Few questions!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
If I had to pick one shade vid it would be Etrighell's

I like shade vids with quick clean kills and gettaways
Running from adds to restealth and turn and PA always looks good too

Ranger vids are all about longer drawn out fights, RA and ML dumping against opponents who do the same. I like assassin vids were the vid maker assassinates, preferably in a situation where a ranger couldnt possibily hope to kill his/her target no mater what RA's and ML's he has.
Killing targets whilst everyone around that target scrambles about in a fit of wtfkery

PA's and the PA sound effect are what makes good assassin vids imo :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
i think a solo vid should be very much your own style, you shouldnt be trying to please people as such, ofc it should be entertaining but it should show how you feel/play whatever at the time of making the vid, when i made mine they were mostly for me, something to keep.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
thats true raven, but its always nice to get inspiration from other peoples ideas and work :) i thought a thread would be nice for people to participate in the process of having to make choices for a vid, im definitely not able to please every single one nor is it my intention to, but there are some very nice ideas i didnt come up with myself.

one choice i have to make is in the first place which footage to choose? should i include all the well known people, even though the fight is fairly straightforward?

or only the best, closest, most intense fight and leave out the clips against some people? there is no room for everything :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
thats true raven, but its always nice to get inspiration from other peoples ideas and work :) i thought a thread would be nice for people to participate in the process of having to make choices for a vid, im definitely not able to please every single one nor is it my intention to, but there are some very nice ideas i didnt come up with myself.

one choice i have to make is in the first place which footage to choose? should i include all the well known people, even though the fight is fairly straightforward?

or only the best, closest, most intense fight and leave out the clips against some people? there is no room for everything :)
fights in which your 100% certain you'll win are boring.

close calls are worth allot more than the "haha. he couldnt touch me" vids :p

like i had on my vamp today. met a rr5 mincer, didnt use fumble, both used IP2.. i win with 20% hp.
few sec later a rr3 mincer turns up. waits for my hp. and wins easily even with fumble! :eek6:
the weird-unexpected moments are fun (i know i gave a bad example. but still ;))


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
I liked censis 3d both music wise and fight wise. try and add fights vs xrystof for example where its close and then when u get insta owned then again where u win. or vs more then 1. Wl killing is always nice as well:) Names b4 the fights is always nice as well. And u should ofc include a fight vs me just need to find u 1st:)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 31, 2004
Vf u know our expectations has grown now that u asked the public ;o we now all want THE best movie ever :touch:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 31, 2004
I have to agree with Valgyr here above, Censi's 3rd vid was quite nice, quite refreshing music and showed fights vs many classes and sometimes one loss, one win vs same target. Some funny moments like the warlock stuff and where sst runs off to some fg :p. Also good to have the names of the enemies u duel pop on the screen when u fight em imo :) Gl with the vid ;)


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Yup go for it and make a nice movie.
This is my check list when making a movie:
Size 200-300mb (not everyone is on fast broadband)
Length about 20 mins (it gets hard to keep picking good music / keep people enetertained for longer)
I try to have several months of footage and literally pick fights where you just think wow, or nice, or where you shouldn't have won.
I always try and put something different / new in that hasn't been seen before.
I love vids like Civiliel's ones that teach you how to play better, and that have good tactics.
Quality has to be good enough to read the styles if people want to.
Every enemy list their name : rank : class if poss.
List music at the end.
List Software used.
List stats / artifacts / spec / MLs / RAs at the beginning.
Make different chapters 1on1, 1on2, Close fights, etc
Relic status.
What server you are on. What guild you are in.
What version of DAOC it is.
UI used.


If you can do fancy editing - fine - but at the end of the day, make a vid that you like to watch, that you end up watching the whole lot before thinking "this is a bit boring". Speed up long fights sometimes.

A lot of the time I put in EVERYTHING that I think is cool. So first edit is about 1 hour long :p Then I chop chop chop right down, and snip all fights so there is no waiting or "waste" of time.

