Favourite Race/Class



Now we have all been playing this for a while and we seem to know what we are doing most of the time, well some of us. So what is your favourite class and race to play? Do you like the ickle Lurkeens or the huge Trolls and what about class? Do you prefere to stand away from the main fight healing your compatriots or are you a big tough guy that never shirks a fight?


Dwarf / Warrior for me.
I do however like the idea of a kobald shaman.
Troll's are just too smelly :)

Once I get bored of Midgard I will try the other realms.


I havent had the game as long as u chaps -so for me my favourite class / race has to be firbold Druid.

Funniest character I have seen to date is a Lurikeen Champion who wanders round with a Big 2 handed hammer. Its hillarious to watch this tiny thing wander up to big monsters and knock them out with a hammer.




I've got 3 faves...

Muirob my firbolg Bard for general bardishness for group shenanigans and his 520 weaponcrafting always makes him popular :)

Swiiss Tiiny the lurikeen Ranger for snip0rama fun for all the family, looking forward to getting him to RvR level for some tasty plinking of Middy scum and Alb poofs ;)

And I started Whitelight the elf Enchanter the other day... nothing beats him for soloing... only Hib character I've ever played who can solo oranges no sweat and even reds (although if the pet loses agro he goes down like a sack of soft shite ;) ) which is pretty unheard of for Hibbies (yeah yeah we all know Middies can all take oranges, that's cos you're poofs) :)


Swiis Tiiny, "Sniping middies is much like making love to a beautiful woman..."


Originally posted by Meatballs
Swiis Tiiny, "Sniping middies is much like making love to a beautiful woman..."

My god!! Nobody's ever made that joke before Meatballs!! :D

Actually I lie, I make that joke all the time heheh ;)


Always gets a laugh yeah... mind you I've seen some cracking good names on Excal/Hib. Biffsmash Potatoes is one of my faves, big firbolg with a whopping great hammer, just makes me giggle. And there's Lesbian Lover and Dagg Nabbit, they make me laugh (I'm easily pleased ok ;) )

Oh and we had a caster in our guild who had got the skill of dying down to a fine art and he chose RezMePlsThxBye as his surname... :p


I've grouped with him loads, often in Nisse's but I imagine he's moved on by now. He always called me his Troll brother. We would often die side by side...

Ah, mamories...


Short answer... no. I haven't subscribed either. :/

Every time I played it just felt like I would have to do the same things over and over for months just so that I could do the same things over and over for more months, excpet with slightly better magic and maybe with other players.

I need faster gratification from my games. A feeling of, "That's that done. What's next?"

I prolly should have focused on the grouping and social side of it more. I dunno.



Anyhows, I paid up for 3 months yesterday morning, so I'm good until mid-July :D


Same As =)

I am really getting into the whole tradeskill side of it. Its hard and expensive to get up the levels but I figure it will be worth the money spent :)



Where does this whole "it's expensive" things come into the tradeskills?

I spent a little time doing it yesterday and got about four of my skills (armourcrafting mainly) up to 60 odd and it cost me all of around 2 silver.

I made the stuff and sold it and bought more resources.

Where does the profit making side come into play? Are you meant to sell to the NPC vendors or sell them to other players? I rarely see anyone in Jordy broadcasting that they've got stuff to sell.

It's all rather confusing.


60 crafting is fook all. I'm at 500 in fletching and most material skills now. Buying the materials to get it higher is a 10 gold minimum now. Selling crafted items back to NPCs always brings back less cash than the materials cost by about 10%. Not a lot when the materials are only a silver or two but when they are 10 gold you notice. Especialy if you lose a few materials.

You can make a profit by selling to players but it's a lot of work. Not worth it generally. Much easier just to do good old fighting. You get XP too that way :)

The only use for crafting is usually to help your guildmates. I am our guild's second fletcher and we save the guild quite a bit of cash by making all their arrows.

old.Mr Burns

How do you find out what your tradeskill total is. I must start doing it since all my armor (cloth) isgreen to me now and i can't find any better than brocade (or gossamer) to buy.

If anyone can make better I will pay good cash :)


Originally posted by WPKenny
I like mynameisbob.

Simple and amusing. :)

heh i had to ask him what his name was the first time i saw him, i'm silly :D

awww summo mate, you'll be missed mate - hardly ever see the big group of peeps that used to play in there now, most like new characters now or given it up


Originally posted by Mr Burns
How do you find out what your tradeskill total is. I must start doing it since all my armor (cloth) isgreen to me now and i can't find any better than brocade (or gossamer) to buy.

