FFA TG RAID Oct 18th (Saturday) 1700 GMT/1800 CET


Tesla Monkor

CG will open at 16:30 GMT / 1730 CET
Raid will depart and CG will close at 1700 GMT / 1800 CET

Level 45 minimum to attend, level 50 char to get loot.

The King and Queen / Flying chickens will only be attempted if there are 50+ people.

You can find the current mod list here:

- You must be level 50 in order to enter the lotto.
- Any alt you are rolling for must be level 50.
- Failure to follow these two rules means you have 24 hours to return any items you received to the raid organiser (in this case... me)
- Before the raid starts you will be asked whether you will roll for the class you are playing or for one of your level 50 alts. This choice cannot be changed after we enter TG.
- You may only receive *one* item per raid - this includes respec rocks.
- If you chose a class which had no drops during the raid, then tough, I'll add your nice +10 mod for the next raid.
- Winning loot means all your modifiers are wiped back to null/zero/zilch/void.
- YOU MAY NOT SELL ANY FFA RAID DROPS. IF YOU CAN'T USE THEM THEN DON'T LOTTO FOR THEM. These raids are not a way to generate cash. Make your own raids if you want to get stuff to sell.

Modifiers are awarded as follows:
- Attending a raid until we all die horribly or clean out the glacier +10
- Attending a raid but leaving before we die horribly or clean out the glacier +5
- Winning stuff in the lotto reduces your modifier to <zero>. This includes respec rocks.

For those of you who have been attending my raid, yes the lottery does tend to change venue quite a bit. It will announced where it will be held as the raid ends. You can only roll for things you can actually use or for the class you are rolling for. I usually do it inside TG at entrance, if you ld just before lotto it's your responsibility to get your ass there. No amount of whine/threats/cake's will ever change that.

Im a grumpy son of a bitch, if I say that something should not be discussed at this point, it should not be discussed at that point, being a smartass, asking stuff I have already explained and just general bugging me all the time will most likely get you banned. This is during raid _and_ lotto.

Blah, blah. The usual.


Re: FFA TG RAID Oct 16th (Saturday) 1700 GMT/1800 CET

Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
Im a grumpy son of a bitch

But you're not grumpy at all, not to mention "son" :)
I don't know your mother though so dunno about that :)

Tesla Monkor

Heh. You're right. I wasn't paying attention. o_O

18th! 18th! 18th!

Bad Tessie. :/


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
I can be grumpy. At times. ;)

Well, I'll be on that raid and I'll be expecting some grumpiness then!
It's in the rules after all :)


Re: FFA TG RAID Oct 16th (Saturday) 1700 GMT/1800 CET

Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
The King and Queen / Flying chickens will only be attempted if there are 50+ people.
Shanks tried King/Queen on his last two raids with 55-60 people and we weren't able to hurt the queen at all. From my experience on those raids I would say you need at leat 80 people to kill this couple now.


Re: Re: FFA TG RAID Oct 16th (Saturday) 1700 GMT/1800 CET

Originally posted by myrte
Shanks tried King/Queen on his last two raids with 55-60 people and we weren't able to hurt the queen at all. From my experience on those raids I would say you need at leat 80 people to kill this couple now.

Nah, was on 1 raid with Kjel (and did get my +10 mod :( ) where we did king and queen with about 50.


That's because we were a raid of 90% tanks, and 10% seers, so just steamrolled our way down, none of this poncy caster stuff and being resisted!


Originally posted by kjel
That's because we were a raid of 90% tanks, and 10% seers, so just steamrolled our way down, none of this poncy caster stuff and being resisted!

That and the king agroing in a matter of seconds every time :(


Well, I can reagro him easily, until someone heals me, then we're up the brown creak with no paddle. At least it worked for 5 mins, then power got a little low... mebbe a runie with ns would be better


Maybe try using a healer with PoM spamming lul on him?


Was that raid AFTER 1.62 patch? My feeling is the couple got considerably tougher with this patch. And while the King aggroing on us made things tougher my major concern is we simply haven't been able to damage the Queen at all.

I have been on two (or three, cant remember) raids before 1.62 and everytime we killed the couple with ~60 people, even if we totally messed up with King's aggro. But after 1.62 - no chance.

Tesla Monkor

Well, it's mostly the flying chickens that need killing - Haruka (or whatever her name is), is not too hard to kill with a decent raid. (Did her with 25ish last time we tried.). The bitch is trying to get her to the group.. The other chicken is much harder.

We'll see about King and Queen by the time we get near. Most people are tired of them well before we get even near there. :)

I've seen them go down post 1.62.. It was one full group doing nothing but keeping aggro on the king while the rest took care of the queen. (Eynar died about 24 times versus the king. :)


it i attended with my 45 shammie would i get Mod points for attending for when i ding 50?

Tesla Monkor

No. If you're not level 50, you get xp and money+money items from the raid. Mod starts building when you attend with a 50.


doh :(

so i don't think i'd get anything but some exp if thats the case

might still turn up as i've never seen this place before :D


How fast did these pop again.. There's people in TG right now (15:10 CET) who have killed all the councils atleast, dunno about Isso and Forn.. If there's no councils and no isso and forn, then it's pretty much pointless to have FFA raid today ...


can be over 36 hours if unlucky according to GOA


I've heard 6 hours too sometimes, perhaps that's the minimum.
In any case, there's not much point doing FFA raid today then..
Perhaps we should do it tomorrow.

I wish people would stop killing named mobs on FFA days since they're only change for many people to get those drops, not all guilds or even alliances have regular TG raids.
Can't really stop anyone doing it of course but can always hope people would consider this when going hunting.

Though personally I think if I ran FFA raids, people who kill mobs on FFA days had no business coming on the raids either (not like they needed them anyway) :)

Tesla Monkor

We'll go and see. We can kill whatever is left. Or at least check it out. It's annoying that people ignore announced hunts and just go there.. but there's nothing much I can do about it.


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
No. If you're not level 50, you get xp and money+money items from the raid. Mod starts building when you attend with a 50.

HEHEHEHE , you will get close to nada xp , unless you lucky and dont die a singel time ( yes and someone might just give you 5p because they think your nice )

The last time Damon attended he got about 10-15 g max , I'm sure the MA group gets some nice cash , but if you not in it , or a high agro group ( something like 3-4 savages and a aug healer with pure celerity ) you aint gonna get any cash.

Imho dont waste you time joining , unless you just going to have a look / for fun

Tesla Monkor

Well, this one is cancelled. No mobs left, thanks to a number of rather inconciderate Midgardians.. Moved to tomorrow, same time.

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