FAO: PUG alb grp friday the 20:th

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Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Sounds like Shifty got AoD'ed

Im crying invisible tears already.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Coldbeard said:
Sounds like Shifty got AoD'ed

Im crying invisible tears already.

Getting old.

Ran with AoD for 7hrs in past 3 days (roughly)

In all that time we seen your group about 7 times (or at least groups with Gamah it in, dont target everyone as if going to engage i interupt the banshee fast) however 6 of them times you were in a fight and we went past it (4against mids, 2 against hibs) and only 1 time you were not and we engaged you.

As always, I will not say the group NEVER adds. Like yours there times they will. Maybe by accident or maybe in revenge, but as of yet they have not while I am there. However I have been logging at 22:00GMT at the latest for a few nights due to the fact that my connection is bad. What they do after that I have no say in!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
CstasY said:
You add on us whenever you get the chance, don't try and make out you're the innocent ones.

i can't wait to have enough clips for doing a movie, think we should include a part just with your group getting owned (too much footage available of that already so gotta sort it out :()

and being a shit little liar must feel bad when you're going to bed :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
So, you got bored of not finding fights and decided to add on a group that won't add on your 3-way fights? That makes lots of sence mates..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Eregion said:
So, you got bored of not finding fights and decided to add on a group that won't add on your 3-way fights? That makes lots of sence mates..

lol i wonder from where did you get that ^^i still know my english sucks but i really didnt write it lol. who said those grps not adding on our fights? i said 90% of grps are adding if 3way fight, we usually dont but we made an exception. come on stop twisting my words lol.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Uberlama said:
Would you tell me which fight you mean? we added only once whole night it was a hib-mid fight, which is 3 way fight and 90% of grps adding on these fights.

That was on our fight, and we definately are in those 10% left you mention that won't add on "3-way fights" which i surely hope you had noticed by now..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Anyway, don't really care I just got a bit disappointed when i saw it cause you give funny fights and there's no need for the adding. :p
Cluster is really nice atm, almost no adding going on (atleast if you compare to glastonbury), let's keep it up!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
If you don`t want adds, go play guildwars.

Adds are great, adds rock, adds make fights intresting.

Adds allow `inferior` groups to win once in a while.

Adds can make a walkover fight intresting.

Adds give a certain amount of extra uncertainty and challenge.

DAOC is for me a wargame. In war you won`t find a single regiment or soldier who gets upset over another soldier or regiment `helping`.

I don`t understand the OBSESSION about solloing, or running as a strict FG.

Self imposed standards and limitations... yours, not mine.

Feel free to handicap yourselves.

I am happy to use any asset i have at hand (within the rules ofc) to swing the tide in a fight.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Muylaetrix said:
If you don`t want adds, go play guildwars.

Adds are great, adds rock, adds make fights intresting.

Adds allow `inferior` groups to win once in a while.

Adds can make a walkover fight intresting.

Adds give a certain amount of extra uncertainty and challenge.

I don`t understand the OBSESSION about solloing, or running as a strict FG.

Self imposed standards and limitations... yours, not mine.

Feel free to handicap yourselves.

I am happy to use any asset i have at hand (within the rules ofc) to swing the tide in a fight.

I agree with you, sure I curse a bit when we get added on to myself and maybe in ventrilo. I would hate to play rvr in instances. However when are people gonna stop comparing rvr with real war? It's a frigging computer game, not even remotely like any real war. It's just an utterly stupid comparison.

Muylaetrix said:
DAOC is for me a wargame. In war you won`t find a single regiment or soldier who gets upset over another soldier or regiment `helping`.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Muylaetrix said:
DAOC is for me a wargame. In war you won`t find a single regiment or soldier who gets upset over another soldier or regiment `helping`.
do you get out much?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
rure said:
However when are people gonna stop comparing rvr with real war? It's a frigging computer game, not even remotely like any real war. It's just an utterly stupid comparison.

it`s a computer games that simulates a neverending war between 3 kingdoms. REALM vs REALM, not me vs him or our group vs their group.

a one on one can be nice, a fg vs fg can be nice, but they are the exception, not the rule.

i have never felt angry or unhappy over getting added on. I feel ok about `sharing` the spoils of war <cough> RP <cough>.

i sometimes get upset over realmates who let you lose a fight because they would rather let you die than help you.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Muylaetrix said:
it`s a computer games that simulates a neverending war between 3 kingdoms. REALM vs REALM, not me vs him or our group vs their group.

a one on one can be nice, a fg vs fg can be nice, but they are the exception, not the rule.

i have never felt angry or unhappy over getting added on. I feel ok about `sharing` the spoils of war <cough> RP <cough>.

i sometimes get upset over realmates who let you lose a fight because they would rather let you die than help you.

Yeah, you just basically repeated what you said in your previous post. I still think comparing DAoC with real war is a completely worthless comparison.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Muylaetrix said:
it`s a computer games that simulates a neverending war between 3 kingdoms. REALM vs REALM, not me vs him or our group vs their group.

a one on one can be nice, a fg vs fg can be nice, but they are the exception, not the rule.

i have never felt angry or unhappy over getting added on. I feel ok about `sharing` the spoils of war <cough> RP <cough>.

i sometimes get upset over realmates who let you lose a fight because they would rather let you die than help you.

no, its an mmo where you are free to do whatever you like (within the rules ofc) including adding, the problem is when people go out of thier way to spoil other peoples fun, there is no need for it, you dont actually get much out of it, maybe a couple of hundred RPs for your group.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Muylaetrix said:
i sometimes get upset over realmates who let you lose a fight because they would rather let you die than help you.

Perhaps, however 'that enemy player' is not more or less of a player then you are, he just picked another icon then you at the start of the game.

I dont like it when Im fighting someone, and when winning someone adds. I wont do the same to 'that enemy player' just because he picked another realm.

Everyone is entitled on his own playstyle IMO.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003

he caught an old boot, some whine and .. oh yes! a ban!
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