FAO Edaemos and every other british person.


Dec 22, 2003
Actully GMT IS the same all year round..we operate on BST which is GMT +1 in the summer.


May 9, 2004
Summoner said:

This is an english speaking server, NOT a server for english people, it's ment for people who do not speak german or french.

In other words it is CET.

(Please Requiel or any other gm, know we've had this discussion before, but confirm it for people who can't understand the fact).


As long as people can translate GMT to CET and vice versa, what difference does it make?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Tallen said:
1- GMT is NOT the same all year round, GMT is changed twice a year, in the Summer the clocks go forward an hour, in the Autumn they go back an hour. Overall the expanse of a year the same amount of hours transpire, but they do not occur one after another in their entirity.
No thats wrong as Gamah said. GMT is the same all year round.

I did hope posting all those words in bold like world time and around the globe would make it clear that GMT is not just 'the time those English folks have their clocks set to'.

The argument that GMT shouldn't be used as a standard timezone for Daoc servers that Europeans play on because English players are the minority (if thats even true) is obviously ignorant at best.

In the end I cant think of a single reason why people cant use (GMT) or (CET) at the end of any times they post. Well apart from the fact that requires Daoc players to use their brains and there the problem is sometimes horribly apparent. ;)

Tallen said:
Just because something is on the web, does not make it a fact.
When it comes from the official homepage of the GMT Timezone museum in England I trust it more than any opinions posted on FH Forums. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Grimmen said:
You aware that English correct me if I am wrong originate from Latin? :)

Think about that for a while. ;)
I will correct you, English is a Germanic language yes we picked up Latin words later on but its roots are German....


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 8, 2004
Tallen said:
Just because I use long words does not make me clever.

1- GMT is NOT the same all year round, GMT is changed twice a year, in the Summer the clocks go forward an hour, in the Autumn they go back an hour. Overall the expanse of a year the same amount of hours transpire, but they do not occur one after another in their entirity.

I wish I was as clever as you :/

Oh and a quick copy past from; http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/ (assuming you're willing to believe the evil intarweb!)

Clocks Change: Spring Forward & Fall Back (Fall = Autumn) BUT GMT remains the same all year around.


Prince Among Men
Dec 22, 2003
Abbreviation	Full name 	Other abbreviations	Time zone
 GMT		Greenwich Mean Time		UTC\ZULU 	UTC
 BST		British Summer Time		 	UTC + 1 hour
 IST		Irish Summer Time		 	UTC + 1 hour
   WET		Western European Time		UTC
 WEST		Western European Summer Time			UTC + 1 hour
 CET		Central European Time		MEZ 	UTC + 1 hour
 CEST		Central European Summer Time	MESZ		UTC + 2 hours
 EET		Eastern European Time		 	UTC + 2 hours
 EEST		Eastern European Summer Time			UTC + 3 hours

Plenty timezones out there to choose from :)

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