Ffs Ffs Ffs Ffs !!!!!!




why do ppl always seem to forget that, more and more ppl take this waay too serious, they try to force ppl to do what they dont want to do, and ppl keep flaming others for all sorts of stuff - YOU ARE RUINING THE FUN OF THE GAME.

i´d imagine that a lot of ppl want more realm wide events, but you aint getting that by flaming the organisors every damn time something goes just the least bit wrong.

you dont truly belive that falcor sat down and said - brethren, NAH they aint getting anything - do you pac, how about just giving falcor an msg in game asking him about why brethren had no chance to get the uber drops.

and now I say drops - it is just that - it is drops, items, things to wear, FFS!!!!!!!! it is a small thing ur character can use, why do ppl want to ruin this game cause of items - I dont get it


Lol.... ruin a game just cause we are having an argument?
Bit far streched if you ask me.
And yes it is only a drop, and I can understand the organiser gets the first pick, and I can understand some things can go wrong...
But does not mean I have to accept all that, and just leave it at that.
And yes, I have a believe that organising such a trip sucks big time... so? It will be a bitch each time.. no matter who organises it, as there are about 600 smartasses in this game :)

But there is still sound causes for complaints. You will never get enough drops from the Dragon or from Legion, so you kind of have to make some effort to get them. If a guild is present there, and so present no-one can miss them. I mean, ffs, Egon even gave the drop to the organisers.... like, sure, umm, oops, we ehh, forgot, and now, umm, yeah, all the good weapons are gone.. umm, yeah, how odd, umm, strange, yeah, gosh, would never have thought that..
Regards, Glottis


missing the point that u have 3 drops and 50 seals.....funny how every brethren forgets this =/


Hehe, we did, after we bitched..
Not forgetting anything..... just discussing about something that was posted last night before the left overs were handed out.
Regards, Glottis


2)brethren never confirmed they were coming so were NOT on my list of atending guilds.

I went asking and according to the person responisble for organising the raid for our guild (Taglim) he told you prior to the raid The Brethren were attending the raid with two full groups.
Moreover he says you acknowledged this in PM.

Taglim was unaware that you said the opposite so I don't see why he would make this up, however I can see how in the frenzy of organising a raid this can get lost ...

But enough bitching now, let's more think about how such a mess can be avoided in the future :cool:


If the only reason why you attend a large realm hunt is to get drops then don't go. Suppose to be a fun event, so get a life everyone thats moaning bout not getting a drop.

PS I thought I handed out all the dragon drops a long time ago, I will tell my friend who plays mallus now to give ya whatever it is you got from the raid if I haven't already done so. Soz bout that but didn't realise I still had it :).


Originally posted by old.MallusTheGimp
If the only reason why you attend a large realm hunt is to get drops then don't go. Suppose to be a fun event, so get a life everyone thats moaning bout not getting a drop.

PS I thought I handed out all the dragon drops a long time ago, I will tell my friend who plays mallus now to give ya whatever it is you got from the raid if I haven't already done so. Soz bout that but didn't realise I still had it :).

I think that's already being sorted Mallus. Read smmt about it on guild forums.

Anyhow, I don't think the prime reason for The Brethren going is/was drops. I think the problem arose when we (they, I wasn't actually there) felt that a contribution had been made and no aknowledgement was made (ie. by receiveing drops/cahnce at the uber drop things). I'm not saying we want a post on the board saying 'Wow, great, the brethren turned up, j00 r0x0rz meh b0x0rs' but I can understand the infuriation in being forgotten after making such an effort.

Anyhow, I hope that makes sense and blah bleh blah my opinions bleh blah bleh.


Originally posted by falcor
missing the point that u have 3 drops and 50 seals.....funny how every brethren forgets this =/

Oh and in true Pfy diplomacy. Fuck off cunty bollocks, I don't think that was the 'main' point.

Oh and not every Brethren forgets this, generalisations are bad, mmkay!


Ok all .. rush to login, and reroll to mid. kkthxbye


dunt remember what guild glottis is ( xanadu ? ) but please make sure you dont let him join epicraids anymore. serious request.

its v cool that egon gave the drops to falcor instantly and in the end this way every guild (!) gets like 3 drops. and lol @ those that argue coz they didnt get any of the "top" drops .. lets raid legion 10 times and if you aint got any then you can cry again. lotto = not everyone can get. and yer maybe he forgot a guild or two or three in the beginning. now that he said sorry and he fixed it you get the same appreciation as all other guids do.

and remember

never ever invite glottis to any epic/legion/dragonraid until he changed his attitude


And thus the knife continues to be twisted deeper into my chest until im that sick of it i leave albion, or daoc....


legion raid

Guys its just a game, look around you, you arn't lvling or defending your realm in emain. Its not to be taken seriously. I woulda loved to come along to this and be able to tell people that i helped take down legion, i could even tell my grandkids :p. However i wasn't told about it at all.


