FAO Rage

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Fluid said:
gotta love your personal hatred the top guilds, vengeance does as much for this realm as any guild, and we get on well with the majority of hib
I said CERTAIN members of Vengeance ie. you for one. Oh and things like farming the dragon and selling the stones for 5p each is NOT helping the realm fyi, that is blatently screwing over the realm for a fast buck. 1-2p fine. It just so happens that the Hibs I dislike happen to be in 'RvR' guilds because those guilds attract people with the similar personalities eg. unemployed young Scandinavians, that get on my bad side via their pisspoor attitude and contemptible in game actions.

I give everyone the initial benifit of the doubt. Everyone starts off in my good books until they do something to change that. There is noone I hate without a good reason. Ill let you guess which book people who call me a retard go in to Fluid. Bet you dont go round calling people retards to thier face in real life. If you do good luck on reaching retirement age.

Oh and if you could take it with the characters there then you should have hit it first and/or had a discussion about it. Problem solved before it would have been created.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
PJS said:
I said CERTAIN members of Vengeance ie. you for one. Oh and things like farming the dragon and selling the stones for 5p each is NOT helping the realm fyi,
Make your own fucking dragon raid u lazy wanker, who said we have to supply noobs like you with stones.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 7, 2004
PJS said:
I said CERTAIN members of Vengeance ie. you for one. Oh and things like farming the dragon and selling the stones for 5p each is NOT helping the realm fyi, that is blatently screwing over the realm for a fast buck. 1-2p fine. It just so happens that the Hibs I dislike happen to be in 'RvR' guilds because those guilds attract people with the similar personalities eg. unemployed young Scandinavians, that get on my bad side via their pisspoor attitude and contemptible in game actions.

Woah there.

We don't farm dragon, we kill the dragon if I feel like it, or someone needs a respec stone - everyone gets equal split, and the remainder goes to guild hoard.

Everyone is free to sell at their own prices, if you are implying that it's a duty or aluvian was saying it's the contribution we provide to the realm, you're talking shit pure and simple and your lack of any basis behind this really offends me. Don't make up shit just to try and win some crap argument.

Your generalisations and stereotypes doesn't exactly convey a good impression of you either, maybe you should stop 'camping' your high horse.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Tzeentch said:
Woah there.

We don't farm dragon, we kill the dragon if I feel like it, or someone needs a respec stone - everyone gets equal split, and the remainder goes to guild hoard.

Everyone is free to sell at their own prices, if you are implying that it's a duty or aluvian was saying it's the contribution we provide to the realm, you're talking shit pure and simple and your lack of any basis behind this really offends me. Don't make up shit just to try and win some crap argument.

Your generalisations and stereotypes doesn't exactly convey a good impression of you either, maybe you should stop 'camping' your high horse.
Woah yourself. Farm/kill/walked through sheeroe tripped and accidentally stabbed it to death whatever. You/VGN killed it in a time with a shortage and 20+ stones went up on VGN guildhouse CM for 5p each. You can talk about doing other things 'for the realm' but stuff like that cancels it out in my opinion. >IF< I could kill the dragon (which I cant) and have control over disposition of the stones (which is also unlikely) they would be >>GIVEN AWAY FREE<< to those who need them the most. But thats just me.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 7, 2004
You would also by then have the sense to realise that in an mmorpg, without knowing the specs, intentions and history of everyone that 'needed stones the most', you would never actually get most of them to the people that needed them.

I've tried it before.

I'm glad that people wanting to make money from loot they gain by killing a mob is enough reason for you to 'cancel out' every good thing we've done.

My discussion with you is over here, you show your ignorance and unwillingness to see what's true, there is no point to continue.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Xanthian said:
Make your own fucking dragon raid u lazy wanker, who said we have to supply noobs like you with stones.
Nobody. That is your choice to make. Analogy, you are walking along one day and you come across a cripple struggling along. It just so happens you have a magical cripplecure potion on you. Do you a) GIVE it to the unfortunate person or b) SELL it to the unfortunate person.

