FAO Arladon

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FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
First off, i don't mind your crusade against Teh Seel that much, if you did it with some thought. These days you just say "boo hiss bad" or "old old old" and it's more trolling then Seel bashing.

If the old boards were up, i'd refer you towards posts from Uncle Sick, since he atleast knew how to bash me with a sense of humour and style.

I don't think there are alot of people in these boards who actually thing you're being "witty" or atleast slightly clever in your replies so here's a suggestion:

Stop and learn.

You tell me, every single time, that i haven't learned anything, that i'm old, that i'm doing the same thing(which is funny since it's what Teh Seel is) and yet you do the very same thing you preach against. Just wishing here that you'd take a moment to think, just consider for a moment, before you post an "insult" towards me. I don't mind a flamewar, but when the opposition is as skilled as a mongoose who just got a shiny ball to bash against the keyboard, it gets boring.

Sincerely yours in a rather polite manner,

Teh Seel.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I'm terribly sorry, "geir", but that's not how this works. I will continue being myself, wich is a dribbling mongoose. Since it annoys you nonetheless... That's the only reason, and now I see it's working.

Touchè "Geir", and badly played! :flame:


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Arladon said:
I'm terribly sorry, "geir", but that's not how this works. I will continue being myself, wich is a dribbling mongoose. Since it annoys you nonetheless... That's the only reason, and now I see it's working.

Touchè "Geir", and badly played! :flame:

First off, Geir? What the hell is that?

Second, you're not annoying me, i'm just bored with you.

Sigurd said:
Don't knock the mongoose, they're smart animals :(

Sorry Sigurd, didn't mean to offend the mongoose by comparing them to Arladon.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
You can all piss off and read the code of conduct please. This is not a place for personal vendettas, nor is it a place to provoke those who think it is.

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