FAO: Albion


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Wtf happens, u have the most amount of ppl online anytime, the best classes in the game and u cant freaking get a relic, get a grip !1!! :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
dident know RG was allowed to post stuff in the RvR Discussion.

anyway NF here anyday now...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
hehe best stealther class's or ? ...

nahh who am i kidding .. it is the uber cleric !! ..


why should we take str relic's ? .....

and we cant defend power relic's ....

so why try ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
Filip said:
why should we take str relic's ? .....

and we cant defend power relic's ....

so why try ?

roflmao, i agree that 2 years ago, when only classic daoc was out, your "we cant defend power-relics" while thin, was a viable excuse, now? gimme a fucking break and stop clinging to ze olde whines. make new ones ffs


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
this is the closest you albs will get to power relics pre-nf


  • untitled.JPG
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May 9, 2004
Filip said:
why should we take str relic's ? .....

and we cant defend power relic's ....

so why try ?

So you can start another pointless whine when we retake them 8am the next morning?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 2, 2004
I didnt mean to offend any hibs by dieing at the relic keep. It was a fun event, that I sat into motion after we took Ailinne. I checked to see how many alb wanted to go with me, and we went down to Dagda. Do we have to provoked by telling how we failed. Is it really in our nature to critisize others, just because you had the upper hand. I not gonna jump on that train.

Instead I wanna say that it was admirable to see so many hibs late at night defending their relic keep. You gave us hell, and wanted to give it back, but lacked the focus and perhaps a few rams and more keeps :)

But in the end I believe many albs had fun from the dayli roaming, and enjoyed to explore hib abit more. I just wanted to say thx for fighting against us, your worty oppponents, you make us wanna be better at what we do, since you already do it so well. I hope there will be as many hibs defeding next time aswell, cause else I dont think we deserve the relic.



Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
just a friendly jibe :) at 1st when you streamed up the hill there were 7 defenders inside dagda was a little like that scene in lord of the rings where legolas is standing alone on the hill and shoots the beast rider :) but then everyone else turned up, even some RP horny mids, would be interested to know how they knew about it and knew to go and camp DC, but you know, they always seem to know these things :) was a nice diversion from crafting


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
Iorlas said:
Arnor... your still a wanker

ahh yes, so sorry for not grasping the age-old non-valid straws of whineage. What is that i must do to repent? reroll alb and zerg more?

or would you actually want to have a discussion about why that fucking argument is about as shit as an army latrine? nevermind, guess comming up with "clever" one liners arent putting your brain in immediate danger of working itself to death.

keep :m00: ing m8or, youll do great things.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 2, 2004
Yes.. wasnt many defenders at first.. dont think hibs took it seriously.

But we had trouble with guards at first... scattering over to big a area, we should have taken 3 keeps on the way down. And we couldn't really deny hibs entrance, like I really wanted to. But still many hibs inside in the end. But yes.. everything beats crafting, hehe


Dec 26, 2003
Arnor said:
roflmao, i agree that 2 years ago, when only classic daoc was out, your "we cant defend power-relics" while thin, was a viable excuse, now? gimme a fucking break and stop clinging to ze olde whines. make new ones ffs
how come alb pryd lost them the day after they took em from hibs m8? :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Outlaw was bored today, cuz his grp is so big to emain, atleast he lost and find a keep to try get, and he didnt notice it was the relic. Atleast we did some free rps. :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Arnor said:
roflmao, i agree that 2 years ago, when only classic daoc was out, your "we cant defend power-relics" while thin, was a viable excuse, now? gimme a fucking break and stop clinging to ze olde whines. make new ones ffs

arnor ..... lets have a small disquision about this plz... and if the arguments are on my side you from now on use the nick "clueless noob" on FH ?

my argument is that we at present patch have no chance to defend our power relic keep unless we do a 24/7 guard so no relic force enters snowdonia zone whitout albs knowing it before hand....


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
Aussie said:
how come alb pryd lost them the day after they took em from hibs m8? :(

cant argue with that kind of, you know...research.....

and filip, tell me EXACTLY what it is that stops you.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 2, 2004
Sometimes when I read these post where people ping pong back and forth, I ask myself. Hib, or even mids for that sake, are they any diffrent that us?

I mean, sometimes I truly believe that those that play Hib or Mid come from a diffrent planet, and the same goes for those that play on hib or Mib the believe that the other realm comes from a diffrent planet.

Why do I think that. Because it seems that all albions whine about is Hibs are overpowered, and that they have all the relics. Why dont we just take relics at 8am in the morning. Is our mentality really that far from those playing on the other realms. Or do those that play hib and mid feel more and care more about this game than we do.

I find these disscussion weird, and sometimes ask myself if were are qualified to be called humans of the way we harras each other. Yes it a game, and a very addictive game. But in the end would we not join forces irl.

Perhaps all these threads are a wakeup call to Albs that something have to be done. Ive only played this game for 4 months, and this is the first relivraid so far that I know of in all that time. I know that one person cannot change a realms destiny, but wouldn't it be nice that we cared more about the place we level our characters and the fun we atually had, instead of making it a competion to see who have the strongest, fastest, best character out there.

Maybee im rabling, im kinda tired. But I can assure alb, hibs and mids, that this is not the last relic raid albion will do. Not if it comes to me, not if it really have to be one man and one man alone that changes a realms destiny. I hope that many albions will reads this and think that its about time we did something for ourselves, for the new people in albion, and mostly for that ugly tone i keep seeing in forums.

Thats about it!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
Blackguy said:
Sometimes when I read these post where people ping pong back and forth, I ask myself. Hib, or even mids for that sake, are they any diffrent that us?

