FAO Lasercry the leecher

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Originally posted by dukat_lionheart
i'd like to see how calm u were if ur account had the threat of deactivation hovering over it.

Why would he worry if he didn't leech?


Originally posted by dukat_lionheart
oh bugger off, like u make a screenie whenever u get a mess up with mobs.

just because laser doesnt have any screenies, it doesnt mean hes in the wrong.

If laser didn't take any SS it's not our fault.... There are SS showing him leeching tho, smart move by Drussila.


Originally posted by dukat_lionheart
braxxus, to be fair, its a tad selfish to hog the entire cooks room, if someone else comes in, u should atleast let em take a few mobs.

also, how was laser to know that ur camp spot was on the left side? u was at the entrance clearing there, so he couldnt have know u had ur camp spot there.

maybe if u had been a tad more mature u would have move to the right and shared ur mobs, instead of moving to where laser was pulling.

this in effect means u moved into 'his' camp spot, when the entire cooks room was clear.

Learn to read!

First post, he said he shared the room with Laser happily and Drussila moving up to kill at the stairs is only because the LOS on those mobs are pretty messed up...

And no one owns a camp!


Re: Re: Re: Necro Bending the Truth

Originally posted by dukat_lionheart
he didnt say that, dont be such a moron, read what he said, he just said that necros have an advantages and should perhaps consider this when wiping out the entire cooks room by themselves.

Why the fuck should they do that?

He's the only one there so he can easily pull the whole room - when Laser enters he does share with him untill Laser starts leeching.....


Originally posted by dukat_lionheart
u talk about proof, wheres the proof of that? ur being biast.

who and what proof says that laser started anything?

when did laser try to bully him away from it?

get you facts striaght.

I'm watching SS of Laser leeching

I'm watching SS of Laser, while useing caps, tells Drusilla to basicly F*** Off from his camp spot......

Ain't seen one bit of Drusilla starting to leech.....


Originally posted by Aybabtu
Why would he worry if he didn't leech?

because of the amount of ppl flaming him on this forum.


Originally posted by Aybabtu
If laser didn't take any SS it's not our fault.... There are SS showing him leeching tho, smart move by Drussila.

theres a SS of laser attacking a mob, theres no way of telling what has happend before this.

if somone started pulling mobs from ur camp spot and wouldnt stop, that would be a good way of stopping them. i have seen other ppl do this and to my knowledge, they didnt get a flame post.


Originally posted by Aybabtu
Learn to read!

First post, he said he shared the room with Laser happily and Drussila moving up to kill at the stairs is only because the LOS on those mobs are pretty messed up...

And no one owns a camp!

Originally posted by braxxus
I noticed the 3 mobs at the top of the stairs, so i moved up to kill em. While there Lasercry came in and went to my spot on the left side (popular camp spot).

if i am not mistaken it reads

'i moved up to kill em. While there Lasercry came in '

meaning laser came in when drussila was at the stairs.

meaning laser couldnt have known drussilas spot was on the left.

you learn to read.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Necro Bending the Truth

Originally posted by Aybabtu
Why the fuck should they do that?

He's the only one there so he can easily pull the whole room - when Laser enters he does share with him untill Laser starts leeching.....

no, laser moved to the left after he entered the room, unknowingly moving into drussilas camp spot.

instead of doing the mature thing and either asking laser to move or making another camp spot on the other side of the room, drusilla moved back to his camp spot, right near laser.

this effectivly means drussilla moved into lasers (even tho laser unknowingly moved into drussillas camp spot in the first place.)

so, both of them 'moved into somone elses camp spot', but only drussila knew laser was there when he did it.

when laser moved there he didnt know that drussilla was camping that point, as he was pulling mobs from the entrance.

PS. if u cant be polite and use proper language (ie. not swear words) please dont speak at all.


Originally posted by Aybabtu
I'm watching SS of Laser leeching

I'm watching SS of Laser, while useing caps, tells Drusilla to basicly F*** Off from his camp spot......

Ain't seen one bit of Drusilla starting to leech.....

yes, maybe laser was a tad impolite while telling drussila to move, but after being told he was 'about to be reported', i think anyone would have gotten angry. maybe he reacted wrong, but this isnt as black and white as u are making out. laser is not completely in the wrong.


Originally posted by Belsameth
either side have valid and less valid points. let GOA decide who was right and who was wrong. it's not something we'll figure out anyway with only 2 screenies and no logs :)

ahh the voice of reason, ppl, please listen to belsameth!

dont go off half cocked blaming laser! it may well turn out to be partly his fault, but in no way is he completely to blame.


Malroch the Cook attacks the abomination and misses!
Lasercry shoots the Malroch the Cook with his crossbow!
The abomination attacks Malroch the Cook and hits!

Now.. the first line says that obviously the Cook was in combat with Drussila´s pet. Then, Lasercry shot it. At the time when Lasercry fired his xbow, the Cook was already in melee and pretty damaged (look at his healthbar). Also, if it was Lasercry´s mob (and Drussila leeched it), why does Lasercry still have an xbow in his hands?
It´s nice that you keep defending your mate (and boosting your postcount with multiple replies etc.), but I really think that Lasercry in the wrong here, at least that´s what those screenshots say.


Haha i love the alb forum, even more wajn then on RvR discussion ;)


Originally posted by dukat_lionheart
if i am not mistaken it reads

'i moved up to kill em. While there Lasercry came in '

meaning laser came in when drussila was at the stairs.

meaning laser couldnt have known drussilas spot was on the left.

you learn to read.


i'll try again - Drussila would share the room with Lasercry - He moved up on the stairs because the LoS is fucked there..... is this to hard to read for you?

Again, no one can own a camp Twat :great:


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Necro Bending the Truth

Originally posted by dukat_lionheart

PS. if u cant be polite and use proper language (ie. not swear words) please dont speak at all.

You mean Fuck?

Public forum if you can't cut it then don't read it.....If you think it's offending report me to a mod but you did start calling me a moron so why should I keep my cool towards you?


Why carry this arguement on if both laser and drussila have seemed to have shurgged it off and gone on with their daoc lives?


becuase this is BW, flames dont die, they get Locked :p


Originally posted by corel
becuase this is BW, flames dont die, they get Locked :p

yup :)

think everything that can be said is said on this subject, anything more will only increase the flames :)
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