FAO of the full groups running in breifine


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2005
Succi: so why dont you respect our decision not to roleplay and therefore keep your "traitor" talk to yourselves.

Its getting more and more amusing here!! DAOC is a MMORG!!!! Go play pokemon if u are not able to understand and respect the roleplaying part!!!

I rest my case.



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2005
Hrymf said:
Another great example of someone thinking "their way" is the RIGHT WAY. The codes of conduct states no where that you have to add, that you have to zerg, that you have to play fg vs fg rvr or almost anything else... Its really up to each and one of us to play how we like and think is right within the the rough lines GOA have drawn for us. So if i wanna do fg vs fg rvr or 1vs1 rvr and i dont like when someone add on the fight, i am more than entitled to ask them not to do it again because it ruins my fun, and they are more than entitled to simple say no because that is how they play.... I can assure you that GOA in now way will ban or warn someone asking a simple question like that, and if someone like you would be silly enough to waste their time by reporting this, they would simple laugh at you and return an automatic answer, maybe even in french just for the extra laugh.

You could perhaps point out for me where in the rules and code of conduct it states that everyone have to play realm versus realm by killing every red target they see? And you could perhaps also point out for me where in the rules or code of conduct it states that Agramon is for fg vs fg rvr only?

I am pretty sure you cant, and i'll finish my chicken here while having a chuckle at you and this silly post of yours.

don't you have albs toons? and think bards are OP ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2005
Enli said:
it's ur right to do so and their right to respond to ur action aslong as it's within lines, decent and non-abusive language

i hope u get the point of this entire thread, so what if people add or don't wanna be added upon, as long as the people act decent enough to live with it or ask the others to leave in a proper manner
lately lots have been nagging entire stories about CoC or being simply offensive and started insulting

so far u've been twisting around the point and turning this in an "add"-discussion again, now listen THERE ISN'T A PERFECT SOLUTION but we can still be polite or at least able to control childish behaviour

haha, i was on freeshard last night, on an insta 50 rvr server, and a GM logged on ... everyone went to him and moaned that people were adding. All he did was this

/b Guys, stop moaning about adding, if you don't like it, log off or live with it


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Shamealot said:
Succi: so why dont you respect our decision not to roleplay and therefore keep your "traitor" talk to yourselves.

Its getting more and more amusing here!! DAOC is a MMORG!!!! Go play pokemon if u are not able to understand and respect the roleplaying part!!!

I rest my case.

dont hide behind roleplaying, what you do is not anything to do with it at all, you want cheap RPs nothing more nothing less.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 4, 2005
Hrymf said:
Another great example of someone thinking "their way" is the RIGHT WAY. The codes of conduct states no where that you have to add, that you have to zerg, that you have to play fg vs fg rvr or almost anything else... Its really up to each and one of us to play how we like and think is right within the the rough lines GOA have drawn for us. So if i wanna do fg vs fg rvr or 1vs1 rvr and i dont like when someone add on the fight, i am more than entitled to ask them not to do it again because it ruins my fun, and they are more than entitled to simple say no because that is how they play.... I can assure you that GOA in now way will ban or warn someone asking a simple question like that, and if someone like you would be silly enough to waste their time by reporting this, they would simple laugh at you and return an automatic answer, maybe even in french just for the extra laugh.

You could perhaps point out for me where in the rules and code of conduct it states that everyone have to play realm versus realm by killing every red target they see? And you could perhaps also point out for me where in the rules or code of conduct it states that Agramon is for fg vs fg rvr only?

I am pretty sure you cant, and i'll finish my chicken here while having a chuckle at you and this silly post of yours.

first point is you are right.
second point is you are wrong.

point 1...every one is entitled to play how they want and adding is part of the game

live with it !!!!

point 2....if you say to someone not to add you are enposing you gameplay style on others, that is wrong

then it starts with whining and pm´s abusing


Loyal Freddie
Nov 1, 2005
Basically it`s simple anyone can do allmost whatever they want in RvR and everyone should respect other people views. If you want to add it`s fine, if you dont want to add thats fine aswell.

I think the adding isnt the biggest problem, the biggest problem is all the abusive language some people get in return simply for playing the way they feel like... which is very very wrong!!!

I try not to add most of the time, but i sometimes interfere in fights after having analysed them, or even sometimes cause i misunderstand the situation. I have many a time gotten a friendly pm that ask me to please repect that character or group to fight their own fight and as long as the tone in the pm is friendly i obey their wishes every single time. If the reply comes with abusive language and a harsh tone i ignore it, meaning i might add on those people again.

Most hibbies want to be nice wether they play for FG-vs-FG or Realm-vs-Realm it`s just a different oppinion, so if the pm`s keeps beeing written in a neutral and constructive manor most of the problem would be gone i guess.

