FAO people doing Dragon Raids

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
In the past few days we killed 11~ dragons, and in that time ive taken like 2-3 drops. This is because im trying to help people get templated etc, ive rolled and won weapons for others, like fsls for nightsend etc, but for my own character it has 2 dragon pieces. (yes i have alts i can template)

I know people are equipping alts which is fine but its pissing a certain few of us off how people are being greedy. Let me explain. The otherday on my ranger I have around 5 potent deathchains, which I didn't realise were in my template so I gave them out asking if anyone wants. Then i realised, and have been trying to chase up the people who I gave them to, of which I get the reply : its for my xxx char which obviously isnt their main.

Now to me this is fucked up, as im sure as every1 else on the raid agreed if people needed the drop they would get it straight off (like lokehs shield etc), and especially how ive hardly taken anything and people still are greedy about it and keeping all the drops for alts rather than helping peoples mains.

Now there are at least 5 necklaces out there and I aint demanding 1 back, but I wont be doing any raids with you until I get one, which I aint farming anymore for, killed like 10 mini dragons and an hour killing deathwatchers in shee hills and nothing dropped. I could have been greedy myself and rolled everytime, but I didn't so would expect some treatment back in the same way.

Am I being too picky n shit? Would like opinions on the people at the raid ty


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 7, 2008
Dragonloot should be for maincharacters, its not something you equip an alt in !
I also have alot of alt characters wich i could greed-roll for, but thats not the spirit of the game imo.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
especially with the pop on the server atm, maybe its understandable on big servers


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2007
like i said in private conversation jim. unfortunately only fair way of doing it is pick a class b4 the loot drops ur rolling for then roll for it simple really.

but i didnt know u gave out the chains and didnt get any back, tbh that is rather fucked up so whoever took them shud be a gent and hand 1 back rly


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
haha gl with that, while certain Heroes rolling for Cloth Caps.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Should be happy you sorted the items aika, cba with more dragon raids now when i get shit rolls and the small greed sadly :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 25, 2004
what necklace do you need? potent deathwatcher chain?

and yeah, from what i've seen recently (not been on much tho), the old "greed b4 need" seems to be strong again among certain people. wtg !!!

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
what necklace do you need? potent deathwatcher chain?

and yeah, from what i've seen recently (not been on much tho), the old "greed b4 need" seems to be strong again among certain people. wtg !!!



Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
this is why alb is so good, can do it as 4/5 ppl so you don't have to deal with the wanker brigade.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
The fine mejts of no greed helped frem to get the neck today :>


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 25, 2004
this is why alb is so good, can do it as 4/5 ppl so you don't have to deal with the wanker brigade.

i honestly prefer to just zerg stuff like that, to give anyone a fair chance to get drops, be it random or pro.

from my experience being able to do stuff with minimal setups just promotes wankers and not keeps the wanker brigade away from it (early toa days anyone ... hint hint)

and nice frem got it, checked my vault and found only silken strands left :/


Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
I disagree. Doing stuff in small groups builds teamwork. Why do you think Hibs are so good at zerg busting? even as a pug :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
OK I like get this straight as for certain Hero's rolling for Cloth Cap if I am not mistaken that was on 1st succesful Dragon Raid we done and Certain HERO didn't want anything from the items that dropped and was kind enough to ROLL for me and got Cloth Cap.

Also from all succesful DR we have done on HIB people may like to know that I myself have hardly rolled for any items unless it was for my Main the ELD I am playing I now have everything but I will still attend any just to help others.

On a server with such low population it no good doing tit for tat shit we now know how set up works for it yes it can be pain in arse but people like myself are still willing to help others.



One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 15, 2005
i've only got 1 drop for Sc so far still need druid shield and 2 bracers for SC and let 2 druid shields go i sayed i'ed wait for next 1


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 21, 2006
replay on the rules of dr raids

Never written in here before this will be my first one. I have never heard about that you should roll for your main one char how come???? I Used to play in US server before and I not tell lies when I tell you I been on dr raids for 175 times and never heard things like this.

There is many ways to do dr raids claimed once and rolling. Rolling for anything you need for your toons. Claimed it works also but my opinion I dont like that. I think everyone shall roll for things they want and trade or what ever they want to do with it. If they want to sell it, and that is good also because then ppl that cant of many reson not be on the raid have oppiturnty to buy the item.

The dr leader need to set up rules before the raid and tell everyone what he have for rules and how he want it. And it is up to ppl to take or leave it.

I play my main but I play other toons also druid in rvr that day I have a template and ranger and hero. So I dont understand Why I cant take ex for my ranger things that I will use that I cant roll on it. But this is how I think it should be only. And sorry for my poor english heehe.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
Never written in here before this will be my first one. I have never heard about that you should roll for your main one char how come???? I Used to play in US server before and I not tell lies when I tell you I been on dr raids for 175 times and never heard things like this.

There is many ways to do dr raids claimed once and rolling. Rolling for anything you need for your toons. Claimed it works also but my opinion I dont like that. I think everyone shall roll for things they want and trade or what ever they want to do with it. If they want to sell it, and that is good also because then ppl that cant of many reson not be on the raid have oppiturnty to buy the item.

The dr leader need to set up rules before the raid and tell everyone what he have for rules and how he want it. And it is up to ppl to take or leave it.

I play my main but I play other toons also druid in rvr that day I have a template and ranger and hero. So I dont understand Why I cant take ex for my ranger things that I will use that I cant roll on it. But this is how I think it should be only. And sorry for my poor english heehe.

well the main problem is population on the server. Theres no need for people to be greedy with so few on the raid. We are all in vent and should easily be able to discuss what people need etc. It makes it fair, and people get templated quicker.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 21, 2006
Hi again

I been in 4 raids in hib Euro and I was not in vent three first times only the last time then we had killed it 2 times then I got invited. But nm I did not get any rules at all when I got to the raid if I got that then maybe I had not taken what I did. vent or not vent I think anyway they should put in rules in bg then it shouldent be any problem it was most that I wanted to say.


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