FAO - The MMG Mid Stealth Zerg


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Alb stealthers camp AMG, Mid stealthers camp MMG. Nothing new in that unfortunately.

As for the number of stealthers out there, blame buffbots and full groups/zergs ganking soloers which has forced every player wanting to solo to make a stealther.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Jox said:
Sometimes there are fg's of albstealthers, sometimes there are fg's of mid stealthers. Sometimes there are fg's of hib stealthers.

And if you are soloing its your job to collect info about them in order to avoid them. You didn't. You played like a moron, died and flamed away on Freddys afterwards(in true Jox style).

But the most embarassing thing the fact that you played like a moron, realized it, but instead of admitting it you changed your story to; "I went to MMG with the sole intention of getting killed".

You truley are a twat aint ya? I went there with the sole intention of gifting some rps to some1, then came here, made an Enquiry, and get abuse from you for "Flaming".

When i TS a stealther and have a pop at him, it pisses me right off when ppl add. Just curious if you have the same problem at mmg or are they all grouped (and therefore get the same cut in RPs if 1 or 8 jumped on).

Well I am off to 'Moronically' attempt to get around in Emain. Maybe i could Noobishly TS a stealther, Idiotically shoot at him, and if I'm lucky, get a kill with my Llama scout.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Shivvering^Away said:
You truley are a twat aint ya? I went there with the sole intention of gifting some rps to some1, then came here, made an Enquiry, and get abuse from you for "Flaming".

When i TS a stealther and have a pop at him, it pisses me right off when ppl add. Just curious if you have the same problem at mmg or are they all grouped (and therefore get the same cut in RPs if 1 or 8 jumped on).

Well I am off to 'Moronically' attempt to get around in Emain. Maybe i could Noobishly TS a stealther, Idiotically shoot at him, and if I'm lucky, get a kill with my Llama scout.

Hm, so you are not flaming?

"you are a bunch of RP hungry whores just gagging to get yer 100 rps from the lone scout who passed through MMG."

If that is an enquiry I am afraid how your flaming looks like :p

I can't say much about the situation at mmg, I almost never camp there. Way to many mid stealthers since relic switch.

Ok, ok, sorry for calling you a moron, perhaps you didnt deserve it :>

But you have to agree that many snipers act like morons. They stumble into the mmg area without any info about the situation what so ever, burn TS, discover 5-6 enemy stealthers! But still open fire, and dies :p Its like they think; I used TS, must shoot something, must shoot, must...


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 18, 2004
i just have to do this, AHAHAHAHAH an alb whining about stealthzergs


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
lol thats nothing, today at around 11.30 20 alb stealther killed our whole fg at amg


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004

Was more of a 'Are you RP hungy whores' as opposed to 'You are RP hungry whores'. If it's 8 of em, all in 1 group, then they all get the same RP's whether some1 solo's me, or the 8 just gang raped me. If they are all solo, it must be frustrating to the 1 or 2 who start the fight, just to have a potential 800rps 'stolen' from 'em by a bunch of Midgards finest explorers.

TS'ing MMG is now listed as my favourite pass-time!. More often that not you can find 1 of em far enough away from the rest to kill and run like a little girl to the twee's!. Ofcourse, accidents will happen and then i am allowed to 'rest' on the pad in Sauvage.

Anyways, i think i might go camp at A<G today, zergy as a Saturday afternoon can get.

Leechfortehwin. :drink:


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Shivvering^Away said:
I appreciate you are all playing your characters how you see fit, but are you guys all in 1 big group over there on MMG? From this i would guess that you aint...and you are a bunch of RP hungry whores just gagging to get yer 100 rps from the lone scout who passed through MMG.


As amusing as it is to see this kind of thing, is it entirely neccessary?

Surely everybody goes to Emain or Odins or HW to get RP's, I for one dont care how people get it, the game is RP driven and people calling others Lame or RP Whores for earning RP's smacks of Elitism.

As for "is it neccessary", of course not, but if thats how they wish to get RP's then so be it, they had better not come here and whine when somebody add's on them or wipes them with a fg stealthers.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Gorrion said:
Well if the massive buffbot's was not used in the way it is today, there would not be that many stealthers about, and the stealther classes would be a lot more delicate and respected class for their skill's and teamwork in battle, i can see on your Sshot that you have a fine line of buffs. The buffbot is the main reson stealthers roam in such massive numbers today.
Make buffs ranged and group required and you might not find yourself overrun by 8 - 10 wana-be-noSkill-buffbot-Pa-DF4tehwin-stealth-zerk.

Regards Gorrion

Fair point, and the original poster might not have ventured to MMG either.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Angara said:
And yet another been-there-done-that thread.
Jesus, stop crying about things that happen every day.

^ jeje

nerf minimum post limit imo :C


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Rulke said:
Hehe that little kobbie at the back is running off in the wrong direction, aint he cute. :fluffle:
I believe that hes trying to run around the back to try that funny back style that never seems to work perfectly, u knoow, umm backstab lol


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Funnily enough I've had guildmates today bemoaning the fact that they cant pass emain milegates without being ganked by fg of alb stealthers, just the risk you take in emain.

Personally if I'm fighting an inf anywhere I'm always happy if others jump in and help to finish him off, for me the end game is to see as many nme stealthers/chars dead as fast as possible, not how many rps i can gather.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Shivvering^Away said:
I appreciate you are all playing your characters how you see fit, but are you guys all in 1 big group over there on MMG? From this i would guess that you aint...and you are a bunch of RP hungry whores just gagging to get yer 100 rps from the lone scout who passed through MMG.


As amusing as it is to see this kind of thing, is it entirely neccessary?

Listen the reason why mid stealthers often stay at mmg is that all around no matter what time of the day you are loged on albs are around 3 times as many stealthers as mids in emain. So if you move out in 2-3 stealther groups from mmg to amg then you often get zerged at amg or if you are lucky to pass amg and get to vs - atk you get a few kills and then sometimes a fg of alb stealthers comes with a ts scout infront and wipes you. So thats why mid stealther zerg sometimes happen at mmg :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
I see a fair few pairs of SB's hovering about the AMG/Mill area, and tbh, see alot of DS from em. Cant be all that bad, i am sure the ppl who do it prefer it there.

Is it a graduation thing tho? you stick near the MG till RR5 then duo with another RR5 further from home?

Once again, this is not a flame, just my curiosity.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 4, 2004
Tiki said:
imo you cant whine it you get zerged at an mg, seems people still dont understand that 90% of ts ra's are used there and 90% of nubi stealthers hide out in large gangs. If you try and get past without camo or info then your going to get nob'd on by large numbers.

Please stop whining or pointing out the obvious, if you see like 8 sb's at the levian hill then u know somthings up, at the the mg's well guess u gotta learn by trial and error :eek6:

last 3 are at mg's, pic 1 seems to be a full grp of hibs and pic 2 i dont know where.

u camp mgs you get zerged simple, u score nil poi for originality :)

My post was merely pointing out all realms zerg in a way, It wasn't a flame at any one particular realm. Although Albs do zerg more - it's a fact!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Phixion said:
My post was merely pointing out all realms zerg in a way, It wasn't a flame at any one particular realm. Although Albs do zerg more - it's a fact!

/me remebers phixions scout :D

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