Few questions!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003

Having such a hard time deciding on how I'll edit my video. :( I have a huge amount of footage of the most various aspects of solo-stealther rvr, so many options to edit, so many choices to make.

I really want this vid to be perfect in terms of footage and editing, which is why I'll take a lot of time to finish it. I'd really like some help from the community though, because stealthervids can be very repetitive and boring.

What was your favorite stealther video? And why? Was it the music? Was it intense footage? Was it the flashy editing? I'd very much appreciate as many arguments as you can come up with to cover your opinion of the video, and the more videos you know, the better. It can even be crap ones, because then I'll know which mistakes not to make.

Would you mind watching a long video, or should it be split up in several parts? As it is atm, I could make a 2 hour video if I'd include the majority of my footage, but obviously that is a bit over the top. :p

The more arguments the better. Anything you have liked, or would like to see in a video are very very welcome. :D

Thanks in advance, I'm always on irc or msn if you prefer to have a long talk about it. :)


Dec 23, 2003
edenz video was probabaly the best stealther video ive seen along with that us one civiel4, its not just 1 on 1 mr leet stealther #43983 x 50, has a lot of variation, come up with something original / semi original to create some intrest to those people who dont have a stealther who might think it to be a bit dull, and also the music on them was nice, i dont want to hear some random band who arnt very good, a mixture of some tracks people might have heard and ones you want to put in of not so well known maybe, 2 movies of good music, mael cluster, random grpa... valg can choose good music even though hes a swede! ;) also liked edenz choice of music


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 14, 2004
Hi vf.

My favorite stealther movies are exercia's, i like it because pretty clean editing and awsome fights, several 1onX wich he\she wins(wich i find impressive). however i love metal in any kind of movies wich exercia havnt got (allways turn of sound when i wach her\his movies) :p. I dont mind watching a ling video as long as it contains good fights . A 2 hour video would be... yeah figure out youreself :p i would think around 30 mins is a good length.
Several parts could be good because if you want to show lets say 1 scene to youre friend you know what part of the movie it was in so you could easily go back to view it.
Try keeping the intro\outro simple, and not too long because it will get boring then :) once saw a counter strike movie with a 3+ min intro. after 3 mins i stopped watching and deleted it tbh :p
And try showing name in the start of the fights if possible.

I hope my post wasnt a complete waste. Good luck with editing youre movie! Looking forward to it ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
I loved Dark Horizons! The quality of most fights were top notch. He takes down 1+ target a lot etc. I love how he has does a couple of flashbacks at important points in fights after the fight is over.

I do think his intro and outro were waaaaay to long... and the way he edited was a bit repetitive. Others might say it was consistant though ;)

The thing I'm missing a lot in stealther (or any vids really) is good fights the filmer loses. You can do everything right and have a great fight that's worth watching ... and lose. But few people are secure enough to show them in their movies.

Musicwise I think you shouldn't be to afraid to mix different styles and have a different tune for ever fight or for every so many fights. It really gives your movie a "chapters" idea. (Like in Sept's latest movie)

And I still concider the Walking Issues movies a couple of the best movies I've ever seen so don't worry too much about asking input from your audience ... we (well I did anyway) liked what you've made so far so we'll probably like what you come up with now mate.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Ok a good movie on my view:

Sharp quality, that means high resolution, and allmsot no 'fog' :)
Catacombs client (though u can't edit that).
Music, allthough I ussually don't like punk, it seems to fit movies well, try blink182 orsomthing, am not a big punk/rock expert:p

Editing must not get in the way of the action, like the screen has a blur in it because the music has a big BANG in the sound:p.

1on1 fights that u lost, are not worth showing, we all know ur not godlike, but we like to think so:).

Give names of enemy at start of every fight.

and just make sum nice things like house of ahm does :)

edit: long videos arent bad, as long as they stay exciting, ie not put all the best fights in the beginning.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tjcombos vid was great.. just because it was so funny and varied between the different aspects of solo stealther rvr. Doing something like he did would definately make a good vid imo :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Edens second movie by fare is the best stealther vid i ever seen.well edited and yber playing only 1 problem whit it Eden is a rövtomte irl :C



Nov 20, 2005
a video needs variation

any video does but for stealther videos i'd like to see

solo 1v1
outnumbered 1vX
funny moments (like dding someone to death or see someone die in a big poisonfield or see someone getting "1shot" from 3PA's at the same time ..)
different locations
inside enemy keep fights
killing someone inside a full group
high rank fights

be original. even with your music.


