Thank you for helping me open my buff bot account within about 12 hours of waiting, changing the email address etc
Top job.
First time in a long time I have been able to say that to Goa![]()
That Roaken is a Top bloke always helpful
Almost no sarcasm here, how lovely.
Cheer up chuckles, i think it's supposed to be a compliment!
How does everyone have such a hard time opening accounts? Think I once had an issue because I couldn't get onto the subs pages recently but in the 5 minutes it took me to post an enquiry on here in seemed to be working again. Other than that I've never had an issue in.... well far too many years of playing.
Though I'm not suggesting that GOA are perfect, just that this is an area I've never had an issue with.
Almost no sarcasm here, how lovely.
The email address i had registered was closed so any emails to change password/email etc went to a dead address. Had to request help with my main account's rightnow, sorted within 24 hours.
Pretty decent. Had a blast on my hero during the day, seeing some old school places, Bog of cullan, cursed forest and EZ killed a couple of the old epic quest mobs.
Funny to see CLA still camping that same bridge
Same old Alb stealther zergs and useless CM bringing a FG to a solo fight
But somehow refreshing after being forced to pvp with utter retards in WoW![]()
But perhaps I'll reactivate to try my inf or friar at Prydwen, or will my template be outdated as hell without any DR rewards?
No, it will not be outdated.
The RUT the Medal of Honour puts in is 5 minutes, so the the necklace is useless, the cloak is situational, most of the time you will be still better of with SoM.
It's hard to put in more than 2 pieces of dragonslayer armor into a template, so you should be still okay with a pre Dragonslayer template.
It lets you fly and use radar without being found out. honest.
what does the medal and cloak do?
The game has been watered down so much too, the newbs whined and got rewarded for it, can farm 500g+ an hour easy now
You talking about WoW or DAoC at this point??
500g an hour, i'd have to guess WoW.![]()
The game has been watered down so much too, the newbs whined and got rewarded for it, can farm 500g+ an hour easy now
The medal has a 350 point ablative charge on it.
The cloak has a 10% omni heal on it.
Both have nice stats but don't really allow you to build a much better template.
It is funny to read previous posts where this user cried about GoA all night long.