fao ninelifes

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2005
Shike said:

Belx is one of the best hunter on Pryd, you havent really played at all for ages, now you come back for alil and start with dissing fair players? Im sure Belx has zerged some asshole that deserves it (who hasnt?) but he goes by the rule you get what you give afaik, at least always did to me, which is far more than I can say about 95% of the twats playing stealthers.

Aww, how great shike, and now tell me, how much have you played your stealther through out the whole game?

As i said, i really dont care for how he play now, when all his rps is earned by playing as a moron, anyone can run around with 5mil rps saying "i now solo and play fair" since now he got some huge advantages, and the skills needed to actually win a solo fight cant be much.
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