I mean, sometimes I truly believe that those that play Hib or Mid come from a diffrent planet, and the same goes for those that play on hib or Mib the believe that the other realm comes from a diffrent planet.

Why do I think that. Because it seems that all albions whine about is Hibs are overpowered, and that they have all the relics. Why dont we just take relics at 8am in the morning. Is our mentality really that far from those playing on the other realms. Or do those that play hib and mid feel more and care more about this game than we do.

I find these disscussion weird, and sometimes ask myself if were are qualified to be called humans of the way we harras each other. Yes it a game, and a very addictive game. But in the end would we not join forces irl.

Perhaps all these threads are a wakeup call to Albs that something have to be done. Ive only played this game for 4 months, and this is the first relivraid so far that I know of in all that time. I know that one person cannot change a realms destiny, but wouldn't it be nice that we cared more about the place we level our characters and the fun we atually had, instead of making it a competion to see who have the strongest, fastest, best character out there.

Maybee im rabling, im kinda tired. But I can assure alb, hibs and mids, that this is not the last relic raid albion will do. Not if it comes to me, not if it really have to be one man and one man alone that changes a realms destiny. I hope that many albions will reads this and think that its about time we did something for ourselves, for the new people in albion, and mostly for that ugly tone i keep seeing in forums.

Thats about it!

Just ask AD, they are the benevolent spirit of albione! They will guide and counsel you all in matters of being nice to eachother :x

(going to bed now and going away in the morning, if you got sumt for me filip it might be a couple of days before i deftly defeat you with my wit-of-doom(tm) nnhf)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
when mids gave albs the power relic hibs took it back a few? days after ... from the first guard died untill the relic went neutral it took 6 min ....

FROM you /release house untill you are in snowdonia relic keep it will take you 5 min (give or take 10 sec.) (casterspeed.. no chance to move a relic defence zerg on minser speed)

this is with an average comp...

so you got a window of 1 min ... to ...

1. find something to suside on
2. make a group (except the groups allrdy up ofcuase)
3. buff up
4. get a zerg moving, no reason what so ever to move 1-2fgs vs a relic army....

the thing is .. with toa so many FF's are amongst the hib tanks .. so they break down the doors so fast...

other option is to move to HMG instead...

but without timeing it im pretty sure it will be 7-8 min on caster speed ... but then we need the force there still to break the HMG guard..

(and any good RR commander would let HMG be guarded as they know we cant make it in time for the keep)


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
majik said:
So you can start another pointless whine when we retake them 8am the next morning?

Hey!!! didnt you know that was a mid thing :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Blackguy said:
I didnt mean to offend any hibs by dieing at the relic keep. It was a fun event, that I sat into motion after we took Ailinne. I checked to see how many alb wanted to go with me, and we went down to Dagda. Do we have to provoked by telling how we failed. Is it really in our nature to critisize others, just because you had the upper hand. I not gonna jump on that train.

Instead I wanna say that it was admirable to see so many hibs late at night defending their relic keep. You gave us hell, and wanted to give it back, but lacked the focus and perhaps a few rams and more keeps :)

But in the end I believe many albs had fun from the dayli roaming, and enjoyed to explore hib abit more. I just wanted to say thx for fighting against us, your worty oppponents, you make us wanna be better at what we do, since you already do it so well. I hope there will be as many hibs defeding next time aswell, cause else I dont think we deserve the relic.


Nice post and i had fun defending :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
Filip said:
when mids gave albs the power relic hibs took it back a few? days after ... from the first guard died untill the relic went neutral it took 6 min ....

FROM you /release house untill you are in snowdonia relic keep it will take you 5 min (give or take 10 sec.) (casterspeed.. no chance to move a relic defence zerg on minser speed)

this is with an average comp...

so you got a window of 1 min ... to ...

1. find something to suside on
2. make a group (except the groups allrdy up ofcuase)
3. buff up
4. get a zerg moving, no reason what so ever to move 1-2fgs vs a relic army....

the thing is .. with toa so many FF's are amongst the hib tanks .. so they break down the doors so fast...

other option is to move to HMG instead...

but without timeing it im pretty sure it will be 7-8 min on caster speed ... but then we need the force there still to break the HMG guard..

(and any good RR commander would let HMG be guarded as they know we cant make it in time for the keep)

now, i dont remember the times off the top of my head, pin did some tests pre housing afaik. But when i get home (tuesdayish) im gonna port vindsaul from housing and time it. You go time it on casterspeed too. I am 1000% positive that the time difference will be pretty neglible

oh and if you have 6 minutes it doesnt rly matter if your keep is in fucking housing, too little time to get organized anywhoo


Dec 26, 2003
enemy send out 10 casters , lay speedwarps all over the place. 20 warps in total.
albs travel a full zone on tankspeed. others do 1/2 or less(hib)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Arnor said:
now, i dont remember the times off the top of my head, pin did some tests pre housing afaik. But when i get home (tuesdayish) im gonna port vindsaul from housing and time it. You go time it on casterspeed too. I am 1000% positive that the time difference will be pretty neglible

oh and if you have 6 minutes it doesnt rly matter if your keep is in fucking housing, too little time to get organized anywhoo

first of all im rather sure you can do it faster ..(allthough the lake eat's some time) ..

secondly it is so easy to pass all the way to snowdownia relic keep unnoticed.. a whole differerent story in odins... there is allways a mid or a hib who see it and tell.. and having some1 stare at a blank screen for weeks to look for inc relic armies is just silly..

(remember you cant just stick some alt on the relic guards .... wont help you a dam thing)

if you give it some thougth you will realised that it is not defendable...

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