FINALLY getting me NTL cm - what can I expect

  • Thread starter old.ffswhogotmynick
  • Start date


Well its finally happened, the modems sitting on me desk and the engineers here monday but what is the service like atm ?

Bearing in mind I'm coming from ISDN / RHA am I likely to be pleased or pissed ?

I've heard a lot of complaints recently about NTL CM but people only ever say anything when theres problems - I'd like to hear from any of you that are using the service and how its been.

Cheers, Lee

old.brock landers

i'm on telewest and am pretty chuffed.......
GL with it


it's pretty cool it went down last week for half an hour
i'm getting pings of 30-50 avrage


oh and have you had your letter telling you abuot
the pm charges dropped from 40 to 25

and abuot time to :):)


Yaayyy! KamI!!!! :D

Hunneh! Find meh next time yer on IRC - I got news :)

(Cable? Rich git hehe ;))


Hiya hun,

I'm always on -track you down shortly ....


some gits taken me nick :-[


How long before Embattle posts here saying how shit cable is and why don't we all use ISDN like him? He actully believes that ISDN is cheaper than cable!!

I'm on BlueYonder and it rocks, good gameplay, great downloads, low bills.


NTL CM's are without doubt cheaper in use than ISDN - its a non-arguement.

I was offered a new pricing scheme by NTL ( pilot in Cambridge area only atm afaik ) whereby you can have the service ( 512k ) INCLUDING rental of the cable modem for £39.99 a month.

If you choose to buy your own cable modem ( £150 ish ) you can sign up for connection only for £24.99 per month ! which is exactly the same amount I am currently paying NTL for ISDN.

We just phoned up the cable modem suppliers, told them the plan we were on and the cable modem arrived gratis the next day.

There's no charge for Mondays installation either !

What you save is whatever you would have paid on call charges which in my own case is a substantial amount.

Cheers, Lee


Well its now installed and ....

It's fecking brilliant !

25-35 ping, don't feel like theres any pl and downloaded rocketarena at 70k/sec

Highly recommended.

Oh - NTL did manage to totally botch the install - was plugged in for 3 days doing nothing despite me spending ( literally ) 8 hours over the 3 days on the phone / holding before they finally got it running.

NTL are useless - the cable modem is the dogs danglies.



Congrats M8.

Wish I was in NTL CM area but having to rely on ADSL from BTOW.

Coming tomorrow to install. Wish me luck.


Good Luck !

If its any consolation I was playing a fella on a server the other day who had a constant 15-20 ping.

Turns out he's one of the demon adsl trialists so it shows that it CAN be done.

Now if BT weren't so bloody useless ...... ;-]

Let us know how you get on.



I should be getting my Blue yonder very soon. hope it's as good as most people say. I think with most cable modems, the main criteria for a good performance is where you are located. Some places are crap and some brill(Depending on th eamount of users in that area etc) . Hope I am in the brill part and not the pants part of cable world.



Originally posted by MeddlE
How long before Embattle posts here saying how shit cable is and why don't we all use ISDN like him? He actully believes that ISDN is cheaper than cable!!

I'm on BlueYonder and it rocks, good gameplay, great downloads, low bills.

If you do the maths on it then ISDN is cheaper considering the amount you already pay for the standard phone line, not that I'd expect you to know since you find it hard to count past 10 as you were only given two hands, try using your toes as well then you might manage 20.

I never said cable was shit, all I said was that its no better at gaming than ISDN and I knew people who had trouble with it, I always said it was faster at dling and its one of the main advantages with it even if you end up dling crap, of course you being a
its expected that you make mistakes.

[Edited by Embattle on 30-10-00 at 14:44]


Originally posted by Embattle
If you do the maths on it then ISDN is cheaper considering the amount you already pay for the standard phone line

Peon, you cannot use that as a factor, for cable modems require no phone line. I purely have a telewest cable modem, no phone line, therefor no phone line rental.


And you sure took your time getting here, you slowing down in your old age? ;)



He said you'd be on.

Whatever way you work it you are wrong.

Cable modem connection is now the same price per month as ISDN rental - £24.99 per month through NTL.

On top of this you pay £9.25 a month for your normal phone line(s) - thats for 2 pots lines.

AFAIK BT ISDN is even more than NTL's so you are probably paying more for ISDN than for a cable modem.

PLUS CALL CHARGES - cable modem has no call charges ( are you aware of this ? ) whereas unless you stick with redhotant or something similarly crap you will be paying call charges / isp charges on top of you ISDN rental bill.

Total for an average web users ISDN bill + call charges is way more than £25 a month that you'd pay for a cable modem.