The most important thing though to me is what wert said. If someone adds on you or your group (and you hate their guts) don`t pm em til you`ve let your head cool or simply dont pm to harass em at all----


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 12, 2004
LOL M8 LISTEN i pay My Subs and that earns ME the Right to be a cockend and ruin other peoples fights ! I leach rps and Im a camp crau crew bot who sits on bridge with my AnimIst or my bard chanter rog tank trio and kill every solo mid or alb that engages a Solo hib that respect each other ..

Imagine paying 12.50 a month to be a fucking cheap lowsy tard , I dont think ye really need to spend the 12.50 fellas ...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2005
Raven said:
dont hide behind roleplaying, what you do is not anything to do with it at all, you want cheap RPs nothing more nothing less.

Hehe Raven, nice try m8, i would have said the same thing if i were u.
But to be honest, i dont play for realmpoints that hard! It is just that i want to bash every enemy head that comes in sight. After a day of being polite at work i just have to do that :)



One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
"It is just that i want to bash every enemy head that comes in sight. After a day of being polite at work i just have to do that :)"

I think you might find an FPS rather more satisfying than DAOC then.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Mirt said:
"It is just that i want to bash every enemy head that comes in sight. After a day of being polite at work i just have to do that :)"

I think you might find an FPS rather more satisfying than DAOC then.

Thing is that many said the same thing to the leet camp when everyone else in game was playing as daoc started out like and the word adding wasnt part of the comunity in the same way.

Im as always in no camp at all but still stand confused over all the grief and angst a playstyle that always been there causes^^

I been friends with people from all camps and have to referee on a daily basís between all and everyone. Its a tad tiring to listen to it after a while:(


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2005
Mirt said:
"It is just that i want to bash every enemy head that comes in sight. After a day of being polite at work i just have to do that :)"

I think you might find an FPS rather more satisfying than DAOC then.

Dear Mirt,

I grew up with space quest one, kings quest one, Doom 1. I have seen a lot of games from the very start of pc gaming..... I think i know what i like and what i dont like. But thanks for sharing ur thoughts here.


Aran Thule

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
I agree with the original post.
People complained that they wanted the old email and to have thier full group fights without nasty keeps and towers.
so they made agramon... an area of green hills way from keeps and easily accessable from all three realms.
Due to various discussions it is agreed that this is a FG playground, so if i go there i respect that and would try not to attack groups already engaged.

Outside Agromon everything is fair game, if i attack or not is down to my discretion, but if i do or dont thats my choise and doesnt give anyone the right to hurl abuse.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2005
hrala said:
first point is you are right.
second point is you are wrong.

point 1...every one is entitled to play how they want and adding is part of the game

live with it !!!!

point 2....if you say to someone not to add you are enposing you gameplay style on others, that is wrong

then it starts with whining and pm´s abusing

There is a huge difference in telling people not to add and to ask them if they would please not add... I thought this would be obvious to anyone, asking a question can never be forcing anyone to anything, because you can simple answer no.


Oct 26, 2004
Let's describe the word "adding" and it's creation:

Mr leet describes adding: "Adding is interfearing with my mo'fucking fights you fcking noob"
Mr Casual: "adding is what leet people call other players who have no clue what adding is and are just helping out other players with their battles, after all it's a war going on Daoc"
Mr Stupid: "adding means leaching rps HHAHAHAROFL WHOOT"

You decide who you are.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 30, 2005
I see albs/mids fighting hibs so I join in to kill them. Coming out of the fight alive is a bonus so far as I am concerned, the whole point is that I have attempted to kill the enemy. We dont have the option of diplomacy with Albs so killing them is what roleplaying is about. Its not about adding or not for me, its about Hibs versus the enemy. If 'allies' insult me for that I don't really care.

Adlatus Hellbringer

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2005
MaCaBr3 said:
Let's describe the word "adding" and it's creation:

Mr leet describes adding: "Adding is interfearing with my mo'fucking fights you fcking noob"
Mr Casual: "adding is what leet people call other players who have no clue what adding is and are just helping out other players with their battles, after all it's a war going on Daoc"
Mr Stupid: "adding means leaching rps HHAHAHAROFL WHOOT"

You decide who you are.

I guess im mr stupid then... recenlty ive been trying to solo on my champ. Bar 2 fights ive had so far the rest i have been 'added' on causing me to get extremely frustrated. There is nothing more iritating than finding that perfectly matched fight only to find sum fuk wit caster is creeping about.

It is about leeching rps at the end of the day. People cant help it. They want to advance their character and usually will take any oportunity to do so. 1v1 u have a even chance of getting rps.... add sumone else to that equation and ur rps are a sure thing ;P

U cant honestly tell me that u believe in this daoc war shit lol :p

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