Also open the vid with your best 2 fights :> This excites people enough to think hmmmmm what's next? :>

Things that I think are really bad in vids:
Too dark
Can't read styles
Your opening fight you lose! (one of Jogunds vids)

No bothered about the music or editing. The fights is what it is all about :>

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
give another fight against my arms and dont even think about using the 1 where you kill me in like 20 seconds :p

as for music Bloc Party - Skeleton and We Are Scientists - Inaction could be kinda nice


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Whatever you do, don't mix up the fights.
Like show a part of one fight, then a part of another and then a third, then more of the first, first part of a fourth, more of the second, then the third, then the last bit of the first, etc.
I hate that! Show the whole fights, from beginning to end.
Don't overedit it either. I saw one annoying vid that was flashing almost every 5 sec.
Don't put in all kinds of effects just because you can. Keep it simple. You don't have to use some fancy effect every time you pull off a PA or BS or every time you evade. :)

A good length of a vid, imo, is +/-25 min. If it gets over 30 min, it better be damn good with lots of varied fights to keep people interrested.
About 1-1.5 min on the intro is enough. I find intros with a story(search for a loved one, etc) boring most of the time, unless you manage to make it fun.
Don't show yourself being buffed up either. That's used up. :p

About the fights with the reaver that you mentioned. Maybe show the best one where you lose, then the end of the others(or just a couple of them), then the whole fight where you win.
Or show one where you lose first, then at the end of the fight where you win, write a comment about how this was your Xth try?
If you write it at the beginning, we will know how it ends. Maybe even put a couple of other fights between the two.
Small comments during the fights can be fun and/or interresting to read and maybe needed for some info, but again, don't overdo it. ;)

The music should be something you like, don't care about what others want to hear.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
many people say stealthwars]|[ was great..

i thought it sucked... all that star wars junk in it.. i rather see the fights then see sum guy using his 'imagonary IM A JEDI feelings' in it:p


Part of the furniture
Jun 27, 2004
Things I would like to see:

  • 1vs1 vs High RR stealthers
  • 1vs1 vs High RR tanks
  • 1vs2 ok stealthers or 3
  • funny moments.. like in old times killing outlaw in 10 fg zerg..

Things I do not want to see:

  • Low rr stealthers, except when they pwn you so you can add whine :(
  • showing footage where you get zerged.. one time is ok.. everyone know zerging is a part of daoc
  • more than 3 fights vs the same guy tbh
  • Don't show all your 1 hit PA's, thats boring :(

I liked the jiv/jix vid in OF/ToA, also liked nicolas one in OF with the oh so overused "Disturbed - Enemy" song :p

max 25 min btw

hope I helped


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Crocky said:
a video needs variation

any video does but for stealther videos i'd like to see

solo 1v1
outnumbered 1vX
funny moments (like dding someone to death or see someone die in a big poisonfield or see someone getting "1shot" from 3PA's at the same time ..)
different locations
inside enemy keep fights
killing someone inside a full group
high rank fights

be original. even with your music.
What he said. Except the ventrilo stuff. Dunno why anyone would use ventrilo when solo. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
I think my current 2 favourite videos have to be:

Dark Horizen from the SB Saosin

he's a pretty good SB tbh, but above all else it's so beautifully edited it makes me wanna cwy ;) i can watch that movie again and again as its so well put together.



this is a movie i have learnt alot from, and yet im still unable to play as well as this guy. i feel he lept in skill from his 4th movie to this one. he uses everything he has, and times it all just right, he plays his attackers for fools. this guy is very skilled and ill be happy if by the time i leave daoc i have half the fore-thought he does in his fights.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Bonehead said:
What he said. Except the ventrilo stuff. Dunno why anyone would use ventrilo when solo. :)
there is normal solo and then there is Crocky (aussie) solo as in the type of solo where 5 scouts sit on a bridge/MG and ping arrows into any fight nearby


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
the one thread he makes a nice post and you have to flamebait? qq raven!

anyways, i think the vid atm covers most of it - but didnt have a part for the in-keep fights because it doesn't fit wiht any of the parts i made. :( made ill find a way to get it in anyways, will see :)

about the pa-cd-ss-warderdead-repeat-repeat-repeat, i have 22 cs so that isn't going to happen much. :D

whats left now is killing kagato and hugmeh, so lets hope it happens this century :p

edit- its at 20 mins now, without any kind of intro/outro yet


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
the one thread he makes a nice post and you have to flamebait? qq raven!
soz i am crafting and i get bored easy :/


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Would be fun if you showed the fight you had with Denethors near Brynja so he can inflate his e-peen a bit. Did you get away before we got killed btw?
Or maybe you werent recording then?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Docs said:
Would be fun if you showed the fight you had with Denethors near Brynja so he can inflate his e-peen a bit. Did you get away before we got killed btw?
Or maybe you werent recording then?

well, it wasn't a real duel since i'm quite sure he got healed from DI. :p think I wasn't recording, but im not 100% sure anymore :p i cant find the clip atleast


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
i like the ciliviel and the censi vids the best.
Because they show a unique playstyle. You know that when you are watching their vids that its them.

