FINALLY getting me NTL cm - what can I expect

  • Thread starter old.ffswhogotmynick
  • Start date



1. ISDN Is shit, cable has far better pings (from personal experience)

2. Red Hot Ant is one of the worst ISP's in existance

3. Embattle is a 14 year old boy who has a hangup because his mommy wont buy him a CM!

4. NTL's isp is much better, i can download at 6.2k on a 56k dialup modem :D

i THINK that has concluded it fellow cm'ers


rubbing it in nicely :D

opps nearlly forgot, 64k CM for 4.99 a month guys from ntl, one to checkout if your after pings <40 and dont mind the narrow band


Actually thats wrong. You only get that price if your in the Beta. Nationally NTL Cable is £5 CM rental and then £10 for a 64k line <basically aimed at gamers who want low pings> or £20 for a 512k line <aimed at people who want fast downloads AND low pings>.
If you have your own cable modem you can forget the rental charges. 10 a months or ever 20 a month is cheaper that BT ISDN to Embattle, go away :)


Weeeeeeeee :D

NTL cable used to be £40 per month now £20 la la la
isdn ping = rarely lower than 60
Cable ping = rarely over 60 :D
dls isdn = 8k ave
cable =50k ave
hmmmms which is better ;)


/me falls over laughing.
its like the boards :)


a little late..but

Well well. Heres my little story on ISDN and CM. I use to have ISDN,infact I had it for over a year. And boy was it good back then, and bloody expensive it use too, it did cost me over £250 a month using a good isp. Now ive moved and am now on CM and it costs me...erm...well with everything £30 a month, wow if I was allowed I could get loads of them :p. So infact this is proof that ISDN is NOT cheaper than CM. Let me say that again THIS IS PROOF THAT ISDN IS NOT CHEAPER THAN CM.


Hey im new here, I was just browsing threw the site and read Embattles(or whatever is name is)messages, and had to register just to tell him how stupid he really is.

Ok first off, im on Tellywest CM now, but before that I was on duel ISDN on RHA(redhotant) pings were crap, about 70 in the dead hours.. 150+ in peak. Now im on the CM and pings are always lower then 60... normally 15-30, so I think that's a slight bit better then ISDN? Next... with my ISDN I had to pay for the isdn, the phone line and the ISP, which came to a lot more then £33month. Also you defend your point saying something along the lines of "im not counting line rental because that's a different thing" then you attack saying "you need to pay for mobile charges to make call". You cannot do that; it just shows how stupid you are and how shallow your argument is.

But if you want to really prove this, why not do some work yourself instead of backing up your arguments with links..

I pay £9 a month for my phone line, (I only need 1) then £33

So that adds up to £43 a month including my phone line which actually is not even relevant to my cable modem.

Now why don't you list the amounts you pay?
Phone line
ISP charges
Maybe Telco charges (if you’re not using a shit toll free service.

I think that would add up to slightly £43,

Lets also consider the quality of our services, my service is quite reliable (only had a few problems in months) I get D/L speeds that double your duel speeds, and I ping nicely.

Now yours, you’re on a free service so you get a shitty connection, you have a cut off period and you cant download half as fast as I do....

I think that sums it up. (PHs if you stopped reading half way thru this post I don't blame you, I almost fell asleep writing it, but I couldn't just sit here and read the crap he's saying without saying something)

p.p.s sorry I ive made many typos‘, it’s late and im tired :)


Some facts from my experience.

I have Home Highway.

It costs me:

£39 Home Highway subscription per month
£10 BT Surftime subscription per month
£49 Total

I also get £13 worth of free calls, which I generally use around £10 of.

We have two PCs at home. We use a channel each. When we're playing, we generally get pings around 50-60 in CS, and 50-60 in Q3F. This is a very big improvement over our previous modem connections.

We now have NTL Digital (used to be Cable and Wireless). They still aren't offering Cable Modems in my village.

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