We're on a well known forum here right?
And look it has times and dates on it too, that could be handy!

Just use this forum to organise a raid, who cares Hibs/Mids see it, we'll zerg em anyways :)

So this would be a good example how to organize a raid:

1: Post it here and let guilds reply that will take part in it (no post here about your guild? -> no drops and thx for the help). Give guilds atleast 2 days to reply if they'll come to the raid.

2: Check ingame if those guilds are here (/who Brethren gives you a nice list probably)

3: Collect the drops, which is a pain in the ...

4: Distribute the drops, tricky part but a honest person should be able to figure this out.

Follow these rules and you should be able to make it a fun event, sure this takes some planning but the other option would be to make a free for all event where we don't split the drops at all.

Hope this helps a bit.

And to all the ppl bitching at a person that was just pissed because he had to give away uber drops for the 2nd time: :puke:


Easiest way to avoid being bitched at after giving the items away, log for 40-40 mins :D by that time people will have given up not having anyone to complain to.


Fascinating stuff - but tbh who cares?

Said it before, I'll say it again....

- The vast majority of people on a dragon and/or legion raid will not get a drop.

- This isn't EQ - the drops don't really matter a damn.

- This isn't EQ - you don't have to 'book' legion weeks/months in advance. If you have a fantastic scheme for drop distribution then go do it.

Frankly I wouldn't mind if the rule we had was that the raid organiser just gets to keep all the drops, to make up for all the shit they have to put up with on the day of the raid. :p


carry on, carry on

lol these arguements and bitching are one of the few amusing things left in this game :p


Originally posted by Jiggs
carry on, carry on

lol these arguements and bitching are one of the few amusing things left in this game :p
/em pulls out big wooden spoon...........

start stirring


Well guys sad to see some of this greed has plauged your "realm" now too. Hope it workes out for you guys!


Now this is a sad sight.
This is just like the example I wrote up what so easily happens.

A guild comes under the opinion of drops afterwards being sorted fairly, after being expressedly told so by the raid leader. Once all is said and done, mob is dead, drops are given, they don't feel it was fair. The only thing they can do is come here and post their bitterness at this, they get met by the rest of the community calling them greedy whiners and a raid leader that now is too tired of it all, excuses himself of all responsibility and bails out. They get screwed.

This bothers me quite a bit. Most of you know I took this discussion recently. It was promised the drops would be distributed fairly, Falcor said we should trust his integrity that it would be so. Due to his mistake it wasn't so, the ones who got screwed are now being called whiners for just wanting it to be fair, and the one who took responsibility for it claims he's too tired and now rejects that responsibility.

I don't approve.
-The people not associated with an affair shouldn't involve in it not knowing all pieces. If you feel a urge to post atleast try to get some insight into what has happend. Would it been your guild, I assure you maybe not you yourself but someone from it would be here complaining.

-The person who once claimed responsibility, who can't deny a mistake was made, who admits it was his mistake, should take proper responsibility in making sure it gets worked out fairly. Sometimes all you can do is make a sincere apology, sometimes you can do more. As he reserved one of the best drops for his own great job, I see an easy solution how he can take action in making it right.

-The person who wants to arrange future raids should make rules for this most hotly contented issue of all, prior. It won't be a miracle solution to making everyone happy but it will make it easier to point out and say. You agreed to these rules, we followed these rules, you have no reason to complain.

-The people who attend a raid should make sure that they know what they are going into and make sure that once all is said and done they won't come out feeling unrewarded (short of the raid failing). Apparently I was one of the very few who took this precaution last time, and I'm glad I did.

FYI: I'm not associated with Bretheren or any drops. I shouldn't be posting here. I just feel very connected to this issue due to the debate had this Friday.


deal with it

ok you don't get an item but someone else does and is made very happy. This brings up a story.

On a beach in long island in us, millions of starfish were washed up and there was one boy picking them up and throwing them back into the ocean. An old man came to him and said, "you know you can't save them all so why don't you give up?". The boy looked back at him and said, "yes i can't save them all but i changed his life" he throws one back in "and his" and another one back in.

Apply this to our realm. The people who get the drops are very happy and lucky. If u don't get a drop, organise a raid, then you will get the flames for people not getting the drops they want, then you will see how pissed off it makes you.


Re: deal with it

Originally posted by Brynn
ok you don't get an item but someone else does and is made very happy. This brings up a story.

On a beach in long island in us, millions of starfish were washed up and there was one boy picking them up and throwing them back into the ocean. An old man came to him and said, "you know you can't save them all so why don't you give up?". The boy looked back at him and said, "yes i can't save them all but i changed his life" he throws one back in "and his" and another one back in.

Apply this to our realm. The people who get the drops are very happy and lucky. If u don't get a drop, organise a raid, then you will get the flames for people not getting the drops they want, then you will see how pissed off it makes you.

That makes about as much sense as me rolling a Highlander Thrust Scout ... *ahem*

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