Before you start flaming people for not being able to add up just for once shut your mouth and open your ears and eyes.

You may just learn something .......


Hmm another twat who can't count, so neither of you two have home phone lines then, oh yeah I forgot you two have no friends and lead sad lives so you don't need a phone. on the green letters, it'll take to something called a web page) - Perhaps you should read this mr ffsimatwat before you start calling me an idiot, peon.

shut your mouth and open your ears and eyes

Last time I checked I couldn't hear you talk and my ears are always open you muppet.

you may just learn something

Unlike you who would find it hard to get out of your room without a map :rolleyes:

I don't pay call charges either muppet.


Originally posted by MeddlE
And you sure took your time getting here, you slowing down in your old age? ;)

No I just have a lot better things to do than beat you in arguements :p

Oh and I've never doubted the future of either cable/adsl but atm neither of them are particularly great, with NTL and other cable companies wanting to cram more people on its only a matter of time before more cable users start feeling the pinch. ADSL hasn't had the greatest start with BTOpenwoe having loads of trouble with access etc.

[Edited by Embattle on 30-10-00 at 16:43]


Embattle you're an idiot.

I pay the bills - I know how much it costs and you are wrong.

How does £25 a month for CM and £9.25 a month for 2 phone lines add up to more than you're paying ?

You're paying nearly that amount without even using the service - with just an hours call time to an 0845 number a day you're paying a tenner a month more.

If you use 0800/0808 dialups I know how shit your service is compared to mine because thats where I was before - it may be a few quid cheaper but its completely inferior and getting worse every day.

BTW I'm 30 years old, married with kids, own my house and run my own business - don't think I have an awful lot more growing up to do.

From your posts I'd guess you're 14-16 spotty and lonely ?



Originally posted by Embattle
Hmm another twat who can't count, so neither of you two have home phone lines then, oh yeah I forgot you two have no friends and lead sad lives so you don't need a phone.

No Emb, I don't have a home phone as I don't need one. I have a mobile, and the costs of running that have nothing to do with my cable modem costs, unlike your line rental.

Originally posted by Embattle
No I just have a lot better things to do than beat you in arguements

First, you can't actually win just by saying you've won.
Second, I seriously doubt that you, the single person with the most posts in the shortest time, have anything better to do. :p


Did you read that article, nope doubt you did since you're a peon.

Hmm calling me an idiot again, how ironic.

Who said any thing about using the service? The base figures prove that ISDN is cheaper like it does in that article but being lower lifeform you're, you've assumed much like Meddle did when we were arguing that I was talking about TCO. Even when you go by TCO you can still get it cheaper than CM(£33) + Phone line. You may not have the best service with a 0800 ISP but neither is cable, least when you can't connect to one ISP you can go to another unlike cable.

I also never related it to my personal situation with ISDN, just the fact you can get it for cheaper, you've assumed too much again. Only later did I stick in a small point about my own situation, oh and btw my 0800 number is damn good with no pl and good pings :rolleyes:

BTW I'm 30 years old

Didn't realise that shit lasted so long :p

married with kids, own my house and run my own business - don't think I have an awful lot more growing up to do

This proves nothing, typical stupid persons arguement.

I'll let you keep thinking that I'm 14-16 that way you can think that you're superior.


Originally posted by MeddlE
Originally posted by Embattle
Hmm another twat who can't count, so neither of you two have home phone lines then, oh yeah I forgot you two have no friends and lead sad lives so you don't need a phone.

No Emb, I don't have a home phone as I don't need one. I have a mobile, and the costs of running that have nothing to do with my cable modem costs, unlike your line rental.

Originally posted by Embattle
No I just have a lot better things to do than beat you in arguements

First, you can't actually win just by saying you've won.
Second, I seriously doubt that you, the single person with the most posts in the shortest time, have anything better to do. :p

Hmm but you still use your mobile as an alternative to a land line, the bill is most probably a lot and you just don't want to compare because overall you'd lose. £30 Mobile line rental + £33 CM = £63 :D

Yes I can :p

Most posts in the shortest time, perhaps you would like to check that again. Nice to see you're trying to attack my post count again shame it fails badly.

BTW I will be getting either CM/ADSL but not until nest year when I can see how both are performing under load. Most probably go for CM since certain ISPs have limits on their ADSL services.

[Edited by Embattle on 30-10-00 at 17:43]


Hmm ok I've decided not to argue any more and just add another post since it will give something for Meddle to slag me off with ;)

ISDN = Cheap(Depending On Use/Other Factors) and overall good but there are better options out there if you can get them in your area.

