Favourite Fantasy/SF characters


- Pathfinder -

Since we have a book thread and all, cough ;)

Gerald Tarrant, Dark Sun Rising (First book, can't remember the series atm :))

Anomander Rake, A Malazan Book of the Fallen

Magus, Chrono Trigger (OK, a longshot, but I loved this guy during my SNES days, and I still think of him fondly :p)


hmm not in order of favoritisme just randomly

ALL the main characters in The Elenium and The Tamuli (David Eddings)

Alanna the lioness

Tasselhoff Burrfott


- Pathfinder -

SFXman is touch and go, but seeing as his a deity, we'll classify him as a fantasy char.


Fav chars.....

gotta be Corporal Nobbs and Detritus from Guards Series.

<please do not think that i should broaden my horizons.. the matter of fact is that i dont like the character stereotypes you get in virtually every Fantasy book <lists all the D&D character classes>, you always get a zerker or a thief and definately a mage>


Stryke, Coilla, Haskeer.

From Orcs: First Blood Trilogy, by Stan Nicholls.

- Pathfinder -

Puh Gerald Tarrant forever. if only more people read the books :) (The books aren't that special, but he is :))


And yet, no-one here has mentioned John Constantine, only the greatest modern day occultist/mage...

But then I guess most of you are to young to have heard or read any of Neil Gaiman's stuff (apart from Good Omens, co-written with the infamous Terry Pratchett)

Anyway, I would advise reading Gaiman's The Books Of Magic, the ORIGINAL 'Harry Potter' (You see, Harry Potter is a kiddies version of the books of magic... just my opinion)

Anyway, Constantine is THE coolest dude ever to appear!!!


I'd say some mage... such as Elminster or Merlin. Although in some movies at least, Merlin is a total wuss and doesn't really seem to have many powers, then again he is made of magic (?) or something in that direction so I'd expect some über properties.
The books about Elminster seem quite good for myself at least, I've read one Elminster book and it started out in his childhood... loved that one and now I need to find the next books in the series.

- Pathfinder -

Elminster is a sissy who relies on a Goddess to bail him out - I hate Elminster :)


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
R R Martin is a freak :) I lost count on the number of people he's killed off now, but the series is quite good. And if someone mentions/implies Raistlin again I'll go berserk :p

Im not saying.


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
Elminster is a sissy who relies on a Goddess to bail him out - I hate Elminster :)

Ed Greenwood is..."follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road!"...yes, he's very, very munchkin in his writing. Used to really like his style...about 14 years ago. That would put me at about 12. :D

But, back on topic:

Staying with the D&D theme from above - Drizzt Do'Urden and Artemis Entreri (R.A. Salvatore)
Thomas Covenant (Stephen Donaldson, pre-Grail)
Corum, Elric, Hawkmoon, Erekosë (Michael Moorcock)
Nakor (Raymond E. Feist)
All of the Heroes of the Lance from Weis & Hickman's Dragonlance.

Most hated characters? Anyone from Lord of the Rings. That series of books is a plague sent to sterilise the world.

Ahem. And there we have it!


Originally posted by Breni
Most hated characters? Anyone from Lord of the Rings. That series of books is a plague sent to sterilise the world.
Arrrrrr, what's this? Treachery? Die scum!
But on a serious note, hmm... LotR can't be that bad to anyone? Everyone thinks it is okay all the way up to awesome, yes? Mmm...

- Pathfinder -

LotR is Victorian style; I do not like it :p Most TSR novels are munchkin material, prolly cuz no writer checks if his characters are legal or not :)

And how did I forget Nakor? ;) He easily makes top 10, maybe top 5 ;)


Kid,Zappa,Lynx from Chrono Cross.

Mia,Galleon from lunar silverstar story + lunar 2 eternal blue.

P.S does anyone play RPGs like suikiden (sp?) legend of mana,chrono cross,grandia?

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by old.Mobius
P.S does anyone play RPGs like suikiden (sp?) legend of mana,chrono cross,grandia?
I enjoy console RPGs, although I think they should be called 'adventure games' because they leave little room for dynamic roleplay. Grandia was great, that game made combat look nice and hectic.

I despise the Final Fantasy series including and after 7, though, but I just bought Final Fantasy Tactics and am going to have a go at that. I heard it's less wannabe-epic storyline and more proper battling.

Pssst, it's spelt Suikoden. Bad graphics, but great characters, all 108 of em!


