Favorite Nibbles



Sure, the quotes above came from here

but if you don't believe that site,
Here's the number of the FDA to verify what I've said.
Food and Drug Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD
20857, 301-827-7010.

Or you can search the FDA site here if you can be bothered.

Another quote form a Pro chocolate site here..
Today chocolate is all around us. We all love it. Many of us, however, feel a little guilty about eating it. So, what’s the truth. Is chocolate really bad for you?

Does chocolate cause acne? In a recent study out of the University of Pennsylvania, 65 acne sufferers began to consume large amounts of chocolate. 46 showed no change in their condition, 10 got better and 9 got worse. This would sem to indicate that chocolate does not affect acne.

Does chocolate cause migraines? Unfortunately, the research does show that large amounts of chocolate can cause migraines as well as upset stomachs and hives. These types of reactions are, however, relatively minor.

Chocolate does not cause high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Since it is a product of plants, chocolate contains no cholesterol. A chocolate bar does however contain a lot of calories – a bar of one and a half ounces has a whopping 220 calories. Chocolate is, however, a powerful fighter of fatigue and it does give the consumer strength and energy.

Chocolate, then, has both positive and negative aspects to it. You’ll have to weigh the balances for yourself as you decide whether or not to indulge.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Thank you for the link... I won't call FDA, though;)


Even tho I've posted all that info, and it's pretty gross.
I had a nice Mars Bar earlier and I enjoyed it.

I'm sure most of the food we eat is contaminated in some form or another...

Nala Lionne

I'm sure most of the food we eat is contaminated in some form or another...

Indeed, just a few weeks ago there was a news story about how chips, crisps and even bread increased the chance of being a cancer victim. I guess it was just certain brands, but, in 5 years time, will ANYTHING be safe to eat? (According to the government, of course :p)

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