FAO Sorcs of this realm.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Well, 87k healed in 90 minutes is definitely a lot, I think I'm beginning to see Golena's point here. :) Perhaps the climate on Excalibur is more focused on siege, whereas Prydwen people since a few months back never does any siege warfare but only roam around in iRvR in some convenient frontier.

As for northernmonkey, don't give up, I am sure you are still not 100% accustomed to your role as Cleric and need some practice in RvR before you start performing really well. Being a support character in a pickup group can be frustrating, so strive at least to build a core of people in the group who you know and who also knows how to play. Oh, and if the group starts complaining about your heals, that is when you disband and look for another group (alternatively, kick the whiners).

Sorry for the hijack there, original thread subject was Sorcerers. :)


Loyal Freddie
Aug 24, 2004
dex question.

Due to my sorc being my first born, 3 years ago, hes a little bit gimped due to mythic telling me i need int. Oh and im 8ft 7, taller than a troll!!!!!!! ( give size respec ).

My Dex at lvl 50 is 93. With items this goes 194. And buffs goes to - not sure. I've capped my casting speed.

How much aug dex will i need to cap my casting speed?




Fledgling Freddie
Nov 17, 2004
sorc are hard to play imo they are fun im not great at playing mine but it is entertaining mezzing a green con in rvr and watching them panic lol, but next time u feelin low about how many times u die etc, plz feel free to check my deaths on /stats should provide a laugh for all.


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
caling said:
Due to my sorc being my first born, 3 years ago, hes a little bit gimped due to mythic telling me i need int. Oh and im 8ft 7, taller than a troll!!!!!!! ( give size respec ).

My Dex at lvl 50 is 93. With items this goes 194. And buffs goes to - not sure. I've capped my casting speed.

How much aug dex will i need to cap my casting speed?


cap on ur mezz/LT is @ 403 dex / 10 cast speed
aug dex :
1 = 4
2 = 12
3 = 22
4 = 34
5 = 48
get buffed and see how much ur missing then u can find out what aug dex u need ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
Golena said:
This statistic is rather pointless unfortunately as spreadheals don't add to your healed score.
Any non smite specced cleric will never show up on this list.

What this tells us is that the active clerics rely far too much on spreadheal
(yes I know there are times you need to use it, LoS, grp taking lots of dmg)but far too many rely on spreadheal and piss power up the wall.

Learn to use spec heals. Faster, Less power, Higher Heal value - everyone's a winner.

Personally I'd hope that Clerics moved spreadheal to another q-bar so they aren't tempted to use it at every opportunity. The value heal of the spread is piss poor and uses tons of power.

<cough> If you are a healing cleric, get 40%+ power pool </cough>


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
Downanael said:
Where you need clerics for when half of the albion seems to be some sort of lifetap charater.

Because the army of Bonedancers, who then re-rolled Warlock didn't have
enough with Lifetap, they either got 2 healer pets or an insta powerless

or perhaps you're a Hib

When qc-stun (9secs from pretty much any offensive Hib caster) > lifetap
and if you're an Enchanter your pet can heal.

If you're a Cabby or Sorc and interrupted - lifetap = no dmg/no health stolen

If you're a BD/WL - you're lifetaps are insta (so interrupted = nothing) and
besides your pets aren't being interrupted and can heal you whilst you're
being nuked.

If you're a chanter (for the pet healing), or any hib class, qc-stun = you win


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
Well, 87k healed in 90 minutes is definitely a lot, I think I'm beginning to see Golena's point here. Perhaps the climate on Excalibur is more focused on siege, whereas Prydwen people since a few months back never does any siege warfare but only roam around in iRvR in some convenient frontier.

I've discussed this subject a lot with my rl mates who all play hib/pryd (myself being alb/excal primarily). When running with them on pryd all we do is roam hadrian's and pennine, hardly any siege going on. This is also true to a few "good" groups roaming emain on excal every evening, but deffo not in the same scale. Will be fun to see how these two different attitudes towards RvR will merge come clustering.

I spend most of my RvR time doing siege with my friar, more often than not being in the top 5 of /stats heal (I blame Muylaetrix and Xorgio for that, crazy buggers ;) ) - think I had 170k healed in a few hrs. one evening. BUT that doesn't show anything about the efficiency of the clerics in the same group, because as people have pointed out spreadheals don't count towards /stats heal.

Also when doing towerfights, it's hard for a cleric to keep everyone (hell, even the ones taking damage) in LoS. No matter if your group is defending or attacking in towerfights, the cleric would have to put him/herself in a potentially dangerous situation to get LoS for single target heals. Same basically goes for keep fighting. In these situations, spreadhealing is the optimal choice for healing for primary healers. I think this is the specific reason we don't see that many clerics on the top of /stats heal on alb excal at least.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Ive seen alb/excal vids of "gank groups" whos clerics spread heal when single target is getting damaged in open field fg v fg. Even the leetest of the leet have bad habits :D

Borgio Finstermoor

One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 7, 2004
Archetype said:
I've discussed this subject a lot with my rl mates who all play hib/pryd (myself being alb/excal primarily). When running with them on pryd all we do is roam hadrian's and pennine, hardly any siege going on. This is also true to a few "good" groups roaming emain on excal every evening, but deffo not in the same scale. Will be fun to see how these two different attitudes towards RvR will merge come clustering.

I spend most of my RvR time doing siege with my friar, more often than not being in the top 5 of /stats heal (I blame Muylaetrix and Xorgio for that, crazy buggers ;) ) - think I had 170k healed in a few hrs. one evening. BUT that doesn't show anything about the efficiency of the clerics in the same group, because as people have pointed out spreadheals don't count towards /stats heal.

Also when doing towerfights, it's hard for a cleric to keep everyone (hell, even the ones taking damage) in LoS. No matter if your group is defending or attacking in towerfights, the cleric would have to put him/herself in a potentially dangerous situation to get LoS for single target heals. Same basically goes for keep fighting. In these situations, spreadhealing is the optimal choice for healing for primary healers. I think this is the specific reason we don't see that many clerics on the top of /stats heal on alb excal at least.

To quote Franciz here lol, what hes saying about keeps is true, half the time me and muy are popping MOC and leaping off towers shouting HEAL (only thing our cleric CAN do is spread) just so I can mezz the masses, debuff str/.con and let the icy goodness wash over them, obviously im stunned by the one i "missed" and nuked into oblivion at this point. Hell I get nuked into oblivion most nights, what you get for being a sorc

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