here are some answers that should reassure you :

Nerf people saying goa doesnt read forums :)


Why would GOA have to give you free days? It´s not their fault they were the victim of Cyber Crime.
If a restaurant burns down and it takes them 2 weeks to fix the damage and catch the bad guy, are you gonna ask them for a free meal?:rolleyes:


Originally posted by amazingsteve
Why would GOA have to give you free days? It´s not their fault they were the victim of Cyber Crime.
If a restaurant burns down and it takes them 2 weeks to fix the damage and catch the bad guy, are you gonna ask them for a free meal?:rolleyes:

If I had paid for that meal in advance, then YES!!

GOA are not giving us free days, they're giving us the days that we've already paid for.


well, according to the news I have to wait 1 week more to be able to reactivate my acc, but this was a decent statement from GOA with actually usable and valueable information, so > I'll just wait now. without whining.


But as I suspected all along - this wasn't a hack as such but the actions of an employee who is now presumably an ex employee.
Where does it say that?


We are very aware of all the problems that will arise due to these procedures, especially for the ones of you who did not keep their information up to date (email, etc). All the problems will be treated on a case by case basis as soon as we re-open our Customer Support tool RightNow.

ok, confused, you can't get your password cuz you didn't update your email, so you should log into rightnow when it's back up and let them know, only you can't cuz YOU DON'T HAVE A PASSWORD...any one else see a problem with this?


guess in all this i've prolly been one of the biggest whiners of the lot of us and pretty much been having a go at goa non stop (cos i've been without daoc since the "actual" day the subs went down)

But guess at least they explained alot of things to us and gave us information we have been begging for so quite happy there... not happy though that i have to wait another week to play and will no doubt get nothing for not being able to play for 2 weeks but thats life, looks like its another week i'll have to spend irl (think my eyes have actually started adjusting to sunlight now) :)


im with GOA on this one no security system is full proof from hackers NONE! theres always someone sitting behind a computer somewhere trying to get into other ppls computers/companys etc GOA isnt really to blame for this.


Originally posted on
This is the first real attack with important direct repercussions

Remember the 24+ hours downtime way back at the beginning that was claimed to be a DoS attack at the time? Either GOA dont remember it, 24hours+ downtime is nothing or they were lying at the time.

With GOA sticking to the excuse that they were hacked and Mythic denying it - there must be some real fun going on behind the scenes ;) Shame we'll probably never know the truth of this - GOA certainly cant be trusted to be honest at this stage.


Your details not upto date in the system, your email account is no longer valid and you were too god-damn lazy to go stick another, valid, one in your details...?

Unlucky, not GOA's fault, your fault.

Free days, they are just compensation for the days we've already paid for and not been able to play... i reckon we should be given 10 free days since their problems first started on the 18th. (todays the 28th at time of posting!)

GOA got hacked, internally or externally... well they should have had better security systems, shouldnt they? Some Script kiddie broke into the servers maybe? (try using a firewall and other internet security systems, pricks) Some ex-Employee trashed the servers maybe? (Dont piss off your employees so much next time, pricks) Some ex Employee hacked the servers from outside maybe? (Try changing your admin passwords regular, pricks)

I wonder how many people are going to quit over this little fiasco? I know my copy of SWG is ordered, i know of a few other people that have taken this incident as the last straw and have quit.

Look at it how ever you want, listen to the spin coming from the various organisations (Mythic/GOA) listen and beleive it all if you want... in my opinion this is proof of GOA's incompetence, they are an Online gaming company, you would have thought they would know their stuff with issues like this, wouldnt you?

but no...


Re: Re: finnally announced!

Originally posted by Draylor

Remember the 24+ hours downtime way back at the beginning that was claimed to be a DoS attack at the time? Either GOA dont remember it, 24hours+ downtime is nothing or they were lying at the time.

With GOA sticking to the excuse that they were hacked and Mythic denying it - there must be some real fun going on behind the scenes ;) Shame we'll probably never know the truth of this - GOA certainly cant be trusted to be honest at this stage.
It had something to do with their PR guy being captured by green peace and released back into the jungle...


Originally posted by Worm_th
GOA got hacked, internally or externally... well they should have had better security systems, shouldnt they? Some Script kiddie broke into the servers maybe? (try using a firewall and other internet security systems, pricks) Some ex-Employee trashed the servers maybe? (Dont piss off your employees so much next time, pricks) Some ex Employee hacked the servers from outside maybe? (Try changing your admin passwords regular, pricks)
Too many pricks in one paragraph for my liking. You sir have a fixation ;)


Originally posted by Shike
heh so basically I cant use the subpages and pay until last of all, which would be middle/end of next week. Which would make it 14 days with no daoc at least.

... Bah.. Im bored, angry and frustrated now, waited one week already and have to wait another week.. GG

Jesus fucking Christ. Get a life, dude.


Originally posted by Worm_th
GOA got hacked, internally or externally... well they should have had better security systems, shouldnt they? Some Script kiddie broke into the servers maybe? (try using a firewall and other internet security systems, pricks)
Yeah, firewall prevents all hacking... And the level of humans stupidity gained another level, grats to Worm for achieving it.

Repent Reloaded

Originally posted by tarticus
Hummmmm I have my BB new password, but not my main my BB registerd in game a lot lot later than main and my main registered on First Day of UK release.

Humm nice GOA, pointless running round with my shammy

Ohh and GOA forget Free Days I recon we should all get at least 1 lvl worth of XP if under 50 and if lvl 50 should get Free Days, and im talking the amout of time it takes to sort this crap out like from the 18th Aug - All aspect including customer support and right Now are fully operational (this may take weeks)

I know this may sound harsh but I work in harsh business enviroment, and basically you as a company are supposed to be providing me with a service (one with which I am not happy about) and I expect some repayment.

I agree, I want a free level or two instead of free days, I "know" for a fact that I'd be level 50 by now if it wasnt for this hacking thing, by the time I get my pass etc... I'll be back in college, thus i wont be able to play for long periods of time.
I could play upto 17 hours a day from when the hacking started, but now college is here i cant even do 5, any free day i get will be like half a day to me once college starts or even less.


Originally posted by jaapi
Yeah, firewall prevents all hacking... And the level of humans stupidity gained another level, grats to Worm for achieving it.

Woot, I'm finally good at something :)

Elenah Lopez

Originally posted by tarticus
Ohh and GOA forget Free Days I recon we should all get at least 1 lvl worth of XP if under 50 and if lvl 50 should get Free Days

Yeah GOA, givf my brandnew level 10 char a new level, and not 2 or more free days please!


Ain't it all about how much you can play the game and not about how many levels you have? Aren't free days the only way they can repay us? GOA's service may be bad yes, ups and downs so who cares... If you take a little kid his toy away, does it ask for an expansion on it afterwards, or is it happy when he gets it back?

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