FAO Hibs


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 19, 2005
Well just wanted to say its been really nice seeing some of you who whine the most about adding, using 2 fg's the last 10 minutes and dedicating them to farming me while im trying to get to the agreed duel area i have with a infil...
normally i dont give rats in adding but when you start doing /rude *10 and /laugh at me for trying to get a duel going, then im breaking into a even bigger laughter thinking you must really feel weak when you have to use 2 fg's to gank 1 unbuffed skald continuesly counting now 15th time ;>


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
BG's are not much good for duelling im afraid m8.

Learned since cluster that trying to have a fair 1 on 1 duel was almost impossible. Either they use a buffbot (I may be alone, but I consider this cheating in a duel), someone adds or you both get steamrolled by a fg of enemies.

There are a few spots where you can go, but they usually have aggro mobs which screws it up and archers often check those areas.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Forf said:
trying to get to the agreed duel area i have with a infil

Um.. agreed to meet and duel... naughty boy :)

Hehe ill admit though zerging soloer's is a bit lame. But alls fair in love and war

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