FAO : Cl0ckers :)



Actually....the PPGA celeries o'clock better than slot1. Get yer facts straight. If u don't know don't post.
(Yes I do have an o'clocked celery).
If u get the chance I would always recommend getting a guaranteed overclocked celery. 550Mhz is fine in my humble opinion.
Peltiers...stay away from then unless you really need them. A guaranteed celery is the best and reliable solution.


all of you dont listen to anyone but me.
GET a p3 450 and an abit mobo
BE6 i think, it has all sorts of frequencies above 100.
now get a p3 450 for 190 quid and that abit mobo and u can easily get the p3 running at 558 mhz, easily.
also we have all these ss something instructions which will boost the 3d stuff up
supposed to be real good too.




Hmmmm lets put things into perspective here... why get a PIII 450 for 558 when you can have a C366@550MHz or even 567MHz for a measly 65 quid and thats a CPU guaranteed to run 550... also, u have less hassle from PCI and AGP devices as a 100MHz FSB has sod all chance of fucking up PCI devices... for the PIII 450 @ 558 this increases the PCI to 41.333MHz and the AGP goes to 83MHz. The standard PCI speed is 33MHz and AGP speed is 66MHz. Not many components like this increased PCI/AGP speed (eg EIDE hard drives, PCI graphics, modems, sound cards etc and of course AGP graphics) so all in all its a gamble anyway... just because the CPU can do 558 doesnt mean the PCI/AGP devices can cope with an increased PCI/AGP bus speed... obviously you havent thought this through. With a 100MHz FSB this leaves the PCI and AGP devices at their standard 33 and 66MHz bus speeds respectively. Hence, a C366 @ 550 (on a 100MHz FSB) is an ideal solution. A 103MHz FSB has next to no effect on PCI/AGP devices so 567 is a nice figure too.. bear in mind if u do your research and know what to look for on a C366 to guess if its good for 550 you can get the CPU for 53 quid.... Thats PIII 550 performance for next to nothing. For more info visit this article at my site: www.pcinfo.freeserve.co.uk/ppga366.htm

As for SSE, fuck all uses it so 190 quid wouldn't be anywhere near as cost effective as 65 for a guaranteed 366@550 or an unguaranteed c366 for 53 quid and then overclocked to 550 which would be giving PIII 550 performance...

So m8, i wouldnt listen to you, id listen to me though... its nice to know i know what im on about you see...

soz but all the above is pure fact.



ok ill try to make this easy
Some people would prefer a celly whilst others would prefer a p3
now, finding a celly that will overclock nicely aint easey, ok im right there ?. and many peep would rather just get a decent slot 1 mobo, and a p3 so all they have to do is shove it together. with cellys u either get a socket 370 or a slot 1 with a converter, which is just another thing to think about. another thing, p3 = quality, and is more likely to overclock nicely. and as for the pci devices, the abit mobo has options to make the pci bus speed either 1\3 (normal) or 1\4 (overclocks u'us) so u could ram it up to 124 with the pci bus been 31 mhz or 133 with pci bus been 33.25 mhz, and as long as u have <8ns memory then it should be fine
by my calcs thats thats 598 mhz, which is too much, but at 124 mhz bus thats 558 mhz, which is fine with a 450 p3 running at a pci bus speed of 31, which should* be fine.
i have been doing my homework and i aint a dumbwit neither, the ssi ( or something )instructions would make the p3 a fine processor and if it takes off as good as 3dnow!! then it should be ok, and wont take long for it to hit the new programs ( is q3 gonna have p3 optimizeations ?? ).
also the display drivers can also have optimizations for processors built in to them, ( nvidia drivers have p3 optimzations i think ).

So as you can see a p3 is a good thing to go for, but if u r about to upgrade and have that money ( 280 quid ) then either go for a p3 solution or wait till the athlon drops in price.

*<B>this cannot be guarantied</B>





BTW I heard celeron 400's are doing 600 out of the box now, bastards.


>finding a celly that will overclock nicely aint easey, ok im right there?

errrrr nope... quite easy to find a C366 that OC's to 550 if u know what u r looking for.

>and many peep would rather just get a decent slot 1 mobo, and a p3 so all they have to do is shove it together. with cellys u either get a socket 370 or a slot 1 with a converter, which is just another thing to think about.

? And.... Most celery buyers get slot 1 and slotket anyway, just incase they might wanna get a PIII when the price is reasonable and if SSE takes off. (not likely this year)

>another thing, p3 = quality

Hmmmmm explain. I think intel tries to make all of their CPU's of quality dont you? make sense me laddy... plus I dont see why the PIII is 'more likely' to overclock nicely - celerons essentially have the same fappin core...

>and as for the pci devices, the abit mobo has options to make the pci bus speed either 1\3 (normal) or 1\4 (overclocks u'us) so u could ram it up to 124 with the pci bus been 31 mhz or 133 with pci bus been 33.25 mhz, and as long as u have <8ns memory then it should be fine.

Wrong (sort of...) True theres a 1/4 divider, BUT only kicks in at 129MHz FSB I think... or 133... (depends on the board... BH6 at 133 and 129 on BX6 rev 2 if i remember rightly) but its not just an option in the bios, its a fixed characteristic of the board... try it and see. Thats why 558 isnt the best speed option on the PIII 450... get me now??? doh! Plus, theres still the prob in that you can only choose a 1/1 or 2/3 divider for AGP... would you think a AGP card will run a 89MHz bus at FSB of 133? Methinks not likely.