This is one of the other members/ex-members/members of an RvR guild who is also not in my good books reasons that can be seen here.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Tzeentch said:
You would also by then have the sense to realise that in an mmorpg, without knowing the specs, intentions and history of everyone that 'needed stones the most', you would never actually get most of them to the people that needed them.

I've tried it before.

I'm glad that people wanting to make money from loot they gain by killing a mob is enough reason for you to 'cancel out' every good thing we've done.

My discussion with you is over here, you show your ignorance and unwillingness to see what's true, there is no point to continue.
Then I would just get more til they all had one.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Just a shame you cant do it then, and we can, so..

Less whine more action, make 4 grps and go kill him and give us all free stones.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
PJS said:
Then I would just get more til they all had one.
lol, in principle that is the correct thing to do, but in practice it is impossible, and that you expect us to do the impossible for what reason?
to shine in your eyes? we are not allowed to do raids and sell things without having everything 100% accountable and fair?
why dont you hold the rest of the realm to the same standards as well? smacks of hypocrisy and targetted whine.


Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
imo 5 plat is fine for a full respec. if you want one either raise 5 plat or make a dragon raid of your own. why should vengeance be serving the realm? they pay the same subs as us, they can do as they like (within reason ofc)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
united we stand divided we fall.

Put stupid things like this behind you, because at the end of the day we play on the same realm and are all team mates.

Rage are nice bunch of peeps as are VGN.

Dont turn another dis-agreement over artifact rights into whos got the biggest penis contest.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2004
should have been dealt with via /pm and private messages on here, not a "im right and im gonna get the trolls of FH to agree with me" post


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
PJS said:
Analogy, you are walking along one day and you come across a cripple struggling along. It just so happens you have a magical cripplecure potion on you. Do you a) GIVE it to the unfortunate person or b) SELL it to the unfortunate person.

How about a counter analogy? :p
You just spend a hard day at work, at the end of the day when you get the pay check do you a) Spend it on things you need/want? Or b) go out on the street and give it all away to the first random person you see who says they need it?

People are entitled to get something for the work they put in.

Vantros of the Delerium

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2004
well mindtrix if u will get them for everyone... plz do i would like one i expect it to be waiting for me within 2 days...

Now back to the reality of it, everyone is entitled to thier say and point of view however misguided it may be. Hell i had to pay 4 plat for a respec stone from a real life freind and u dont see me complaining cos its all part of the economics of the game. They take thier time to farm these respec stones and no matter how much others need them thier own guild comes first and the farmed items are thiers to use and do with whatever they will... 5plat isnt that much cash... yes its alot to part with but u can easy make that in a day in df, or even at fins...

Heres another analogy; u finally get enough guildies on to kill the dragon and u get more respec stones than u needed would u a) give them out to the first peeps who asked for them, b) sell them for your own cash and guild cash, c) do nothing with them, saving them for a "rainy day". answers on a post card to :-

PObox 5318008
Pointless argument Street

and look at the numbers on the pobox upside down ^^


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 4, 2004
Vantros of the Delerium said:
PObox 5318008
Pointless argument Street

and look at the numbers on the pobox upside down ^^

add another 5 noob ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
PJS said:
I said CERTAIN members of Vengeance ie. you for one. Oh and things like farming the dragon and selling the stones for 5p each is NOT helping the realm fyi, that is blatently screwing over the realm for a fast buck. 1-2p fine. It just so happens that the Hibs I dislike happen to be in 'RvR' guilds because those guilds attract people with the similar personalities eg. unemployed young Scandinavians, that get on my bad side via their pisspoor attitude and contemptible in game actions.

I give everyone the initial benifit of the doubt. Everyone starts off in my good books until they do something to change that. There is noone I hate without a good reason. Ill let you guess which book people who call me a retard go in to Fluid. Bet you dont go round calling people retards to thier face in real life. If you do good luck on reaching retirement age.