Loyal Freddie
Jul 13, 2005
Best vid i have seen is Stealthwar III .


Leiaa Princess shows some very nice fights and shows everyone how a melee ranger can be played with all his/her little tricks and the vid has a great story to it .

I cant stand vids with to much hard rock going on for the music , its just makes me mute it .


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 14, 2004
Crocky said:

Solo stealther movie.... do you think he is sitting on ventrilo talking to himself? commenting his own pa's etc? xD


Nov 20, 2005
adoNix said:
Solo stealther movie.... do you think he is sitting on ventrilo talking to himself? commenting his own pa's etc? xD
i was talking about stealther movies not solo movies , learn to read .


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
yep, the stealthwars vid is amazing. i don't like the star wars editing but i don't think ive ever been so much pulled into a vid by extremely intense fights like against the merc that blows all his toys on her. its really really good.

im downloading 10+ more vids atm, thanks a lot for the titles :)

and yes, there will be plenty footage of me dying in the vid. in all my movies ive tried to show my own deaths, and this one will be no different. if people manage to take me down in a good fight, then all respect goes out to them, and its worth a spot in the video. people like cerisha, illusb, nimroel and more i dont remember the name of atm (harddisk full again so i have to cut out the parts where im just roaming round) so im a bit confused ;d


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Civels 4th and tjcombos were some of the best I've seen. Civels because he plays so damn well, and tjs because it was quite funny and varied like mastare said.

I think the big problem with many stealther/soloer vids is that they simply include loads of winning 1v1s against other high RR players. Not only does this make it dull, but doesn't make me think they're elite either, after all it could be their fourth attempt at that player. IMO its far better to show the interesting fights - those which you begin down, ie. PAd but still come back to win, those where you get 10 evades in a row, those where you get added on by a caster and both turn and gank him, and those where you lose 3v1 but sitll manage to take out one or two first. And IMO don't skip out losing fights, I'd much rather watch someone come within 5% of killing an rr10 BM than 10 clips in a row of winning a fight in which they won the PA.

Basically the problem with most of the boring soloer vids is that they seem to be out to show how leet they are and thus earn respect, whereas what people want is a interesting which means varied video, not 50 1v1 winning fights in a row.


Dec 23, 2003
monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
for example, atm i have 7 fights recorded against xrystofer. 5 losses, 1 win and 1 where we both die. i just kept trying and trying until i got him.

i could show the fight where i win, but i feel thats kinda boring. rather show all of them (or parts of it, maybe at faster speed), but the problem is that makes the vid rather big. im quite suicidal so i try to take on everyone i feel is a hard target, which often results in me dying. when i finally do get them, it means i have to dedicate many clips to that single target :D


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
for example, atm i have 7 fights recorded against xrystofer. 5 losses, 1 win and 1 where we both die. i just kept trying and trying until i got him.

i could show the fight where i win, but i feel thats kinda boring. rather show all of them (or parts of it, maybe at faster speed), but the problem is that makes the vid rather big. im quite suicidal so i try to take on everyone i feel is a hard target, which often results in me dying. when i finally do get them, it means i have to dedicate many clips to that single target :D

just show the 5 times u died at him, now the whole fight, like:

normal speed = start, after first 2 hits. megazor fast speed ^^ and last 2 hits speed is normal again.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
the best movies are usually around a storyline or an easily identified theme. The skillz are not the best bit about movies its the combination of a nice idea along with good editing and so on. You might also want to try and make a statement - you say you take on hard targets then try working around that theme.

The movie should say something about how you approach each fight and maybe even say what you think you did right wrong. Not many movies tell us about play style - so yes switch between fast motion and slow motion for when you got it right and so on.

Try to be original and take your time choosing the music - hopefully it will also say something about the theme and not just be rocking music for the sake of it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
I like humourous vids like Droods old Dragonfangvid and such, Edens was rly good, other than that hmm.. I dont remember, which means they wasnt _that_ good.

Like void said, fights where you come out ontop even after loosing PA etc is funky but.. tbh.. hand on the heart, NS is OPd so its kindof hard to make a good vid from that class pov, vs other classes than stealthers would be the only interesting fights I think, or highRR hunters possibly since they are darn tricky to take down even for NS.

