[FAO] Ethilds, Spetsnaz and other FotM wardens!


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
well ye ok im fotm than i guess:eek6:

also also i noticed many ppl dont like me as well judging by pm i get latly for angry albz (second there is another Spetsnaz in game who is from prydwen and is VW so cheak plz who killed u Spetsnaz-e or Spetsnaz-p just in case)

yep i grapple? i twf? i do buffshears? or powerleaks mayby? FFS get a clue at last my class got this utility and as anyone else i will use it in order to survive (doesn't everyone use everything ur class got in fight?)

comon dont be so Fucking hypocrits everyone use everything they got in a fight

and to those sending me abusives pms: i must have pissed u? u died from a warden pfff (ye im talking about u Infanity) and one more thing im not zerging Italian FUI im zerging Ukrainian and dont forget this and other days...

and btw i got zerged by 4-5 ppl all the time i solo or duo or whatever but i didnt started to send pms (example to Aim about his stealthzerg) i let it go by...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
hehe...spetz dont care about the pms. When people get down to the level that they actually just have to tell someone about their frustation in pms, then the respect and honor and all that they mention is kinda lost anyhow. if they dont realise that, then its no use even aknowledge them at all:p Its so childish and un honorable as it can get^^
That all these people themself add....play like shit sometimes...are hypocrites etc the list goes on, doesnt really become them. They wouldnt understand it anyways...and thats why these people have to lower themself to that level to get heard no matter what!:p
No one cares or think they are cool here or in rl, but they are trying feebly to get an ounce of respect somehow but doesnt know what the word mean. Its sad pathetic and a behaviour that we all used in pree school.
take it like this spets....when you get a pm you won...and they are the ones sitting their biting their nails of frustration that they cant get you that very moment, cursing and spiting: wtf..haxor...op fucking warden..im gonna...kfjskjfs kill you fsfskfsk...oh..no im nothing in rl and cant do anything here either..daaarn:p
over and out...


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
well Ebe im not whining about getting pms like this... i actually was laughing very much on those
buti belive some of the pmes got mistaken me with someone else (Spetsnaz from prydwen probably who is not a warden but a Valewalker...)

anyway i dont care ill use all tools i got to win a fight anytime anywhere so beware :m00: just like anyone else use his tools to win (ml abilities ra's etc)


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 4, 2004
You are one hard Warden bud, i had a fight with ya the other day at DC on me Armsman... You kicked my ass :D
Ill take my revenge next time we meet!
Good luck til then :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Spetsnaz said:
well ye ok im fotm than i guess:eek6:

also also i noticed many ppl dont like me as well judging by pm i get latly for angry albz (second there is another Spetsnaz in game who is from prydwen and is VW so cheak plz who killed u Spetsnaz-e or Spetsnaz-p just in case)

yep i grapple? i twf? i do buffshears? or powerleaks mayby? FFS get a clue at last my class got this utility and as anyone else i will use it in order to survive (doesn't everyone use everything ur class got in fight?)

comon dont be so Fucking hypocrits everyone use everything they got in a fight

and to those sending me abusives pms: i must have pissed u? u died from a warden pfff (ye im talking about u Infanity) and one more thing im not zerging Italian FUI im zerging Ukrainian and dont forget this and other days...

and btw i got zerged by 4-5 ppl all the time i solo or duo or whatever but i didnt started to send pms (example to Aim about his stealthzerg) i let it go

Heh, I just mezz your duo, stun pet you and while you run at me with throw weapon wait then rr5 stun nuke as if im a hibby :p

And yeah, everyone uses everything they need in order to win. It a pain if your a hybrid/melee class and find yourself grappled + twf3'd because there is literally nothing you can do, but that is life. It one the reasons i not bothering playing melee classes solo again :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
less clerity and spamming bm styles and ripping all my buff spetz.

I still need to carry on after i killed ya you know:mad:

And the key to when i get grapple/twf is testudo........run away......and use some nice first aid spells :D


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
brad said:
less clerity and spamming bm styles and ripping all my buff spetz.

I still need to carry on after i killed ya you know:mad:

And the key to when i get grapple/twf is testudo........run away......and use some nice first aid spells :D

last time we met u died horribly by jumping at 5% from bridge...


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Spetsnaz said:
last time we met u died horribly by jumping at 5% from bridge...
Your 50 other suicide bombers didnt help you this time Spet ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Infanity said:
Your 50 other suicide bombers didnt help you this time Spet ?

Was more like 50%+ i think, after you used clerity and spammed buff shear styles, so i felt you didn't need rp's so i jumped, it was counted as a exp death, and i checked ure stats after and saw you had 30 mins played and 0 rp;s 0o0o.

Still think the score at the moment is like 5v1 to me.

Keep on comming :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Sorry, you suicided while on 50% after your opponent used some class abilities against you (one tier of which you could have yourself) because "you felt he didn't need rps"? I'm sorry, friend, but that hardly counts as a draw, that counts as lame and is a forfeit. :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
well actually he gave 2k rps

anyway ... ok u didnt die and i didnt killed u if that pleases u more


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
some people seems to play only to keep scores and being sour loosers. They can win 15 times but if they (which only they keep count of) loose once against you that will hurt so much:p
Some play for fun and not only for the competition, but in some peoples eyes that stings.
dont worry spetz...you have the edge of being a decent person, and no one will ever beat you to that :))


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
its just funny that mosts dont admit that they lost but always bragging about their victories :)

ps. example i died to Theodon many times now still didnt figured out how to take him down (and i tried everything TWF+grapple, strafe,battler charge etc) still he dont go down

anyway the point is i lost many times in duel i won some of the duels but i never tried to complain about getting zerged or omg i lost what a shame lets make it seem othervise i just play for the pleasure of the game not like im gonna die IRL if i loose a duel or something

over and out


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
bah i've been away since thursday and seem to have missed all the fun.....:wanker:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Spetsnaz said:
its just funny that mosts dont admit that they lost but always bragging about their victories :)

ps. example i died to Theodon many times now still didnt figured out how to take him down (and i tried everything TWF+grapple, strafe,battler charge etc) still he dont go down

anyway the point is i lost many times in duel i won some of the duels but i never tried to complain about getting zerged or omg i lost what a shame lets make it seem othervise i just play for the pleasure of the game not like im gonna die IRL if i loose a duel or something

over and out

exactly spetz:) The people whining doesnt realise its pathetic and childish and that the people just being easy and playing for fun is the ones more honorable and bigger for letting pettiness and bickering in a game not becoming them. Hopefully rl will teach them some modesty and if not...ow well...tough luck, they wont last long like that in the real world:) So they might as well play it like that here while they have that chance^^

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