Oh and if you could take it with the characters there then you should have hit it first and/or had a discussion about it. Problem solved before it would have been created.

ok, lets pick this apart....

1. you do not know me ingame, you do not know how i play, what i do, or who i help/don't help. The only communication i have had with you was on these forums after u flamed a RR member, simply because of their guild (as i believe u try to do now).

2. You want a respec stone? make a dragon raid, VGN have absoloutly every right to farm the dragon and sell respecs at whatever the hell prie they want. If we never farmed it, hib would have a hell of a lot less stones than it does now and be in a worse shape. We could sell for 10p and in the end still get it as we basically have a monopoly on the market.

3. Do i look as if i care if you dislike me? maybe if you held any ranking within hib at all except being a forum troll i might, but you don't so i don't

4. As for having a discussion about it, i am always up for that, hell eramai popped againe arlier as i was camping, first shazzana asked if he could join me, then nolerdraic did, both i let join me, and during fight we found knave need credit so we quicly made a BG. I could have by all means told all 3 players to fuck off and just started shrooming in my fop,then pull and kill it, but i never. Think of me what u like but my rep is fine as far as i am concerened.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
PJS said:
I shouldnt be too concerned about what certain members of Vengeance thinks of you. None of em will be winning any courtesy contests any time soon.

This is a very big generalization to make about a guild. Instead of naming names, you make it a general insult, which i find offending along with probably the rest of vgn members.

Saadyst is out there organizing keep takes, like last week when we lost ALL our keeps and a few fgs were trying to hold them and attacking dagda at same time and no one else was taking charge, he had to, and we got all our keeps back.. THAT is something good for the realm.

Abotu 3 weeks ago, Saadyst, being ml10 in need of no mlxp or nothing, came along and led a ml4 raid after teh original leaders repeatedly failed on 4.2, he took over and led the raid til the end of 4.10.

Dragon raids, as for those, if you cannot afford to go and farm 5p, then MAKE YOUR OWN DARN RAID. If we powerlevel our alts to level 50 and dont powerlevel yours, is that a bad thing? If we do galla raids and get neat items should we also give those away for free? Where exactly should we get the money to Spellcraft our armor, craft our armor, and buy drops that some of us cannot farm (f.ex master level 9 stuff as i dont have any chars that can farm that). Are you suggesting that we give away the things we get for rock bottom prices, spending our time and energy doign a raid that no one else in hibernia bothers with, then offer these stones to the market at a price that is below what OTHERS are charging for the same items, and THEN spend our time farming cash so we can also get the things we need done out of this game?

A single line respec stone goes for 3p. That is what everyone who farmed galla sold them for basically. A full respec that was sold to help support our mansion and other guild endeavors we sold for 5p. CONSIDERING you can respec two lines with that which would take 6p in single line stones... well i guess you arent that great with math.

If you want communist prices, you are in the wrong game as one look at the Market Explorer will tell you. Those are the prices we gotta pay to get things we need for our characters. So things that we get that are equally as valuable will go for the market value. Be Glad that some members SELL Their stones. I havent sold a single one of my galla respecs i got from months of farming galla, or the ones i get from guild dragon raids.. have a vault page full of them.. If some guildmates didnt sell them, there would simply be NONE available at ALL for you to buy.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
how do i close thread? its gone so far off topic its not funny


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
PJS said:
Nobody. That is your choice to make. Analogy, you are walking along one day and you come across a cripple struggling along. It just so happens you have a magical cripplecure potion on you. Do you a) GIVE it to the unfortunate person or b) SELL it to the unfortunate person.

There are two cripples (or more realistically half a realm of cripples, lets face it most players have one character they would like to 'tweak'), one will trade vast sums of cash for your cure, one has nothing. You know nothing else about either cripple. Thats a much closer analogy, who do you trade with?

You really cant expect them to interview every gimp who wants to lower parry 3 points and raise blades, or take one point off regrowth for the next root in nature, or respec spear -> Lw, or pierce -> slash etc and decide who is most needy...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Squalion said:
Read CoC, its not stealing, they're group was ready to kill while urs was still inc etc etc.

