Finally ...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Bug exploitation by Bainshees
We notice that a certain number of Bainshees use a conic point blank area of effect spell though walls and keeps or towers doors, which put them out of range of their adversaries in RvR. Until this is fixed, we are asking you to tell the bainshees that these spells must not more be used like that. If this bug exploit continues, we will be led to take measures against the players who use it.



Nov 28, 2004
Other bugs to fix phase shift so it givs you time when its up + zp:)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004

Once agin mythic show how clever (dumb fux) they are... It's MYTHICS fuck elses, they're the ones that we pay to make the game work as it should...but instead they cba to fix exploits which should be fixed yesterday & instead they ban/punish ppl /clap ^^

Theres more exploits in DAoC than there is in any other mmorpg ive ever played. Other mmorpgs i have played which have had bugs that can give players an advantage are fixed within a few days of being reported instead of banning players.

With daoc its "next patch" lmao!

So if a Bainshee is standing in a building using cone & it goes through a wall & hits someone on otherside he/she gets banned/punnished..But what if it wasnt on purpose? ...Bainshee was in a room using cone on enemy infront of him/her. many times in the past when my chanter could PB through a wall/gate/floor it was not done on purpose, What are bainshees meant to do..not use cone near any walls ever? pretty hard when rvr is about keep/tower siege.. wouldnt ya say?

All i can say is.. ROLL ON DnL! ...mythic are just a bunch of clowns in munkee suits, the lights are on, but theres no one home so to speak.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2004
What about hitting ppl through roofs/floors on milegates, is it a exploit or does it just happen?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
personally im not going to report any banshee's for this unless they are totally being assholes with it (i.e. deliberately CAE'ing through walls at a relic raid, or something of that importance) because, im not here to beta test their damn game, and I can just imagine alot of honest banshee players are now going to be threading carefull waters incase they accidently cae through some wall unintentionally and get banned, which isnt their fault.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Yeha roll on DnL and all the bainshees that abuse can play the new 100% PvE game xD


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
I bet dnl wont have as many bugs as daoc (even in beta) & i bet when exploits are found they are fixed fast & dont rely on customers to report abusers! :) ...unlike daoc where there fixed months later or never!

& DnL is based mainly with PvP in mind like daoc (hence the title Dark & Light = Dark Vs Light :p ) not PVE :) ...its just that the pve side of it is nice to (unlike daoc!) :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Guess someone got owned once too much and went QQ-happy.



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
DAoC is not as bugged as you all make it to be, I've played MMOs that had bugs that made it impossible to play. Literally. Right now I'm playing a little SWG, it has a couple of awful graphic bugs they recently patched in that lets me fly my vehicles into buildings. Then it's good luck getting it out again. You get booted from the vehicle as "You can't board mounts inside structures.". Another time my character got stuck in geometry because of it. Had to contact a CSR to get it unstuck. They apparently are fixing it in the next patch, god knows when that is. :)

The biggest problem with the bainshees is that most of the times it happens it's not intentional. GOA knows this and thus has to observe the bainshees on a case-by-case basis for an extended period of time. They don't just go "Oh, some guy told us a bainshee casted through a wall at him. <BAN>".

It's the same deal with animist pets that get the "Target is not in sight" messages. Most of the time they don't place the shroom there on purpose. The very nature of these bugs make them hard to verify as bug abuse, even though we on the other realms perceive them as such.

But mostly, DAoC isn't that bad on the bugs, especially crippling ones.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
boppas said:

Once agin mythic show how clever (dumb fux) they are...
Good thing you cleared that up, or we might not have realised you were being sarcastic!


Dec 22, 2003
So now DnL will be the end of daoc, just like SWG was and just like WoW was, take your d00ming elsewhere.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2005
Frust said:
What about hitting ppl through roofs/floors on milegates, is it a exploit or does it just happen?

As mile walls are normal "old" structures and no keeps this isn't affected by that (until 1.79) when this is changed.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Gamah said:
So now DnL will be the end of daoc, just like SWG was and just like WoW was, take your d00ming elsewhere.

F*** me that's twice today I've agreed with Gamah. I need a bath now :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
Gamah said:
So now DnL will be the end of daoc, just like SWG was and just like WoW was, take your d00ming elsewhere.

When i heard of WoW & SWG i knew myself these would not kill off daoc, why? Because I knew that the PvP in them was going to be little or very poor as they were both based on PvE & Most people that play DAoC only play it for PvP.

No idea if the pvp in DnL will be better than daoc, time will tell, but its the 1st mmorpg since daoc that does look promising pvp side :)

Since daoc the biggest (most popular) mmorpg's have been:

SWG (based on PvE)
WoW (based on PvE)
EQ2 (based on PvE but soon there will be PvP, but Pokemon style! :( )
CoH (never played it but i know a few peeps that left daoc for to play it soon returned to daoc)
Guild Wars (basic/carebear style PvP) ..cant complain though cuz of no subs!