Taking down duos is funky too btw, those wins are always feeling good in a special way :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
dont release your movie until you've had a fight vs my reaver and inf vf <3


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
for example, atm i have 7 fights recorded against xrystofer. 5 losses, 1 win and 1 where we both die. i just kept trying and trying until i got him.

i could show the fight where i win, but i feel thats kinda boring. rather show all of them (or parts of it, maybe at faster speed), but the problem is that makes the vid rather big. im quite suicidal so i try to take on everyone i feel is a hard target, which often results in me dying. when i finally do get them, it means i have to dedicate many clips to that single target :D

show the best of the 5 fight against him and when you die the first time, you show the last hit on you from the 4 other, then show then one where you both die and last the one you win. this give 3 fights instead of 7


Apr 5, 2004
to be honest i hate movies that show the stealther in question dieing in fights. unless its a complete "down to the wire" thing its just boring, if i watch a stealther vid its because i want to see how good that stealther can be, not how often he dies :p

as for editting, flashy effects are always good, so long as they dont overwhelm the movie. one of my favourite stealth movies is "HowToPwn" with Toxila . has nice effects, and some humour, and a lot of interesting fights in it with 1 vs X etc.

i also think one way to make a movie look good is to pay attention to the music. instead of just slapping in music you like, try to keep it "middle of the road" music that everyone can enjoy, and of course editting what you see to fit in time with the music is a good crowd pleaser


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
yes music is very important for me. i've asked many people to randomly send me everything they consider a good song, regardless of which type of music it is. the songs i like the lyrics / sound of ill try to match with clips to see if its any good. also like someone said before, i want to try add different types of music to different chapters. i think the key really lies in diversity :)

and lejemorder, i was thinking of that too. the problem is, if i manipulate the clips in such a way people might think its annoying, because its easy to see the real order of the clips (clock + date at the top of the screen) :p

and thanks a lot so far, the vids you mentioned helped me a lot :D


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Exercias Vids are the perfect example imo , Unforgiven blade is a truely epic classic , The proof is ok but quality is very bad , No easy way out is very good also but too short <tho duel @ the end was edited very well>

Names of opponents makes video alot more relavant to whoever is watching and realm rank ofc.

Some cool chilled out music like U2 / Radiohead would be nice also :D

Gl with ure vid vf ... look forward to watching it:worthy:

P.s. If u are going to show multiple fights against 1 opponent edit it down to your worst loss followed by your eventual best victory ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Dark Horizons was nice but i think it was a tad over edited if thats possible :) or not enuff fights in with the editing but still by far the best sb video in ages

oh and for a ns movie to be good try not to use remedy in every fight its about as much fun to watch as a caster with MoC up all thou it take less skills :touch:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Unforgiving Blade and partly Edens movies are only stealther vids I've ever really enjoyed... Music is very important in stealth vids imo, and keep them to a maximum of 15-20 minutes or it just gets way too repetetive. But on the other hand I've never played a stealter for real so wtf do I know :)
Dec 31, 2003
Vodkafairy said:

Having such a hard time deciding on how I'll edit my video.

hi vf!
What makes a good vid imo is CHANGE. Look at for exampel ZiZ or Intimates videos they portray the life as a shade quiet fair but there is hardly any change in enviroment, oponents or tactics - it gets boring to watch some1 kill same type of classes on a bridge for 20 minutes. ( even tho music and editing was neat )

My best advice is a wide spectrum of scenary and oponents- stealthers, casters, tanks, healers, 2v1, 2v2, 4v4, 8v8, 1v1, 1v3 etc - change is what makes it intersting.

Music and editing is so baised imo. A good movie don't need all the fluff around it~

(imo) ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Brite said:
monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys monkeys

and brite whine on vent!
then it would be the video to rule them all


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Well the only reason i play a ns is.. for the challenge.. i love being able to be out numbered and still come out the winner, like lastnight rr7 scout pwnt then sst chase's me i stealthed but knew he would find me so i went for it... no poisons no remedy 70% hp and fucking owned the ****.. thats the kinda shit what vids should be made of ;d

spelling might suck but drunken post ;d


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Dark Horizon by Saosin (sb is Lothao) is the best movie I've ever seen edit-wise.

Lots of nice effects and graphics and some really nice fights as well :)

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