FAO : Cl0ckers :)




Gonna be doing another clocking project this week so I would appreciate any experiences/ oppinions on the following :

1. Get a gauranteed celeron 366@550 (ukhardware.com, or anyone know another supplier?)

2. Get a p3/450@600. (BX80525U450512 from Dabs, they got these in on the 20th of this month so there aught to be a good chance that this will happen?)

I am running an Abit BH6, so would I be correct in saying that the PCI bus would be 33? (1/4 of 133?) Me hopes so cos a 44mhz PCI bus(1/3 133) dont sound to tasty. AGP speed is not an issue, nor should the memory which I got (*should* be fine on CAS 3). Will post my findings after I decide.

Any input apperciated...


Well er a 370 on a slocket m8, darned if i can find slot one celerons anyhow.


I got a celeron ppga 366 from http://www.overclockers.co.uk garaunteed at 550, oh and an abit bm(?)6 (a socket 370 ver of the bh6) and pc100 ram etc. seems OK (touch wood
BTW check out http://www.ukgamers.com an' all


Y'see - Socket 370s are shit for overclocking. 550 on a 366? w/sock370 - more like 450 will burn up fast!

That's probably why Bigt got a slot 1 variant @ Overclockers.co.uk, they're MuCh better for overclocking.

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/me hangs head ;(

the motherboard is socket 370 as is the chip, I hope that clears things up
and theese things (PPGA/socket 370) aren't as shite as you say they are
we shall see

BTW did I use the complete range of smileys ... oh no


Well... firstly, graZe u r a tit and havent a clue what you are on about. Are u stoned m8??? C366 Slot 1's dont do 550 easily, PPGA after week 20 of this year do...

Secondly - to answer DrUgS' question:

get a guaranteed C366@550. A PIII 450 will not do 600 easily without extreme cooling... 581 is possible but why pay loads more when its only a tiny bit faster than celeron 366@550? (also, u may get the celeron to 567MHz enabling turbo in BH6 CPU setup)

As bigt mentioned, goto www.overclockers.co.uk or www.ukgamers.com

I have a webby with an article concerning PPGA C366@550 CPU's - go here

This is ripped from me article

Now, you need to understand how certain FSB speeds affect AGP and PCI bus speeds. The standard PCI bus speed is 33MHz. The standard AGP bus speed is 66MHz. These speeds are calculated from FSB speeds. This is how they are calculated in general on most Intel BX chipset motherboards:

For 66MHz-83MHz FSB,
PCI speed = FSB/2 (e.g. 66/2 = 33MHz but 83/2 = 41.5MHz)

For 100MHz-133MHz (but not including 133MHz) FSB's,
PCI speed = FSB/3 (eg 100/3 = 33, 112/3 = 37.333)

For 133MHz+ FSB's, PCI speed = FSB/4

PCI dependant devices like EIDE hard drives and any PCI cards don't always respond well to an increased PCI bus speed - a high PCI speed may cause lock-up's and even damage components due to the extra stress and extra heat being created from the increased speed. All in all, a PCI speed of 37.333 from a 75MHz FSB or 112MHz FSB should be OK. A 41.5MHz PCI speed from 83MHz FSB or 124MHz FSB *may* cause serious problems (could damage both hard drives and PCI cards, cause data loss etc). Some components are OK at this PCI speed but I dont recommend using an FSB which creates a 41MHz+ PCI speed.

In the concern of the AGP bus:

For under 100MHz FSB speeds, the AGP bus can be set to 1/1 of FSB or 2/3rds of the FSB - e.g. 1/1*66MHz FSB = 66MHz AGP speed (the standard speed) but 1/1*83MHz FSB = 83MHz AGP speed - often too high for most AGP cards. So, it may be that you have to set 2/3*83MHz FSB to give a stable AGP speed (that will be lower than the standard 66MHz) equal to 55 1/3MHz.

For over 100MHz FSB's, the AGP speed needs to be set to 2/3rds of the FSB.

I'm sure you can all do the maths to work out AGP speeds when using various FSB speeds. (e.g. 2/3*112 FSB = 75MHz AGP speed which *may* cause problems with older AGP cards but most modern cards are fine at that region of AGP speed).

Hope this helps!



Ch33rs y0 wh0r3

Um, yes graZe, have you grazing the strawberry fields of something

Man, all I wanted was some info nearly started I flame war..

Thanks TUG but most of that info was stored in me "database" allready
(some good info feh newbies btw)
The thing is didn't abit say that the 133 bus was on a 1/3 divider...
The W0rd over at www.overclockers.com seems to suggest that theres a good chance of getting the p3 to 600, but then again is it worth the gamble? ATM maybe not.
Power for pound the celeron is defo a better buy, but wheres the challenge?
The lenghts some ppl go in overclocking seems silly. Isnt the aim to spend minimal and get more power? Some ppl obviously think not..

