Fao Armsmen



Plate was and is an illusion from the creators to trick people into making what they think are hard hitting characters. They get nothing better than anyone else apart from the pretty patterns on the epic.
Screw plate. Give more damage.

By the way, I hope the Armsmen get something worthwhile. A RA that reflects damage back to the caster/dealer would be nice. :p


rofl u dont understand how much plate helps :rolleyes:

u think its shit but when one day ur stuck without it u realise then how much help it really was


Nah... I have suicided without armour on a guard in RvR.
The difference is the damn Hibernians and Midgardians have thicker skin. Damn them.


Nice to see the TL isnt totally asleep, Lets see what time brings us men of steel.

As for plate, well the absorb is great, thers no denying that but plate resistances are very bad. Plate is resistant to Thrust, only hib us thrust. At that alot of hero's are LW and NS's would rather eat glass then attack an armsman :D . Plate is neutral to slash and as its pretty much the most commonly used dmg type thats not good either. Then theres Crush, ah the thing all armsmen have nightmares about the 2h hammer tearing chunks out of there shiny armor :D.

So yes its nice to have plate absorb but some resistance change for plate would be nice. ^^


While best anytime style and slowest 2hander in mid are hammer (crush) and when only - what, three? - enemies can possibly be doing thrust dmg.... plate resists will be crap. Hell, LW can only be slash/crush atm and slash is a truly lousy dmgtype for a hib. Imho atm alb chain and mid chain have the joint best resist table. Although personally I'd like mid chain... gifv pre-armourTables slash resist ;]

Originally posted by Arnor2
Yeah, alb really need some better unique ra's :rolleyes:

Seriously, don't be like that. You got albs a-plenty right here saying "nah, that'd be ridiculous".
Tbh I have just accepted the fact that 99% of the class TLs are in fact partaking of a gigantic crack bong (is that even possible? I'm so sheltered...) prior to writing each report.
Number of totally stupid things that gets asked for is just... mad.
Baseline 15sec stun for all hib casters? Thrust-damage Large Weapons? Always-100% crits in vendo? Super-strong focus DOTs for minstrels?
Safest to ignore the extravagent bits of TL requests, I'd say the risk of Mythic implmenting any of it is miniscule ;)


This ISN'T armsman love, its just yet another TL report, of which we've already had several which have been completely ignored by Mythic, so don't expect this one to have any attention paid to it either.

And I do hope the TL hasn't forgotten about the much needed Style fixes that the last TL was asking for.

If this just make some changes to Poleaxe or Defenders Aegis i'd be happy.


crippling blow, or disabler, but SURE mangle, that style rly sukcs ass atm, rather do disabler then mangle


Originally posted by stupidshady
crippling blow, or disabler, but SURE mangle, that style rly sukcs ass atm, rather do disabler then mangle

Used to use mangle but after some minor testing awhile back found that the tiny extra damage over disabler just isn't worth the extra endurance. At least disabler only has minor endurance costs giving you an extra style or two's worth.

Personally I only ever use Crip Blow/ Disabler Rage/Revenge and very rarely Phalanx / Aegis.

Or Executioner for duels with people who don't use styles, gives them a nasty suprise.


Originally posted by Kagato.
Used to use mangle but after some minor testing awhile back found that the tiny extra damage over disabler just isn't worth the extra endurance. At least disabler only has minor endurance costs giving you an extra style or two's worth.

Personally I only ever use Crip Blow/ Disabler Rage/Revenge and very rarely Phalanx / Aegis.

Or Executioner for duels with people who don't use styles, gives them a nasty suprise.

Yep, disabler is better then mangle ...

I use for rvr, crip+disabler and phalanax+aegie very often, rage/revenge combo only use 1v1 against sb's when i can pull off, damn stupid combo! Give a better stun style mythic!!! :)


Originally posted by wildpt
Yep, disabler is better then mangle ...

I use for rvr, crip+disabler and phalanax+aegie very often, rage/revenge combo only use 1v1 against sb's when i can pull off, damn stupid combo! Give a better stun style mythic!!! :)

With the back-up styles system its not as tricky as it would of been before to pull off, even if you just use rage by itself as back up to crip/dis it does so much damage its worth using even without the stun style follow up.

Personally I think Aegis should be just back-positional rather then follow up to Phalanx, Having a level 50 style in a line only a small percentage of armsman spec to 50 (most are s/s or hybrid it seems) which chains of a low level style thats already back-positional is silly, Aegis is nice but its not THAT nice to require that kind of work to pull off.

Aegis should be either back positional or even anytime, give people some sort of reward for speccing a line to its fullest potential.


well, lets all whine at mythic maybe they might change the armsman into a more valuable class eh

ow, btw, I dunno if it happens to other arms but I run out of end after 1-2 enemys......could be me eh


Originally posted by old.LandShark

I can't believe a theurgist is saying that. :p

Actually, most theurgists didn't ask for the recent changes.

I wanted:

* Pets materialize 300-500 units in front of the enemy (thereby increasing effective dps and annoying-time and not revealing immediatly the PBT class).

* Mezz brought to up par RANGE and RADIUS. Mythic fixed Radius (wow, finally) but the range is still substandard and severly lacking imo.

* Giving theurgists some kind of AoE-damage. We where promised to be siege-experts but at the same time we're the only casters NOT having access to some kind of AoE-damage.

* Increase viability of Earth-line (PBT-line) which lack completely, even compared to Hib and Mid counterparts (in daily-RvR)

Siegebolt timer upped to 10 minutes and 4 sec cast BUT also able to use Siegebolt on opponents as Single-Targetted Bolt with HUGE damage (600-700)


Soliders barricade needs to be improved 30sec complete imune is a bit strong giving standard GP might be better, but i would love to see that implemented...as for polearm styles they need sorting imo rage combo sucks in real rvr 1v1 yeah...but other than that...

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