[Film] I-Robot; let down?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 2, 2004
Watched this for the first time last night and was really looking forward to it.

The humour was dreadful, so cheesey it was cringeworthy. The robots gave enough eye candy for kids, why spoil the whole film with the 10-year old jokes and will smith 'cool' attitude.

The cgi was refreshing and believeable but I felt everything looked a bit shiney (cars and robots).

This story was ruined by Hollywood and tailored for families; Im pretty sure this was not in keeping with the mood of the book, although not read it yet.

It all got out of hand at this point

When he was driving down the tunnel and the two corporation trucks pulled alongside releasing hundreds of robots which failed to kill him??

Why were no other people cars around, why was there no cctv, what were the clean up robots were they from the coporation too as they came out of the walls? Too many questions / freak occurances.

Leading to the finale which was predictable and unrealistic

There were so many plot holes and things that shouldn't/couldn't have happened but I'd have watch the film again to write them all down.

The 'adult' bits about the psycology of robots and forgotten the term about 'dreams' were shamelessly stolen from the likes of the Matrix and Ghost in the shell but were given in the most simplest terms with no backing them up.

This had the potential for so much more than a watch once family collection dvd. :(

I think Id enjoy the film on mute or with subtitles in another language as visually and conceptually it was a treat, audibly however it offended my ears.

Is it worth reading the book as I love the themes and imagination behind the situation and civilisation of I-Robot. Being a fan of fairly related sci-fi subjects and stories from William Gibson.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
heh you mention i robot the ads below is about i-robot, i sense the big robot in the sky is up to no good, side note the film was crap.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
I quite enjoyed I Robot to be honest. Take it with a pinch of salt type movie.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Well, it was good when I saw it in the cinema, I can watch it once in a while so it wasn't that bad... Rather that than A.I. honestly.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well, where to start.

This was the first(well first good) movie based on asimovs law, where the matrix and ghost in the shell take their influences aswell.

About plot holes, take any movie(lotr, matrix, pirates) and analyse it with such a big stick up your bum and you're bound to find "problems" with the plot.

Why didn't frodo and gandalf just fly to mordor? Why didn't neo just say "F*ck off" to the party invite? Why didn't police show up at the goverment office neo and trinity attacked? Why didn't John McClane just sit tight and wait for the policeforces(like his training would've told) while terrorists did bad stuff? "Why why why?" ruins the movie and is the scapegoat of anal retards who can't just enjoy a movie for what it is, a movie.

What's the best part about your "review"? This;

"Im pretty sure this was not in keeping with the mood of the book, although not read it yet."

That's like saying "Well i'm pretty sure priests don't have a f*cking clue what their talking about, although i haven't read the bible."

Read it, then come back and say "It wasn't." Don't assume.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I've read most of Asimov's novels, including his various robot stories. They don't date very well, but they do retain interesting ideas and philosophies.

I, Robot was always going to be a difficult one as they try to merge several stories into one and then put a kind of shine on it that will sell it to the Hollywood lowbrows and get it out into cinemas. If they were looking for an interesting take, it might have been better to focus on the actual compay itself as seen from the books - the little lost robot scenario would have been great if integrated as originally done in the book it came rather than being reduced to merely a police line-up style situation.

Despite this, overall I quite liked it. Its core ideas are faithful enough to the source material and Will Smith is actually not so bad - an everyman representation faced by a fear of technology taking over his life.

As computer technology races onwards, its understandable that various media focus on Asimov's laws of robotics and the associated stories, but he wrote many more interesting stories than the robot ones. I myself much preferred the original Foundation trilogy. I think I read the lot when I was 14 in about a single weekend.

I agree it beats the likes of A.I. hands down - an appalling film (other than Jude Law, who is pretty good).

Aaanyway. Straying from point. I've got I, Robot and I find it a good popcorn muncher once in a while :)

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