read what sleezer sayed and btw i dont care if i get steam rolled 1 2 3 times... but when they add u and they keep steam rolling u 4 5 times is geting anyoingZedenz said:King of the steam roll add whining about getting steam rolled!
Xrystofer said:read what sleezer sayed and btw i dont care if i get steam rolled 1 2 3 times... but when they add u and they keep steam rolling u 4 5 times is geting anyoing
Xrystofer said:i remeber 1 time adding u but he was only a 46 lvl reaver name twinklebelle if u remeberhe had no chance against u....
i dont remeber those fights but meybe u killed them first then i killed u?Minstrel said:right u added right away when i jumped Cloudzz yesterday water near shore but u dont remember that do u? u added near bridge when i jumped Neutralized yesterday aswell but u dont remember that either.
Xrystofer said:i dont remeber those fights but meybe u killed them first then i killed u?
Helstrom said:loeloeloel m9