Originally posted by old.Ayam Ganbatte

I despise the Final Fantasy series including and after 7, though, but I just bought Final Fantasy Tactics and am going to have a go at that. I heard it's less wannabe-epic storyline and more proper battling.

Ah, an excellent game! Had to get my PSX chipped just so I could play it.

If you've ever played Vandal Hearts (the first one), you'll have no trouble getting into FFT. Speaking of Vandal Hearts, I don't suppose anyone knows a decent website where I can find old console games 2nd hand or something? I've tried everywhere I can think of, and I can't find a copy at all :(

Retro PC gaming - now here's something. How about The Bard's Tale series and Bloodwych? OT, but I can't remember if anyone else has started a thread on it...

Arrrrrr, what's this? Treachery? Die scum!
But on a serious note, hmm... LotR can't be that bad to anyone? Everyone thinks it is okay all the way up to awesome, yes? Mmm...

Indeed, I'll take the iconoclastic standpoint and say that it's drivel. He basically stole a bunch of Mythology and repackaged it as his own work. Fair play for creating the Elven language, and all that, but if I wanted to speak something made-up, I'd just go and learn Klingon :rolleyes: j/k

- Pathfinder -

Gawd, Bar's Tale. The sound of that game still haunts me... /em shudders. I made a complete map over the city though, quite impressive :p


You guys won't be amazed but....

Jabrylla. :D

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by Breni
If you've ever played Vandal Hearts (the first one), you'll have no trouble getting into FFT. Speaking of Vandal Hearts, I don't suppose anyone knows a decent website where I can find old console games 2nd hand or something? I've tried everywhere I can think of, and I can't find a copy at all :(
I've managed to finish both the Vandal Hearts games, and enjoyed them a lot, Tactics will be just up my street then. The Japanese love those battlefield-made-of-squares-or-hexagons games. I'm considering starting such a project, they must be some of the easiest game engines to code.

Back on-topic, though (sorry Pathfinder), my favourite fantasy characters are either 'Horza Gorbuchul' from 'Consider Phlebas' or 'Thug', my fighter from Final Fantasy 1 (they only allowed you 4 letter names, and 'John' seemed too plain).

- Pathfinder -

Speaking of "Tactics" games, I miss Ogre Battle :( I want a modern version of it, now! :)


Kit Summerisle, aka Kid Death, aka the smiling assassin.

No, you haven't heard of him, but that's because you're all philistines and haven't read Simon Green!!

I will convert at least one of you.

- Pathfinder -

Get me a custom forum title and I'll consider turning rogue :p

Hmm, you people must be dreadfully old, given my inability to recall these characters. Hmm, I might just have shot myself in the foot :eek6:

Uncle Sick(tm)

Good, old Simon Snowlock is the first one that comes to mind (Memory, Sorrow and Thorn trilogy).

A "true" hero... selfless but still a bit selfish... in other words - he seems more real than other perfect heroes.

Oh- and Robin Hood actually :)
Anyone seen the adaption with Patrick Bergin and Uma Thurman?
Now that one was a true rogue... not like bloody Kevin Costner.

- Pathfinder -

That series stands for everything i abhor about bad fantasy; a rather starightforward "quest"; a young, totally inexperienced guy defeating the ebst efforts of the allmighty evil etc.

Your mentioning of Robin Hood marks you as a naive person :p WTF are my cynics? :(



1 Vladimir Harkonnen (Dune) for being evil
2 Ender Wigging (Enders Game) for being a whimp
3 Lt. Commander Data for being funny

- Pathfinder -

Whimp? Didn't he kill two boys by beating them up? :p


Originally posted by old.Ayam Ganbatte

I despise the Final Fantasy series including and after 7, though, but I just bought Final Fantasy Tactics and am going to have a go at that. I heard it's less wannabe-epic storyline and more proper battling.

Pssst, it's spelt Suikoden. Bad graphics, but great characters, all 108 of em!

hehe thought i mispelt that :)
it really is a cool game, bit short though, i shed a tear as i saved Gremio :p

btw ff tactics FRICKING OWNSZ! :)

seriously but its rock hard and really frustrating :p


well, compared to Data and Harkonnen he is a whimp. Always wining about the teachers mugging him. Great novel though. Enders Shadow i can recommend


Originally posted by old.Mobius
btw ff tactics FRICKING OWNSZ! :)

seriously but its rock hard and really frustrating :p

Completed it ages ago, but I still haven't had all of the characters - no Mime, no Bard (or whatever it is), amongst others.

There are a couple of easter eggs in there for fans of FF7, if you know where to look...;)

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