FH ads?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Outlander said:
exactly members dont see the adverts, and also the more members there are, then the less chance they will need ads in the 1st place :p

Done my little bit. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
MesS° said:
2 things...

1. FH has nothing todo with the adverts, except hosting them, its not like Debs whent and found them. Its all done automaticly, and im sure we wont see them much longer.
2. Members dont see the adverts.

1). Yes it does, they dont get here by magic you know. Perhaps FH didnt know what they where getting when they asked for google ads or whatever, but it doesnt stop the fact that they are inderctly supporting these sights.

2). But non members do. I dont care if I see the adverts or not, im perfectly capable of ingnoring them, but I wont support a sight that is now effectivly sponsored by cheatsoftinc.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
evzy said:
So been a member since 2004 but because they put a advert on in 2006 you now won't pay for subs - don't get me wrong I havent paid so I can't take the moral high ground on that but all the people whining who aint paying anyway and still want it all for free without adverts etc.....makes me laugh tbh and I feel sorry for the people behind FH getting grief for simply trying to raise some revenue to keep providing webspace for everyone to come and whine at them on...

Shame on you all !!! :touch:

Ive made a promise here to pay. Im not whinging for the sake of it, its something I feel very strongly about. I was considering subscribing, and I will pay the very day that this issue is resolved.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Boni said:
Ive made a promise here to pay. Im not whinging for the sake of it, its something I feel very strongly about. I was considering subscribing, and I will pay the very day that this issue is resolved.

As Mastade has already said in this thread, Deebs has said (on the Feedback thread which is where this kind of stuff gets posted) that he was unaware he could filter out ads.
He's now aware he can (thanks Penguin) and is doing so accordingly so people need to let him know the addys of said advert websites.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Cadiva said:
As Mastade has already said in this thread, Deebs has said (on the Feedback thread which is where this kind of stuff gets posted) that he was unaware he could filter out ads.
He's now aware he can (thanks Penguin) and is doing so accordingly so people need to let him know the addys of said advert websites.

Great, was looking for the forum where this was discussed in a more mature way :) Ill Send Deebs all I can and prepare my checkbook for the day I dont see the naughty adds.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
So people who have never paid suddenly want to pay once adverts that you can find on google anyway have been removed... tbh I really couldnt care whats on the adverts - I don't read them, if they offered me a russian mail order hamster wife I wouldnt be bothered due to the simple fact of me being... An adult.

Seriously does anyone hear think this is going to come as a shock to anyone who reads FH anyway that there are sites out there that offer these services - I dont think anyone is that innocent on here.

People saying once the adverts are removed they will subscribe kinda also miss the point - subscribe and you don't get the adverts anway so that kinda kicks that argument outta the park as well...


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
DAoC Plat Store $66/100P
All servers, including classic! Buy now, get gold in 30 min.
Buy or Sell DAOC Accounts
Buy, Trade, or Sell Dark Age of Camelot Accounts.
DAoC Accounts On Sale
Skip Boring Levels. Great Prices. Fast Delivery 24/7. Compare & Save!
DAOC Cheats Revealed
Huge DAOC cheats list, guides, working exploits. Massive community

Gotta love these adds ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
evzy said:
blaa blaa

Yet again you missed the point, even after its been explained. To me its not about being 'an adult able to ingore adverts' its about wanting or not wanting to fund the financial machine which keeps cheaters and those who profit from cheating going. As an RPG programmer myself its an issue close to my heart. Sorry if you dont understand that, issues like morals and ethics are not as quicky grasped as things like flaming, but they exist in most 'adults'.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Boni said:
Yet again you missed the point, even after its been explained. To me its not about being 'an adult able to ingore adverts' its about wanting or not wanting to fund the financial machine which keeps cheaters and those who profit from cheating going. As an RPG programmer myself its an issue close to my heart. Sorry if you dont understand that, issues like morals and ethics are not as quicky grasped as things like flaming, but they exist in most 'adults'.

I think you miss the point tbh - you honestly think people can't find this stuff on google in 2 seconds anyway??


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
evzy said:
I think you miss the point tbh - you honestly think people can't find this stuff on google in 2 seconds anyway??


The point is not that people can find this stuff anyway, but that its unethical to indectly pay for it. No, didnt understand again? Ok I giveup.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
That is not the point though is it - people are whining that this stuff reveals cheats,selling money etc - people are not whining that they are being charged for it. What I am saying is there is nothing in these adverts that 99.9% of people dont know about anway so whats the big deal tbh - get a gmail account and wait for your next subs renewal email - check out the links on the side of gmail and note the adverts there - dont see people whining about that though - but because its a forum which incidentally is provided free of charge and is third party - its the end of the world!!!

And if you dont like the adverts for whatever reason - if you subscribe to FH then they disapear for you so you can't moan then.

This is just this weeks whine topic tbh...

carry on.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Seriously, if adds are needed then keep them.

Why do people care so much that they are plat sellers / cheat ads? You think they are gonna convince somebody to buy them?

Tbh if somebody wants plat, they will go to ebay, if somebody wants cheats they will google it.

Put it this way also, Cheat ads and Plat ads will probably generate more clicks than any other ads, therefore more cash for FH if I understand how these things work.

Oh and PS:


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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I paid up £1.50 as I'm a poor student.

I shall subscribe on and off, but as I'm soon to be about £14k in debt, this isn't my top priority :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
I dont think much of these advert sites. I went to get loaded up with some pipe hitting daoc hacks but the link didnt work?

Please investigate.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Tbh most european plat farmers get closed down by goa as soon as we the gamers report them. It isnt profitable to have your accounts and in relationship your clients suddenly loose the plat they just bought from you.

As for advertisment in general it has to be implemented i asume freddyshouse is a very heavy bandwidth site with people posting the really funny "o rly" owls all over the place probbly dont help.

as for paying a subscription, i dont feel that freddyshouse is THE resource i need to consult for information regarding daoc yes its handy and as such ill leave the advertisment on the bottom of my screen.

If tommorow fh said that they had to shut down or start charging sub fees then ill probbly have to consider other places or even hosting my own forums. But until that day comes ill be hapily reporting plat farmers either from ebay or the internet or even advertisments.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
what adverts? ;)

As has been said in this thread about 3 times Deebs is looking to block the cheating ones, which is awfully nice of him :)


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
aah were sorted now - only WOW / EQ haxzors displayed now :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
if we logged on all our wow chars and sold all our golds and sent the proceed to FH to stop all the ads, would that work?

this forum is listed on their official site as a site for europe, dont matter that the daoc ads now stopped, all cheatsites should be banned from every forum approved by the guys running the games. Mythic should fund this site tbh. without FH we'd be off playing Minesweeper.

think the makers of games need to take more notice of the unofficial sites.. not just daoc, but wow, psobb, etc.. they crammed full of cheat sites. shut em down, stop the cheaters.

more peeps leave games coz of cheaters than anything else.

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