If anyone can make better I will pay good cash :)

The armourer in Head Hunters could make better stuff. Gimme a shout.


I'm still yet to find a favourite class...

might be on the brink tho with one of the players I'm doing atm. See my progress page :)


Originally posted by jizzy
I'm still yet to find a favourite class...

might be on the brink tho with one of the players I'm doing atm. See my progress page :)

Noticed you have an Alb char on Excalibur, gime a /send if you need any cash etc.


Originally posted by WPKenny
Where does this whole "it's expensive" things come into the tradeskills?

I spent a little time doing it yesterday and got about four of my skills (armourcrafting mainly) up to 60 odd and it cost me all of around 2 silver.

I made the stuff and sold it and bought more resources.

Where does the profit making side come into play? Are you meant to sell to the NPC vendors or sell them to other players? I rarely see anyone in Jordy broadcasting that they've got stuff to sell.

It's all rather confusing.

Referring to Hibernia here since that's all I've played... the only way to make decent money crafting is by doing weaponcrafting and doing tradetasks. You *can* make profit doing fletching/armourcrafting/tailoring but nowhere near as good as weaponcrafting.

My bard is at 550 weaponcrafting now and that's been entirely done with tradetasks (and some power-leveling for materials skills when needed) and have made in the order of 300g+ from it.. the downside being that it's the most boring thing ever and I can't believe that I'm actually doing it sometimes, especially after skill 300 or so.

If you want proper guides and info about crafting go here - the excel sheets are very useful :)



Thanks granny

grabbing those sheets now :D



Originally posted by Pfy

Noticed you have an Alb char on Excalibur, gime a /send if you need any cash etc.

Thx m8. Will do. I'm concentrating on my Midgard chars atm, but when I get bored I'll be back to play my Alb ones. Paladin seems quite good fun.


I have a very low-level Lurikeen becoming an assassin class and I think she is the cutest and most enjoyable thing ever. I mean you can hide behind a firbolgs leg if you want in RvR :D
I haven't played this char more than 3 levels but still... the name is funny too: Nano. Surname (if I get around to playing the char) will be Bot.


Originally posted by granny

.. the downside being that it's the most boring thing ever and I can't believe that I'm actually doing it sometimes, especially after skill 300 or so.

True, oh so very true. I managed to get my weaponcrafter on Hib to around 380 with tradetasks mostly, and thing became sickly boring... I actually fell asleep at the keyboard once or twice :)

Now, I'm playing on Midgard, and somehow can't make myself to even start with any of the tradeskills... I'm not sure I could go through with all that boredom once more.



My favourite class is the Hibby Firbolg Druid

Easy to solo and great in a group, you get to jump into melee with a pet to help you and buffs/heals/rez's make most other Hibby's love you, especially if you can learn to heal effectively in a group.

Got a bit bored with my Enchantress, great to solo but I sometimes get a little tired of sitting back and watching my pet do the fun stuff.

Started a Ranger too, having fun but not high enough yet to comment. Other Hibby classes are OK but i like the classes with little downtime and good group potential.

Not much experience in other realm classes yet, but I'm trying a few out on Excal before I decide which realm to settle into there.


Ah, but if we look at it in that sense I guess my favourite class/race is the Saracen Scout. I am only level 21 now but already soloing is great and it is quite good in groups too... thing that I find most exhiliarating is the fact that in RvR I can like sneak past groups of mids and then just follow what they are doing or pick some moronic little grey/green/blue/yellow con that I can snipe :p


I plays two different characters.

Mostly you'll be on Prdwyn as Vieralt the big troll shaman. I'm the one running at things swinging a big lump of metal on a stick shouting "Sod it - GO!" then usually dying.

On the other side of things, there's my little kobold shadowblade carrying his own weight in weaponry and poison.

Ooooh, how I likes poison.


my favourite class\race

Lurikeen Nightshade ;) just call me the lucky luri with the silver dice :D (a piece of loot that i refuse to sell ;) )

stealth maxed = woop

can get out of tight corners easily :)

can be carried in must horse luggage-bags

eats half as much as a standard celt

all + points ;) not to mention the high dex\qui for the NS skills :)

my other char is a druid with a drunken lynx for a pet :)

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