Everyone can do 1vX's , its the way its handled and the way you use your surroundings, abilities is what makes a vid GREAT.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
OT: The most important thing in a good solo movie (to make it any fun at all to watch) is imo how you play when you solo. If you mess about and don't do everything "by the book" it makes it more fun to see wtf you gonna do next time. Ie if you take do 1 vs 1 and you choose to remove your BP, and you still own the guy, that would be abit lol :)

Music is ofc very important, but everyone likes differ music, so it would be hard. But music with some speed that follows your actions in the game etc, you know the drill.

Editing, panning, and different perspectives is always fun. Overdoing the editing is nice imo, but takes to much time, and alot of people dont like it.

I don't like watching movies above 30 mins, it gets booring. Depending how good it is ofc, some i turn off after 2 mins. Have to be really good if more than 30.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Generally i dont like most stealther movies, 90% of the time they simply show one character being better built / SC'd / higher realm rank / getting lucky with evades vs another character.

Essentially you dont see much skill involved. Im not sure how you'd go about it, but show fights where you win by simply being a better player, rather than having more RAs / Artifacts etc :p

Having fights where you lose isnt so bad if its close like someone previously said, but maybe with that Xyroster (spelling?) footage, you could show you dying 5 times in a row, say the last 2 seconds of each fight, and then play the whole fight of one where you win.

Alot of the things said about music i agree with, but having music that "fits" with the footage is also nice, maybe have some intro song that starts slow with the credits etc, and then suddenly starts / explodes with you landing a PA. Im sure ive seen it before somewhere, but im sure its still good :p

I'd rather not see a 30minutes of 1v1's, because within the first 5-10minutes, we would have seen all your character is capable of - "Variety is the spice of life" etc :p

Humour is good too!

Sorry if i point out anything blatently obvious too :D


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
doesnt like low rr ganking.
Just if u kill 4-5-6 low rr guys like Gauthier did in his Video.

Nghtwish songs like Kinslayer, Nightquest and Elvenpath fits best in Hib stealther vids imo cause i like the Songs :)

and importans thing of all in a video imo is useing funny stuff which lets u smile while watching.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
whats left now is killing kagato and hugmeh, so lets hope it happens this century :p

edit- its at 20 mins now, without any kind of intro/outro yet

lol if your filming it im not gonna go easy on ya :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
the more you throw at me the more fun it is, though i kinda want to kill you without having to spec vanish for when you use warguard :p


Regular Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
illu said:
Quality has to be good enough to read the styles if people want to.
Oli - Illu

This one i think is most important for stealther vids.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
the quality is good enough to read the log, just the log is too small to actually see anything :p

downside of having to play at shitty small resolution :(


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
big no's imho to start with:

-100% flashes during fights....are fun if they fit the music, but they disorient very much and take the focus away from the fight ( it's not so bad if you do light flashes in a group video, but solo it's a big no cause you're the only one to watch, there is no "surrounding"
-accelerated speed. Nobody wants to see you hitting like a machinegun cause it takes away a lot of the suspense

Now for some things I think are nice:
-slow motion killing blow: It takes in some "Matrix-style" element and especially on close fights it's like a huge final
-showing the name of your enemies: helps in seeing who you're fighting ofc =)
-good quality: in times where most people have broadband connections it's not really a problem if your video has 300meg+ or even 500+
-a good intro, but not too long, after all you're solo and don't need to shot 8 groupmembers or your whole guild =)
-a good outro: yes, it gives a lot of feeling to it =)
-give a good cross-fading between the clips, just clips cut together don't make a video, you need something to clearly show that another fight is coming ( that's a rather hard part for me )

Now the super hard part: the music.
I guess people here can tell you names of bands you have never heard of in your life and mostl likely would never listen to so imho you should go with the flow. Sounds opportunist, maybe, but that way not many people will whine about the music. Take some rock, most people like that in some way and stay away from the most exotic things. I wouldn't do it like that ofc, but that's what I think you would like most =) so I might be totally wrong aswell =)

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