Few Linux Qs.



Ok, i have a few questions:

1: Every now and again i get several minutes of disk access, despite the fact i'm doing nothing. I've ignored this for 2 months now, as it's obviously meant to be happening. But now i'm getting frustrated as it's happened whilst i'm playing RTCW twice in 3 days! Is there a command that stops it doing this, so i can disable while i play just incase?

2: X Resolution! How can i change my X resolution? The display entry in the x config is just for enabling resolutions as far as i understand it, so how do i actually get X to run at a differant res. What i'm thinking of is gaming. I've heard that when playing fullscreen games in RH, you can't run the game in a lower resolution to your desktop without having the display in a corner of your screen. I've heard other distros don't have this problem, but this doesn't really help me. It's isn't a huge issue as i'm only running games one step down from my desktop res, but it's something i'd like to remedy so if changing the X resolution is an easy proccess, it would be nice to add any needed lines to my game-start scripts.

Please, no "RTFM"s as i couldn't obtain anything useful from it on these 2 issues.

Testin da Cable

Heya Alberto

1) this is probably cron doing something. next time you notice it type something like w[enter] into a console. the output from w[hat] will tell you what's going on. also you'll always be able to tell what's been happening by looking at syslog's output [a la /var/log/messages].
you can check your crontab by typing crontab -l[enter]. this will list the cron entries you [any user] have.
Be careful with root's crontab tho, cos this will be filled with system stuff that you prolly won't want to mess with [unless you know exactly what you're doing.

2)You have to define the resolutions you want to be able to run at in /etc/X11/XF86Config or /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 [or, if you're running a very very old xserver in /etc/XF86Config]. open the file in your fave editor, find the Screen Section and have a little look at the layout. As you will prolly be running an accelerated svga server [like just about everyone else on the planet who isn't still running a 3dfx card] find the svga server section. You'll see an entry called DefaultColorDepth xx. This is where you set your color depth [4,16,32] and the xserver will use it every time. Further down you'll see something called SubSection "Display" and under that a line called Modes. You've finally made it, cos here is where you can set the resolutions you want to be able to run at. the order in which you specify them is the order that the xserver will start up. So if all goes well you'll have a line looking a bit like this:
Modes      "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
that one is a copy of mine actually but you'll be entering your own fave values I'm sure. the xserver reads the line from left to right, so in this case it starts with 1600x1200 [and in my case 32bits depth]

righto, good luck matey :)


Ok, i knew i had more questions than that :)

How do i ``scroll-up'' in proper terminals? I don't use them much as kde's konsole is all nice and has a scroll bar, but i've broken xserver a few times, and nearly everytime i've had to do a --help on a command i need to find which option i want, and the list goes off the screen :/

Allthough i'm getting better at remembering options, I can now use tar and curl without having t do a --help :)

Testin da Cable

woo scrolling -the bane of terminals everywhere ;)
you know, I have no idea hehe. I gues it would have to be a special trem you'd have to run [ie one with a built in scrollbar]
I personally always type either man command and then once I've read to where I know enough I either do q to quit to the prompt or ! to invoke a shell and then run my command -or- do a command | more to pipe the output through the 'more' pager.


I have no idea what you people are talking about.


Ok, so no scrolling consoles :/

I have more on the disk access thingy. It happened again, but by fluke, the 3rd time in 4 days it happens while a map is loading in wolfenstein. I guess it sees the lack of proccesser usage when the map ends, and takes its chance. It is however properley crashing my system. Can't get into a Terminal, and the disk access light on my case stays on...

When i restarted, i had it do a fscheck, and it found nasty errors almost straight away. There were quite a few, but it fixed them ok, but it's annoying if this is b0rking my system :/

I tried a crontab just now, as root and as myself, and both gave me ``no crontab for user blah''.

But i have another question: How can i bind a key(or key combination) to the Euro symbol? Alot of people have it as ``Alt-Gr + 4'' as default, but i don't, and there's no graphical app that i can see of for binding keys, and i don't understand the bind command really :/ I saw something about key bindings in the X config, so is this how i'd bind somehting to it, or is it the bind command?

Testin da Cable

there are several things one has to do. [I havn't really looked into it myself, but I should as tomorrow's E-day hehe]. at the very least you should have 8859-15 font encoding installed [8859-1 being the standard westeren european font set, and the -15 variant being the euro-aware one], and then some of the fonts will be able to render the euro symbol iirc.
read more here


ta. I did some of what that said, and got the euro cent to work in the console.

The bit about enabling the right font mathingy in X, it said what to do in Debian systems, so i assume that's the same in RH?

Oh well, i need to get euro symbol to work, so it can wait till then :)

Testin da Cable

havn't had time myself. I'll muddle through this weekend I guess.


Try holding Shift (or Ctrl?) then Page Up/Down to scroll the console.

Testin da Cable

nice one Mapei :)
shift+pgup/pgdn works a treat!

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