None of them have good PvP & some of them have no pvp & PvE after a while becomes boring, no matter how good the game is the novelty soon wears off if you've already played a game with good pvp, thats why i returned from EQ2... DnL on the other hand is based on PvP & so far ive not heard 1 negative comment about it from beta testers which i cant say the same for the other mmorpgs before they were released.. Most people that left daoc to play other mmorpgs such as the ones listed above & returned have returned because they got bored due to lack of PvP

DnL is a next gen mmorpg, daoc (atm) doesnt really have much competition as most other popular mmorpg's are based on PvE & those that do have some PvP have poor PvP... DnL imo will give the mmorpg market a kick up the a$$.

I'd say 90% of the player base in daoc only play daoc for the PvP. For those peeps that say they only play it for PvE, theres MANY other mmorpg's out there with far better PvE: EQ2/AC/AC2/WoW to name a few.

If daoc had nice gfx/good animation/nice PvE then i wouldnt be looking/waiting for another mmorpg, but the only thing daoc has going for it is the PvP..everything else is simply...crap.

DAoC is just expansion after expansion, 5 Years on & the gfx are still way behind most other popular mmorpg's, (still the same gfx in some places from when daoc was 1st released) & the animation on chars is laughable compared to other mmorpg's, Spell effects are mostly the same as they were 5 years ago.

EQ2 was the 1st mmorpg i tried properly after daoc, The animation/gfx & PvE are excellent (if your a pve fan ofc!) then i returned to daoc (due to lack of pvp) & it made me realise how far behind daoc is in terms of mmorpg's... All its gunna take is for one mmorpg to do a game with good PvP/PvE & nice gfx/animation, up until now theres not been one because the ones released have been based on PvE.. DnL on the other hand offers good gfx/animation/gameplay & good PvE but the main point is it's based on PvP (kingdom vs kingdom) which will be the 1st mmorpg (since DAoC) that offers this type of PvP system, so the PvP side will probably be very similar to DAoC in terms of gameplay :)

Like i said... Roll on DnL \o/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003

In an ideal world all bugs would be fixed straight away. But this isn't so. Microsoft, linux, oracle, peoplesoft, sap etc all have bugs, some are important and get emergency patches and some get left. As you will know these are companies who budgets/revenue far exceed the mythic budget.

You see the world from your view point and thats not necessarily the whole picture.

Regarding the whole gfx thing. I personally would love the game to be lovely all the time. But the more complex the images depicted on the screen, then the more rendering required. Which can lead to slower frame rates. We have I am sure all experienced FPS lag.

So when DnL has had alot of nice big battles (in Beta) with lots of stuff happening and the frame rate doesn't drop through the floor, then it will be worth a look. If you have a link, post it I would like to have a look.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
boppas said:
Theres more exploits in DAoC than there is in any other mmorpg ive ever played. Other mmorpgs i have played which have had bugs that can give players an advantage are fixed within a few days of being reported instead of banning players.

Just qurious mate...which games might that be ? :)
Tried most of them around and actually never noticed any game that fixes their bugs/exploits with any hast what so ever. (unless its a reported money scam bug...those seem to get hotfixed directly!:)



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
boppas said:
DAoC is just expansion after expansion, 5 Years on & the gfx are still way behind most other popular mmorpg's, (still the same gfx in some places from when daoc was 1st released) & the animation on chars is laughable compared to other mmorpg's, Spell effects are mostly the same as they were 5 years ago.

Oddly people bitch about thier framerate when they're on ML raids or relic raids then whine about the graphics and animations. Sorry but you can't have it both ways. Mythic are perfectly capable of animating things better and improving the graphics but the game would become unplayable. Plenty of people play on the old TOA client because they find it less laggy, that's due to thier computer and Mythics improved graphics.

Good post btw.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
charmangle said:
Just qurious mate...which games might that be ? :)

EQ2: was updated every day of the week except weekends at 6am GMT to fix bugs & make changes that needed to be done. Server was down for anything from 10 mins to 1 hour depending on what was being done. The only bug in EQ2 for the 4-5months i played it that i found was on the merchant & this was fixed.

AC: again any bugs or things that needed to be fixed they were done regulary, not wait until next patch day which in daoc sometimes is months away, how many times have we had to put up with classes being OP'd, (its not a whine about op'd classes btw!) but almost every patch a class becomes op'd for rvr for whatever reason, & because daoc is based on PvP I think its pathetic we have to wait until next patch day until balance is sorted.

Just 2 examples of how poor the fixes/updates are in DAoC :)

As for better gfx i mentioned, To play the latest games you need the latest hardware. You would prob spend £300+ on a next gen console & its around the same price for a good gfx card

Theres no reason why with todays hardware DAoC cant have upto date gfx & players dont lose frame rate, the only problems would be lag & thats server side/connection & we get that already, alot. In EQ2 i never lagged or LD for that matter & i joined in on many large scale raids. Only problems i had was load times when zoning to a different parts of the game but this was down to my own hardware. Some others i was with had good hardware & had no probs.

Why dont they at least give people the choice of having better animated chars & nicer gfx? If people wanted to use them they just enable/disable the features etc, or download a gfx pack.

Im not saying DnL will be the answer to all my mmorgpg Prayer's, but looking at the info/dev FAQ's & reading comments left by Beta testers, it looks promising, Hopefully it will provide a good balance of PvE/PvP & nice gfx/animation to go with it :)

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