Fao Zapsi

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Let me repeat my last post.

Originally Posted by Armarda
U cheeky ****..

This from a boy who's guild uses radar??

If u know for sure we have a cross realmer in guild?
Have the bollox to speak to a gm or officer in guild.

Big different saying maybe and state a fact, and what goes for me talking to any GM of WR after the flame i got last time, is just never gonna happend.

Good to see u know things for sure why dont u report us to GOA then, if I knew things like this I would.

Armarda in WR good Talk to him.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Not really, if your little precious barbie, would have some common sense and wrote it in PM here at FH or Ingame, the problem would prolly be worked out by now. FH = public, ppl say their opinions, what ive been writing is mine. PM= Private. Capish


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
Fayle said:
Recently i made a tread in main forum about (the lack of) respect in the DAOC community and the way the forums have gone from bad to worse.

Now more then ever is there a need for Midgard to stand united and display some of that realmspirit people are talking about.

However in the tread 'really Durgi' it that was convieniently closed by the moderators you made the following statement ( I urge all to read the whole context before replying to this ).

"Originally Posted by Cerbie
And since you are such a good friend with an alb, maybe we should be careful when telling there is rr. Maybe we finally found our spy.

(from Zapsi)
Maybe is 1 from WR which iam sure many think it is , now we at it."

This Zapsi is TOTALY unacceptable , you don't have the godgiven right to drag the name of White Rose through the mud and then don't even bother to give the slightest evidence , or contact a GM about it.

You come from a respected rvr guild and you for sure know how rvr works, but seeing that you organised Relic Raids yourself i can't understand the need for the lack of this basic diplomacy.

I'll try to put it in words that even you must understand , by randomly accusing 'some' people in White Rose, you insult the honor of all the people in it, and the honor of all the people in the Faith alliance who choose to believe that this game is about having fun, even for those that can't dedicate enough time to join the more visible ( and higher profile on this board ) rvr guilds.

Personaly i would rather lose all the relics and keeps in Midgard and see the Albs dance on the streets of Jordheim then have a dimwit like you insult the guild and the people that i love.

There are two options here, either you (or your GM) apologises here or you show me the prove that there is a spy among the people that i trusted all along.
Or ... if i do not see a GM from Everlast or you post some explanation here you can count me (and all those that feel the same about it) out from any activity that you ( or in the highly unlikely case that your guild backs you up , your guild also) organise in the future.

I hate to bring it this far , but your refusal as posted on the previous tread to contact a GM from WR leaves me no other choise.

( for the record , i'm afraid i read that some of my guildmembers were provoked into some accusations i can't agree with also, you'll have my word that they will either give prove here or post their apologies.)

This is however not a matter of WR alone, and i urge all GM's to post what side they choose, the backstabbing liars or those that care about this community and don't point fingers at people for the sole reason they like to.

Especially the GM's of the Faith alliance i urge to not forsake their friends and allies and stand up to defend the honor of the people who's integrity was done great injustice here.

The moto of NP comes to mind here: cut one, all bleed.

really? :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I can understand Zapsi not wanting to Pm any of u ingame, most of the recent posts have been made from non rvr guilds just to flame the current rvr guilds. I mean evry single day u can read some Bs about El/Bo ore Mael, Maby if those who flame them all the time could give them a break ffs, they are all nice people.I dont mean it´s WR people thats flaming etc. but after all threads being done by cluless people moaning about Zapsi and others i can Realy understand if he cba to care.After a wile of lotsa Bs people tend to just ZzZ to answer/care about more shite.
Now be friends all and make a valentin hug :) i hope u find a way to clear this up.This is not what midgard needs.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Freppe said:
.. Oh now the grow up part starts, first thing you ever said at FH or what? Welcome to our humble being m8! Grats!

Cause this person is a "girl" your all defensive, omg, dont hurt her, she's a lady, and nice to!

God, this is yes a game, I dont take it serious, I dont even know these ppl, but what you are doing, is shit and nothing else, as in earlier post your doing nothing else than trying to talk shit about the person in question. And the person in questions doesnt even bother, why dont you do it? Again, little girl, go back to your barbie world and discuss with your mom why the dresses dont fit on your barbie :( A game like this aint for you, since you cant take shit.

Hmm, try seeking help, some anger management classes can go a long way m8.
And now stop talking like a ten year old.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Couple of things to be careful of peeps.

Demanding people take sides is very divisive. Possibly not the best way to go about things. I know the temptation here is for people to pour on support for whichever faction they feel most attached to, but it might be better to hold off.

Its very hard to unsay things, I'm guilty of this too at times, so I know what I'm talking about. Try and resist the urge to take a pop at someone.

I know tempers are running high just now, and I understand and sympathise.

However, what has to happen next is that various hormone levels get dropped then get talking. And I don't mean talking to snipe.

If you ever want things to work, you have to bite back those times when you could latch on to what someone says and swallow it.

Its the hardest thing for anyone to do, but if the people involved can do this, then you'll start getting things to work again.

I know all the personalities involved here, and I think you can do it. Its up to you though.

Do you want a realm that works? I mean, REALLY want it? Because thats what it comes down to.

If you decide you do want this, then you have to bottle the anger. And not just one or two people, but all who are involved. And then you have to start working together.

Easy to say, hard to do. Achievable though.

You'll know you are on the right track if you can get everyone into a CG or something and people resist the urge to take little snipes or fire off at each other. Its the hardest thing in the world to do at times. Then, when you've done some stuff together, you'll find the differences are less.

The rest is up to you.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Bolo said:
You got some fucking BALLZ to be talking like that. I think its fucking time you:

A) get a fucking life
B) Move the FUCK on
C) Die IRL

you motherfucking fuckstick I swear to fucking god if I ever decide to play again Im gonna fuckimng make gaming the woprst fucking experience of your life.

Eat Shit Die and fucking die again you fucking dick sucking cock fuck.

Iam hurt now :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
PM are a good little thing for things like this, dont u think?


Dec 22, 2003
Any ingame flamey issues deal ingame please.

These forums are not made to slag eachother off all the time. Any further responds can be made ingame or in pm.

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