FAO: Mincers who don't group



Originally posted by gunZ-
dont rez tehm asha

well as if ppl wud want ur shitty 10% rez anyway :(

That rez is only for you gunz my love :)




Originally posted by Ialkarn
Russel last words:"Mincers are a solo class."

10 sec later:Russel get full buffed by his bot.
20 sec later:Russel writes /release and buy a medallion for Hibernia.
repeat this sequence infinite times..



Russel last words:"Mincers are a solo class."

10 sec later:Russel get full buffed by his bot.
20 sec later:Russel writes /release and buy a medallion for Hibernia.
repeat this sequence infinite times..

go cry little baby :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:



Originally posted by Asha

selfish ppl suck.

so you want to solo? ok, but in the early hours when there is >10 ppl in emain and you're getting chain raped by sb's anyhow it's pretty stupid to try to solo and leave everyone else running at a snails pace.

Give group mintrels plz!

That is all.

Speedbots for everyone!


Originally posted by Ialkarn
Why then if a cleric refuse to ress someone in emain get flamed?
Its his own mana,he could spend it to aoe smite the walls during a fight instead of ress ppl right?
This game is build to work primary group vs group
the large presence of group abilities and ras it 's done whit the clear intention to force ppl to group eachother to get the max advantage of each classes.
To group is the spirit of the game,all the principal events (keep seiges,uber hunts,relic raids),also the chat system are cleary done to FORCE ppl to cooperate.
If you don't like that you cleary have wrong game.

P.S:yes to be the only mincer in emain and make 2 groups of albs move whit no speed and get farmed by mids it's as lame as refuse to ress someone.
also 90% of the times solo players in rvr zones are just leachers of full groups:they don't want group ofc but then they make 90% their rps leaching ppl ,hardly asking if they would mind to be followed etc.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Well said.


Originally posted by kadoer
go cry little baby :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:


People whine about selfish cunts, like yourself ;)


Re: well it is stupid yes BUT......

Originally posted by powahhdagod
you play a game for having fun
if a man haves fun playing solo his mincer what is OUR problem?
we have NO right to say to some1 how to have fun in a game....
i blame to the stupid morons on mythic that gave stealth on minstrels (THE ONLY class on the whole game that gives speed5 and has stealth...) than the players themselfes...
if you want to flame some1 flame the morons on mythic not the players :bore::puke:

:mgwhore2: mythic morons

lol retard


Originally posted by old.shotgunstow
People whine about selfish cunts, like yourself ;)

he's selfish for playing how he likes, none of the rest of you aren't selfish for telling him how to play? :>

Ialkarn: if you needed 2fg albs to have speed then wtf difference is it, he is only one ;p


Originally posted by Ialkarn
Russel last words:"Mincers are a solo class."

10 sec later:Russel get full buffed by his bot.
20 sec later:Russel writes /release and buy a medallion for Hibernia.
repeat this sequence infinite times..

IMO thats more fun that running around with whiners 2k3...


well could be:
- he didn't feel like grouping .
- he just didn't want to group with you
- you just asked him in your own pleasant manner making it easy for him to refuse
- he decided long time ago that he was gonna pay for 2 accounts because he prefers to solo above grouping
- whatever

He pays for his accounts it's his call how he uses them. There is only one way to be 100% sure you will have speed when you are playing yourself... role a minstrel and join a group then play speedsong. If he was in the same guild as you it would have been a different matter. It would have only been nice of him to hook up with you in the late hours so you, as fello guildies, could all enjoy the happy hearthwarming moments RvR has to offer.


Well, I can only speak for my self but....

1 I join guild when I can....
2 Hate random grps....
3 Hate when ppl get mad because I solo rather then join a random grp with random ppl and no healer
4 It is much much more relaxing when u can solo around after a stressing day, then haveing some random n00bs telling u that u didn´t demezz even tho u have a zerger on u´r neck...

Gonz out...


Dunno what it's like on excal but I find unless the group is good I die more in random groups than solo, and of course minstrels are bottom of the buff pile which doesn't help, lucky to get 1 con buff half the time. :rolleyes:

And frankly yelling at minstrels that they suck if they don't group is only going to get you less to group with rather than more.


Reading this post...caused me to /ponder

do you think this post is going to convince minstrels to group with you more often.?hm ?.particularly russell who this post seems to be aimed at (even thought it wasnt russell playing at the time).

The guy who was playing was talking to me the other day... and it was his 1st time as a minstrel, maybe he should have grouped...but he didnt want to. Sounds fair to me.

Maybe its not that he didnt want to grp. Maybe he just didnt want to group with you.


Originally posted by glorien_
I have to agree with asha on one thing - people say "dont tell people how to play" but yet they tell clerics what to do all the time. It isnt just RvR its PvE too, you always get "heal heal heal" in group - like you dont know what to do... and when u ask a tank to maybe run heal chant or something they go "dont tell me how to play".
Yes it is annoying when minstrels dont grp but not much u can do to make them grp.

Thats IF they are in same grp.. If the cleric find his smiting so uber that he thinks he can solo emain then let them..

But when ure in the grp, u play for the grp.


Presumably, by the logic of the original poster, anyone who is not a rejuv cleric, group mincer, or earth theurg is equally selfish unless they immeadiately delete and reroll?

What 's the difference between choosing to play a support capable class in a non-support role, and choosing to roll a class that is not capable of group support in the first place?


Hmm must have been a higher rank minstrel, i have no choice and have to go in a grp , sick of having my ass handed to me whilst still holding drum between tk and amg.


Originally posted by Ialkarn
Russel last words:"Mincers are a solo class."

10 sec later:Russel get full buffed by his bot.
20 sec later:Russel writes /release and buy a medallion for Hibernia.
repeat this sequence infinite times..

Russel = Wizard
Russell = Minstrel


Originally posted by loxleyhood
On the bright side scouts are eager to group. Get a scout in your group today!

lol until the next round of scout boosts :p

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