CM = Faster and Better overall if you can get it but not to reliable in places and still to be load tested. <- My pick

ADSL = As good as cable in speed but been hit by a number of problems and also some limits by ISPs which defeats the purpose of it, also the most expensive. Not to mention the stupid charges you have to pay for when getting it converted to ADSL if you're on ISDN :Mad:

If I didn't have ISDN installed right now I would most probably get CM but I do and I want to wait until next year once I've seen more people on it since service reliability is more important to me than speed.

[Edited by Embattle on 30-10-00 at 17:56]


It's taken me this long to reply just because I had to pick myself up off the floor after reading Emb's latest diatribe. If I didn't know better I'd think you were taking the piss. ;)

So, let me see if I've got this straight, my MOBILE PHONE BILL is part of my INTERNET costs? I could understand your angle if I used WAP services, but I don't. Whereas your line rental that you pay for the ISDN definitely is part of your internet costs.

Also, you are comparing an 0800 ISDN connection to a cable modem connection? Are you joking? A cable connection is better than an ISDN connection that you pay for let alone one that you leech off. You wont get anywhere near the level of d/l speed with a 128k connection compared to cable on a bad day.

I look forward to you getting cable Emb, if only to see the complete turnaround in your attitude.


I've never claimed that ISDN was better speed wise than cable, but it can be cheaper.

No but you still use it to make voice calls, I use my phone line.

Downloading stuff when I have to will be nice, gaming wise I'll doubt I'll notice much difference apart from a slightly lower ping.

The only thing that really pisses me off about ISDN is the cut offs that ISPs force on you :mad:

[Edited by Embattle on 30-10-00 at 18:40]


Emb: that article you linked to is so sucky i can't believe it... and it's full of contradictions too... like this...

-Line Rental included:
Broadband devices such as ADSL don't actually include the line rental, which means a £40 per month ADSL connection actually costs nearer £70! With ISDN you can pay as low as £27 (BT) and that includes line rental, so excluding unmetered calls it's actually more than twice as cheap. Even if you added an extra £20 per month unmetered ISP you'd still be paying less, this is a mistake most people make.

... followed quickly by this...

You'll pay at least £25 per month for ISDN itself, but if you want unmetered then you might have to settle for 64Kbps. Considering cable operators can go as low as £20 per month, why won't BT be competitive and do the same or similar? At least then it'd be a viable alternative to ADSL.

Eh? "It's cheaper than broadband but it's more expensive than broadband" is what they're saying... erk...

People know what they're paying for their services. If they say something is costing them less than something else, odds are they know that it's costing them less cos they've looked at the costs and know what they're paying... to claim their assertions as incorrect "because you know better" and try backing it up with a flawed article is just idiotic. :p


Originally posted by QorbeQ
People know what they're paying for their services. If they say something is costing them less than something else, odds are they know that it's costing them less cos they've looked at the costs and know what they're paying... to claim their assertions as incorrect "because you know better" and try backing it up with a flawed article is just idiotic. :p

So we could also turn your so called logic on its head by me saying I know that I pay less :rolleyes:

ISDN can be cheaper but it can be more expenisve ;)

[Edited by Embattle on 31-10-00 at 00:39]


The sky can be blue, but then it also can be grey. Water can be cold or it can be hot, a lightbulb can be on or it can be off, repeat ad infinitum.


Originally posted by Embattle
Originally posted by QorbeQ
People know what they're paying for their services. If they say something is costing them less than something else, odds are they know that it's costing them less cos they've looked at the costs and know what they're paying... to claim their assertions as incorrect "because you know better" and try backing it up with a flawed article is just idiotic. :p

So we could also turn your so called logic on its head by me saying I know that I pay less :rolleyes:

Absolutely right - you could do that. However, I've not suggested anywhere that you do or do not pay less than any other service that you have available. I don't know what you pay or use.

What I have suggested is that you should stop jumping into threads declaring certain things to be fact and then changing your mind later on with lines like "it can be cheaper and it can be more expensive".

Stoppit you spam-meister!!


Absolutely right - you could do that. However, I've not suggested anywhere that you do or do not pay less than any other service that you have available. I don't know what you pay or use.

And I didn't say any thing about your connection so whats it got to do with you at all? You comment on something I said about him and then I reply and you seem to think my reply was about you.

I've always claimed that you can get it cheaper, but I've also stated that if you use pay ISPs then it'll cost you more....muppet-master

Its a statement of fact, you can get it cheaper :rolleyes:

[Edited by Embattle on 31-10-00 at 21:33]

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