FFA MOD LIST - Updated with 1st Feb hunt

Zlugugg Benvis

One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 12, 2004
(Updated with the 1st February hunt)

Adola/Nate 10
Adrira/Doofy/Felichia 20
Afaede 10
Aija(Trollum) 15
Alandia 5
Aldebaran 5
Aldrick / Kalarr 10
Algarf 15
Alida 5
Amadit 10
Anarky 50
Andropina 15
Anita 20
Apootygma 25
Arawem 30
Arflaene 10
Argus 10
Armendid 20
Artemis/josfin/caprice 90
Asgarv 10
Auge 10
Avehkai 10
Ayana 10
Azhley 5
Azuria 10

Baldun 10
Balkeriz 20
Bando 10
Belegurth 5
Belorym/Belorfyn/belofyr 60
Berserkar 10
Bettina/emma 10
Birger 10
Bjorg 5
Blaablaa 10
Blodsdottir 10
Blubbo 10
Bodil(rolf) 10
Bolgur 5
Bonesupper 10
Bonetopick 10
Boring 10
brelakor/otriun/sydien 40
Brite *Banned*
Brolina 10
Brundahl 10
Buffsome, fatality, foadon, Svero 10
Bullen 10
Buorhat/frodin 10
Buppor 10
Byggekran 20

Cadein 10
Cadelin 10
Caeron 5
Cale 5
Casia 10
Catole 10
Ceixavia 20
Cerberos 10
Cerbie 5
Chalax 5
Christine(Sarine) 75
Chuffy 10
Chunkee 10
Ciavnas 10
Cleaver 10
Clique 10
Comax 40
Cookiemonster 10
Coolan 30
Coss 10
Cozak 10
Ctucik 10
Cushelli/cush 10
cui 5

Daedlos 10
Damic 20
Darkena 10
Deemah 20
Degotia 30
Delicia 10
Denise 10
Demodar 10
Denlillamojhaette 10
Deran 10
Dillyana/Dillydoll 30
Dingbat 10
Dorinel 5
Doura 5
Dragkhar 10
Drasil 40
Draugim 10
Drewdor 80
Dumle 10
Dyna 10

Ector ***BANNED***
Edorion 20
Eigl 10
Eiron 30
Ekus 10
Elasto 10
Eroma 10
Erym 10

Falkenhall 10
Fatz 20
Fenevon 10
Feril 30
Fetstryk 30
Finrod 15
Flama 20
Flinteye 20
Floompy 40
Folly 10
Fore 10
Freik/freia 25
Freydiana 10
Frostagor 10
Funcdocta 5
Fusty 10

Galaxy 10
Gandy 10
Gatts 10
Gerfy 10
Gerra/Leale 20
Gildorf 10
Glorebard 10
Gododi 10
Grayh 5
Grakk 15
Grazza 5
Greyvenom 10
Gribleymonkey 10
Grizlas 10
Grunta/Longbeard 20
Grymfyr 20
Grymligast ***BANNED***
Gupster 10
Gwendel 10

Hagrid 15
Handen 10
Haravad 10
Hatsim 10
Haxyn 5
Hellscream 40
Henryvee 20
Herbal 5
Hoden 40
Hotti 10
Hrafn 15
Hrorvaig 20
Hutsi 10
Huzzie/support 70

Iamafk 10
Ibin/islorhair/ogmarin 20
Immortal/rokan 30
Iniquity 10
Insomnia 5
Isil 10
Irkish 5
Ironlung 10

Jalla 10
Jally 20
Jasmino 5
Jammin 5
Jenser 10
Jeron 10
Jessica 10
joi 20
Joohl 5
Judith 10
Julumettu 10

kaboomy 10
Kados 10
kake 15
Keecula / Keecuala 25
Kenshin/Tomoee 10
Kharak 10
Kikya 10
Kime 10
Kirinia 10
Kizzi 20
Kjel 30
Kloak 10
Kobe 10
Kongegnue 10
Kpn 10
Krag 10
Kudro 10
Kyrian 5

Laerre 55
Laga 10
Langcaster 25
Lappen 20
Lavoro 20
Layana 10
Layna 5
Lazloo 10
Lechuck 10
Lelah 5
Leiflalleglad 20
Lepanto 15
Leran 10
Liberator 10
Lila 10
Linus 20
Loket 5
Lothar 5
Lothia 10
Lulu 40

Magicthis 10
Mallek 10
Mellin 10
Mhael 30
Mia 10
Mikester 10
Mimer 10
Mindtwist 10
Minime 10
Mirri 10
Miva 10
Mollgan 70
Mookau 10
Mordiah 10
Morduol 5
Moriad/Moriadyn 20
Moriath 30
Morsad 10
Morsmorde *Banned*
Mrblaster 10
Mrt 5
Multi 10
Mymos/ingani/ost/azurat 10
Myrte/Akina 20
Mze 10

Naczunamun 10
Naglfar 10
Nazghullthraka 10
Nefi 10
Nerya 10
Netib 10
Nork 10
Nurce 20

Obran 5
Odden/maryin 20
Ond 20
Onosendaii 5
Oodjob 5
Opath 30
Orchy 10
Ormorof 20
Orta 20
Ourchon 5
Ozannd 10