As far as i know, q3 wont have sse optimisations... (not initially anyway, i may be wrong) and from my experience 3D NOW! never did much for K6-2's or 3's... as they are still slow for gaming (in comparison to celerons and PII/PIII's...)

>also the display drivers can also have optimizations for processors built in to them, ( nvidia drivers have p3 optimzations i think ).

Only possible for CPU's with the new styleee SIMD instructions... but yes, drivers have em... for whatever difference they make... often, they say 'yes loads faster now it has 3d now support in the drivers' but what they mean is 'yay, we wrote the drivers correctly for a change so now they should work'.

>So as you can see a p3 is a good thing to go for, but if u r about to upgrade and have that money ( 280 quid ) then either go for a p3 solution or wait till the athlon drops in price.

If u have 280 quid then save some and get a C366 @ 550 ffs and get todays PIII 550 performance (i.e nowt uses SSE) whilst we wait for the athlon to go down in price. (athlon motherboards are 3 times dearer than BX chipset boards)

TRUST ME IM A PC FECKIN GEEEEEK. Plus i might be soon workin for a certain shop mentioned in this thread somewhere and guess what, they deal in overclocking so i think in a job like that you are sposed to know straight up about the subject... u wouldnt wanna fuck yer PC up if u dont know abaat overclocking...

And yep, I heard about the C400 at 600... thats why i aint buying that C366 yet...



look i aint getting at anyone, and i dont want no fekking fight neither, but im just going by what other people say, and by certain reviews of the p3 and overclocking, but i think its up to the individual user, so i aint getting at anyone ok ?
all im saying is that p3's are very nice things, and i know that if you know what u r looking for then cellys for overclocking are easy to find, but when some peep dont know what they are looking for then it aint.
Tell me what should i do, in your humble honest opinion, get a abit slot1 and a converter to go with a celly c366 or that 400 u r on about, or get a p3 450 to overclock to 558 ?
anyways, i was only going on the good review of overclocking p3's at www.fireingsquad.com
they are ace for reviews, and they gave the p3's quite a good 1 for overclocking.
Im not having a go at anyone ok ?
i was just saying what i know.




CHiLL ppl

Snip : "Only possible for CPU's with the new styleee SIMD instructions... but yes, drivers have em... for whatever difference they make... often, they say 'yes loads faster now it has 3d now support in the drivers' but what they mean is 'yay, we wrote the drivers correctly for a change so now they should work'. "

LOL man, u hit the nail on the head

Celery 500@750...

Athlon, personally I think AMD have something to prove with this new chip. I heard great shit about the K6-2 and went out and bought one, that was b4 I got into hardware sites on the net. It was a great in q2 tho the patches were bugged (Any one like sticking to walls as u jump along?), but in anything else which wasn't optimised, ie didn't have a patch, it simply couldn't cut it. So I bought a celery 300A etc etc, during the next week, which was faster in q2 and everything else.
IMO cpu manufacturers should be less inclined to bolt on new 'instructions' but rather increase the speed or efficiency of the ones which are already there. I mean, why have all these fancy wotnots when essentialy they dont do shit until software manufactures get the arses in gear. Wheres the fukin logic in that eh?
Unless AMD can produce better performance, ie the all important floating point, for a cheaper price, then guess who I'll be sticking with until they get their act together. So what if they are unlocked dont mean shit if they dont overclock to hot.
Finally, when graphics hardware ppl get there acts together it wont _really_ fukin matter what cpu we have for games since the cards will have 100% hardware acceleration, setup etc, not relying on the CPU as much to do the work.
All in all its a load of BOLLOCKS!


I aint getting at noone either frankie, just making a perfectly viable and accurate point.. for the understaning of others who read this thread, not just aimed at you m8.

Anyway, if i were you id get a C366 guaranteed to twat 550 and a nice globalwin cooler... and as for the mobo... an Abit BM6 will do the job but if u want slot 1 you might as well get a BE6 which is sort of future proof with UDMA66 and all.. as for the slotket, I recommend the MSI 6905 v1.1 - quality

But if u know yer stuff look at a C366 from whereever and if it looks good get it and try 550.. you could save up to 13 quid u see...

I wouldnt bother with the 400 just yet... we need more samples of peepal getting them to 600MHz before we start buying em for overclocking.

IMO the PIII aint cost effective and nowt uses SSE so it would be a waste of cash.

DrUgS m8. Celery 500@750??? heh not this year unless you use liquid nitrogen

But the rest of your post was spot on and i totally agree... it is all bollox... and just a fuck off huge marketing ploy if u ask me... peepal dis intel for having a god awful approach to marketing and say they bullshit massivly but AMD are as bad... K6-2 faster than PII/celly for games? fuck off yoo liars, and as for business apps... are u likely to notice that 'extra performance' from the K6-2/3 lines? are you bollox... ive read reviews and people reckon celerons 'feel faster' than K6-2's in business apps... dunno if you could get away with saying that but it puts a point accross that benchmarks are possibly biased... eg 3dmark 99... nice 3d now support claiming the K6's are shed loads faster... if so then why are the celerons and PII/PIII's kikking itz butt?

i dunno... cheesy PC's.. im gonna play q2 now.


[This message has been edited by TUG (edited 14 August 1999).]

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