Aye why should the group from Rage wait on your inc's? They pay for the game as well, just to bad for you guys. This is like believing you can send a friend to occupie some seats at a football game (without prebought tickets at nub game), and think those extra seats are your's just because your friend was there... [Understand my meening?]

Not fun for you guys, but thats life.

ps. cbt read all but this is my meening.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Archon said:
Aye why should the group from Rage wait on your inc's? They pay for the game as well, just to bad for you guys. This is like believing you can send a friend to occupie some seats at a football game (without prebought tickets at nub game), and think those extra seats are your's just because your friend was there... [Understand my meening?]

Not fun for you guys, but thats life.

ps. cbt read all but this is my meening.

then read it all, we coulda killed it as has been said a few times, if they had said "pull now or we do" then krane woulda done so and killed it, but they never.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Hmm ok.. Wasnt nice of em.

But dont suppose they came with bardspeed+sprint and leeched the kill for teh win? .. Not only their job to ask, if you guys are goin to pull.

Or was they groupstealthed?.... :touch:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Archon said:
Hmm ok.. Wasnt nice of em.

But dont suppose they came with bardspeed+sprint and leeched the kill for teh win? .. Not only their job to ask, if you guys are goin to pull.

Or was they groupstealthed?.... :touch:

they just ran from aerus, gave box, pulled, not a word


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
I will just give an unasked opinion and an unasked suggestion....

An opinion is for my Realmmates.
Rage are a bunch of extremely nice and correct people.
They were one of the strongest and most respected guilds on italian servers for what i know.
I am knowing them better now, and cant really think anything wrong about them.

The suggestion is for Rage.
You mates are new on this server.
I can sincerely tell you that there are a lot of very nice people in Vegeance, dispite there is a good number of realmmates that dont love them at all.
Stupids are well distributed in our Realm, in every guild, as everywhere.
And here, as everywhere, the only sage thing one can do is ignore them....


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
well tbh Rage must done something really wrong. Fluid as I know him is maybe the nicest hib tbh. And he almost never go on forums to speak bad about guilds. Never in my 2 year as daoc player have Ive seen it.

For the whos bad and whos not, I say Rage did the mistake here tbh. and for the record VGN is a good guild and they do alot of good things for this realm. I proud to have VGN as a guild in the realm of Hibernia. And ive also happey to be in team with them and also gotten friends there. So the bad tag of being l337 is getting old and faggotish xD.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
PJS said:
I shouldnt be too concerned about what certain members of Vengeance thinks of you. None of em will be winning any courtesy contests any time soon.

Deep down you must regret posting that comment m8. Defending yourself on the basis that you used the word "certain" is just playing with semantics because it clearly conveyed a sentiment about vgn as a whole.

Clearly you know absolutely nothing about vgn m8.

1. We are a guild so we do guild stuff for ourselves.

2. Saadyst is one of the most selfless peeps ive known in this game.

3. We are part of hibernia and either directly or indirectly we benefit the realm in many many ways.

It is easy to pick on a guild like vgn and score points but in your heart you know that ure comments have backfired and you are the one wiping albumin from your cheesy chops.

As for rage - vgn grp rage peeps often and from what ive seen of them they are good players and decent peeps. My hope is that some well worded pm's between rage and vgn will lead to something positive.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Hestethun said:
well tbh Rage must done something really wrong. Fluid as I know him is maybe the nicest hib tbh. And he almost never go on forums to speak bad about guilds. Never in my 2 year as daoc player have Ive seen it.

For the whos bad and whos not, I say Rage did the mistake here tbh. and for the record VGN is a good guild and they do alot of good things for this realm. I proud to have VGN as a guild in the realm of Hibernia. And ive also happey to be in team with them and also gotten friends there. So the bad tag of being l337 is getting old and faggotish xD.

aluv :sex: heste
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