Pazku 10
Perly 15
Piffany 10
Pilatus 5
Piphans 10
Pommi 20
Prizze 10
Prozze 10
Prudilicious 20
Pudz/cindy 10
Puk/chammy 100
Purebrutal 10
Puzzgurkan 10

Qvone 5

Rafiki 10
Rahgen 10
Rastlin 5
Rebling 10
Redmoon 10
Release 10
Remidjen 10
Restoring 10
Revs 10
Rhag 20
Rhia 10
Rigo 10
Rild/Dorthe 20
Rimn 10
Rioz 5
Rogard 20
Rore 30
Rudor / myau 15

Salch 10
Sauug/cezar 35
Second 10
Shadowdweller 20
Sharma -50 :x
Shevchenko 10
Shroomie 10
Siarha 10
Siga 10
Siiri 20
Sininen 10
Sinned 10
Skakke/hanse 30
Skizorr 10
Skren 10
Slamblade 30
Slott 5
Smazher 10
Snorval 10
Snorvald 5
Snozski 10
Snotling 5
Sodil 20
Solid / solidec 20
Sorgrind 10
Sosnotty 10
Soulsdoorway 10
Stanger 5
Steganoff 10
Sticky 10
Stormf 15
Stunning 10
Support 10
Svala/coy 20
Svidgels 10
Sviunn 20
Swebull 20

Tann 30
Taobitz 10
Tasllehoff 40
Thain 20
Thann/daell 95
Theiir/Snornig/Everblack 20
Thorns 5
Throat 10
Thunor 20
Tindel/Petronella 20
Tiraine 10
Tjockis 40
Tohovi 10
Torvarg 10
Tuvor 10
Tusse / Adirel 10

Uffe 10
Under/Thonn 30
Usagy 20

Valgair 20
Valr 10
Virlin 10
Vladutz 10
Vondra 20
Vuggr 5

Wai 10
Wanna 40
Warrr 10
Werewolf/Werewulf 125
Wim/chronicle/Caedy 30
Wolvenic 10

Xel/Pincer/Tiskani 20
Xyrre 10
Xzvir 30

Yathia/Kipu 20
Ycaed 10
Ygdral 20

zapsis 10
Zarbrina 30
Zarff 20
Zargemir/Mardur 20
Zeram 10
Ziial 10
Zlugugg 10
Zodar 5
Zsaceto 10

Adale Sword
Alorna STONE
Asgarv +10
Ayana +10
Balkeriz +10
Bashira Hunter Vest
Byggekran +10
Cizzx Ring
Cracked Savage sleeves
Degotia +10
Denise +10
Dowen RM boots
Drakan Bow
Eiron Excess Stone
Eldrith STONE
Eroma +10
Exellina gloves
Fatz +10
Feril +10
Gmod Excess Stone
Gribleymonkey +10
Heikki shaman vest
Isil +10
Jally +10
Jenser +10
Kizzi +10
Kongegnuen +10
Krag +10
Kudro +10
Lada Healer vest
Leiflalleglad +10
Lilleabe +10
Lomaxx Dragon Sinue Wrap
Mojojojo Belt
Mollgan +10
Naczunamun +10
Opath +10
Otiz Excess stone
Posidonas Excess stone
Release +10
Rogard +10
Sauli Shield
Shadowdweller +10
Siegfried Axe
Sodil +10
Sosnotty +10
Stygge Warrior sleeves
Sviunn +10
Thanc Hammer
Uffe +10
Wai +10
Wanna +10
Werewolf +10
Xlash Icy War greave
Zahadum Vagns Matle
Ziial +10
Zlugugg +10
Wyrm +10


It's my birthday today!
Dec 22, 2003
ormorof and lilleabe is me so i got +20 mod :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Hi guys, Fain and Fatz are the same player, can you combine the mods plz

Hawk - Hunter
Wispy - SM
Fain - Warrior
Fatz - Shammy

Zlugugg Benvis

One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 12, 2004
Hawk said:
Hi guys, Fain and Fatz are the same player, can you combine the mods plz

Ormorof said:
ormorof and lilleabe is me so i got +20 mod :)


Ucallme said:
My names not up there and i should have +10 :D



Sorry Ucallme ... you booked and got a stone last week which means your mod is gone =/.

Taken from the rules:

- There are TWO ways of acquiring a single-line respec stone on an FFA hunt. One is to state that you want a stone at the beginning of the hunt (This will reduce your mod to 0). The second way is to take a gamble and lotto on one of the excess respec stones at the end of the lotto. (This will leave your mod unchanged, but you get no +10 for this hunt if you get no other loot. Keep in mind there might actually be no excess stones.)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I attended the Feb 1 raid with Scalavus

Mod+ as Blood please


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
I also attended the 1st Feb raid - so plz add me with a +10 :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ihhh, this thing's still running? Gotta spend those +30 some day. :D

Zlugugg Benvis

One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 12, 2004
Shanks ... yes every sunday.

Blood and Bluesky cant edit but it is noted.

Stinko ... what problems ? :)

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