FAO Sts using grapple , especially Dreggel


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Dreggel you noob, how dare you kill people!!! And an FoTM Inf at that!!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!! I HOPE YOU FALL OFF A BRIDGE AND BREAK YOUR LEGS!!!!!!!!!!

...Oh wait... no I don't - Grats on your first FOA Thread mate :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Just an informal note, both of you are on my 'People to bitch-slap before i'm 60' list. I'll bet you wished you'd kept quiet now don't you ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 10, 2004
Using grapple isn't lame in itslef, however the context in which it is used by stealthers is, you outnumber the person your attacking and don't have enough confidence in your own ability to fight on an even keel so you grapple them while ur 1,2 or three freinds bash at him not giving him a chance.
Therefore grapple isn't lame, but the stealth zerglings that use it are.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 25, 2004
Yeah! it really smells infil+mincer doesnt it :p

I solo much of my RvR time but as soon as i realize that enemy Stealthers are teamed up i dont have much of a choise, do i?

A. I run out again and hope that the enemies that just killed me have logged and deny that i just died. Who knows i might be able to solo them all THIS time...

B. I am smart enough to realize that i cannot beat the enemy alone and find myself a partner. I there after use the skills, abilities and items available for my class and try to beat them.

Now, i wonder how many that would go for alt A...

Anyways, if you knew how few solo enemies there are out there to fight. Most of the time i actually spend waiting or trying to volley the crap out of FULL GROUPS. now if/when an infil jump me ofc ill grapple him/her...

Still cant understand the whining about Grapple. ffs, get yourself a star and go BM if you envy BMs that much...



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Archeon said:
Just an informal note, both of you are on my 'People to bitch-slap before i'm 60' list. I'll bet you wished you'd kept quiet now don't you ;)

Oh no...my life is ruined now! Plz spare me from your ubahness, Arch :-P


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
lol u are too funny.

Ebay? is that where u got ur char? oh no, a mid char raise too fast :p welcome to easy mode , u dont need ebay .

In 1.69 grapple will stun the caster, and the grappled target can attack, so, u grapple, im still kicking ur ass... so, almost useless ML in stealthers.

DF nerf is inc . And? , that is the problem of SBs, only ask for nerf the classes i cant wtfpwn, instead of ask upgrade to ur class. Infils will be nerfed soon. And? that make ur SBs better? 5sec = 9sec stun in a assassin fight, if u dont have purge up, u are dead (+LW weapons ) .
Isnt better remove DF and diamondback and put 9sec or 5sec stun in harmsting to all assassins?. Nah, nerf nerf DF :) , but still the assassin stunts are unbalanced, the best diamondback at lvl26 5sec stun, second DF 5sec lvl50, third frosty gaze 7sec lvl39 LA in CHAIN lol.

And pure tankes get slam 9sec stun anytime, and brutalize 10sec after block (they block more than an assassin evade ) , but hey, lets nerf, instead of all assassins ask for a 9sec stun on harmsting, making our primary spec line better, cos we are assassins, not tankes with stealth. And that will all respec CS... the thing mythic is trying to do... delete stealth tanks and make us assassins...

Who laugh? not sbs i think

Good luck

Edit: this dont let me posts with smiles? ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Thats peachy and all, but your preeching to people who don't give a rats ass. Just let it drop, which is what you should have done in the first place. Smarter people than you have tried to come to the Mid forums and do the whole "Mid=Easymode, Mid=Overpowered" thing. They failed. You'll fail. To try and argue that is to try and argue that the sun won't rise towmorrow, or that you'll interally combust from eating too many cucumbers.

The only real thing any of us can be unsure of is how long it will take you to realise this and bugger off back to the kiddy pool.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 25, 2004
bug off junior!
After testing the new grapple out i like it even more. Casters now dead meat as well. And well, if you manage to attack me while i grapple you im impressed. Casue noone else managed to tonight...

Now go back to that Alb forum of yours and stay there, thank you


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Dreggel said:
bug off junior!
After testing the new grapple out i like it even more. Casters now dead meat as well. And well, if you manage to attack me while i grapple you im impressed. Casue noone else managed to tonight...

Now go back to that Alb forum of yours and stay there, thank you

Yeah screw off yo bastord :D

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