Anyhow, I just phoned o/c.co.uk and they quoted meh £91, thats with ch34p ass HS/F, lol. Gonna see what shows up at the comp fair on saturday..
Not that I am a ch34p ass myself, my box would make many of ya dr00l :p.

Duh. So there is like minded ppl out there after all..

Cheers all.



All I said is that Slot 1 celerons are much better for overclocking than 370s.
Which is correct.

Um, so there.

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Drugs - dont be an arse - I tried to help you, and you throw it back in my face.

Anyway - I ripped this from Sharkeyextreme:

These Socket370 CPUs, which are called "PPGA" CPUs by Intel(r) (Plastic Pin Grid Array) have proven to be more difficult to overclock reliably than the standard Slot-1 CPU designs. If given the choice, users should avoid the PPGA CPUs and Socket370 mainboards, and instead opt for a Slot-1 solution whenever possible.


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graZe have a look when sharkys posted that... a good few months ago when PPGA 366's with the same sillicon as PIII 550's wernt in existance. Know why? Cuz PIII 550's wernt out... u need better resources that are up to date... Just for the record u cant get slot 1 C366's as they were discontinued ages ago... also, the newest PPGA 300a's can do 558MHz... Im up to date with hardware... i reckon i know best...


Drugs - Abit BH6 uses 1/4 divider for PCI at 133MHz FSB


Don't ya just lurve technical discussions <EG>


Tear m8, just cos u got a pentium 166 with 32 megabytes of ram, and a matrox mystique :p
Ch£@p A55 b£4tch


GraZe -

1. Do you 0wn one of the celerys in question?

2. How can u correct someones statement on what hardware he owns when it was clear what hardware he said he had in first place.

3. I am not being an arse, well maybe just rubbing it in, agreeing with TUG, that was all m8. Technology moves fast m8...

4. How the F**K can u say the 370celery is a pile o' wank when many sources are selling them guaranteed to run at 550 or higher?!?

I truley can't be arsed with this..

I've worked 11 solid hours today and just want to 'Get on with the killing!'


old.B F G

Of course Celerons are A Bag'o Wank,Intel make me boke!


Celerons aint a bag o wank. My C300a at 464MHz can have a PIII 450 and pisses over any K6-2 or 3 in games. Intels markting strategies are wank but celerons aint. And you cant tell me that paying 60 quid back in feb for performance as good as a PIII 450 is wank.

As for the athlon, V. Nice and not as expensive as you'd think... unless u go the 650MHz route



Yes the celeron 366 ppga, SL36C,week 25 on abit slocket, normal hs/f, clocks very nicely at 550 2.0 volts.

Tried for higher. At 616 (112x5.5), the ONLY way I get it to boot and into windows and stable is with the level2 cache off, and at 2.2 volts. Thing is, it dosn't go noticably faster that at 550. Forget 124 bus.

Thoughts. The celeron core seems to be OK going at 600+, wait a while and maybe we will start seeing celerons that o/c even higher. The only problem atm seems to be the L2 cache stopping us from getting even for speed! :/
Dunno whether extreme cooling would help tho.

Is it worth it? Well the celeron 450 and overclocked v3 is about equal to the c550 and v3@166. So yes for a cheap speed fix yes it is.

Cheers. Ugs.


Nice one DrUgS. U buy from UK gamers? or just from any old shop and looked at the CPU?

I'll be getting one soon... ive got an MSI slotket and Globalwin cooler waiting... but Ive been thinking... seeing as the PIII 600 is around maybe the silicon on the newest PPGA 400's (circa week 26+) is good for 600. Maybe i should wait a while to see if the 400's crack 600 rather than getting a 366 for 550...

Maybe theres some logic there...

Anyway, i too have a V3. Its a 2000 but its overclocked to 155 and will be going to 170 as soon as i get a card cooler for it :)



Got the celery from www.overclockers.co.uk, could not get hold of ukgamers for some unknown reason. Gonna be interesting to see what Intel stirs up over the next few months.
Was thinkin about getting a peltier setup but me thinks it not really worth it now. My v3 3K (6ns memory, normal hs even with fan) will not have anything above 183, gets funny lines on screen. If theres a will theres a way..

Cheers. Ugs.


overclockers - that'd be the shop 5 mins away from me where i got me cooler etc... bastards never have any C366's when i go in... might try again...

Wierd, my V3 2000 has 6ns Hyundai memory... Tried 170MHz... was fine but it burnt me finger which i didnt like too much... fappin fast though
Might try a kikass 180MHz with a S7 cooler and also a fan card on it
As long as i set the fan on the heatsink to blow air away into the fan card, that'll exit the air from me case meaning no clash of airflow. Nice.


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