Fagane's 'private' raid sidi only to disturb Falcor's raid on saterday


Molten Lava

Re: Re: Lots of people dont

Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Thought you were making little sense, but then I read your sig
"Anything, lvl 50 sorc - 4L7 - no weapon drops for me"

Guess bitter again.
Except for the one possible rr5+ drop, what other rules are considered childish by mister?

And yes, the reason Fagane is a retard, is cause he is just doing it to try to screw over Falcor. Very sad.
Regards, Glottis

Lol Apoc doesnt even drop staves so I cba anyway....

other childish rule was "I might claim a sword, if it drops" and the fact that it took us 2 weeks and several post to acutally let Falcor make clear what the rules was BEFORE the raid in stead of after it...

Molten Lava

Re: Re: Lots of people dont

Originally posted by Falcor
Distribute for WHO to lead? u? dont think so

Yes i have a job too! saturday is my day of, which i give up so ungrateful ppl like u can have some fun adn get something nice to play with.

It was 70 ppl, and that was due to having relic, df open, mids in frontier a dragon raid at same time, and another sidi raid the very next day.

Ive done 12 raids now, im not trying to claim anything, its just easier to have one thread, and stop the pointless flames a new one gets every single week.

I dont wanna lead, I cannot lead (not skilled enough or whatever) but we did have some nice alliance raids (Fellowship) in Sidi last few weeks.....40-70 people is a nice number especially if you know all those people and if they are willing to listen to the people that lead a raid like this...

Problem is that even if we want to do some alliance raid we cant because its booked already for the next 2 or 3 saterday and sundays....thats why I posted "isnt it time to think of a fair way to distribute the saterdays and sundays for Sidi?"

And Falcor, can you please stop posting the stuff about how hard it is for you, that you dont actually enjoy it, that you only do it for gimps like us to get some nice drops etc....you makeing it sound like someone is forcing you to lead a Sidi raid because noone else wants to...I think thats the only point Fagane tries to make clear....YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE...
And Glottis.....ahh nm


Originally posted by Tualatin
Just post sooner then him or whatever

How can you post sooner then a permenent claim for the saturday? Please explain.....



Well if anyone wants to arrange one for next saturday go ahead :)

I'd prefer if it were an open invite raid to be honest, since a lot of people expect that on a Saturday - and not everyone can turn upto a guild invite raid.

I'd like to be able to just go to sidi whenever I feel like it. But thanks to the stupid way the dungeon works (8 hour repop) that's not possible. If someone else puts a raid in there an hour before the place is empty.

Should an open-invite raid get priority over a closed raid?


Originally posted by Fagane
How can you post sooner then a permenent claim for the saturday? Please explain.....


post before this saturday that you want to do one next saturday and I'd consider it sooner.
What anyone else thinks I dunno :)

I don't think claiming every saturday from here till eternity is very good either.


Originally posted by Draylor
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck - its probably a duck

I am a muppet !!!!!

And I can prove it! See:

Originally posted by Falcor
hes a muppet



If I was a moderator, i would have banned Fagane some days ago. :puke:


So.. in conclusion Fangane, you say it´s making a difference if Falcor would start 5 different threads

"Sidi Raid 6.9 1PM GMT"
"Sidi Raid 13.9. 1PM GMT"
"Sidi Raid 20.9. 1PM GMT"
"Sidi Raid 27.9. 1PM GMT"
"Sidi Raid 4.10 1PM GMT"

...because that´s not considered "claiming" by your definition (spearate threads, exact time/date schedule)?

In that case, you´re deliberately pissing off a triple-digit number of people because of a formalism?

And yes I know this is not a nice thing of me doing, but CoC stands behind me for this

Dude, there are a lot of things where the CoC is standing behind you but that still doesn´t mean they´re not lame. When you say that you "know it´s not a nice thing" you´re admitting that your intention is not the raid but to spoil the fun for other people and that *is* against the CoC although the case certainly isn´t specifically covered.


And to quote Tilda on this, he has stated that only raids will be made sticky 1 week in advance. In that case Falcor can plan his raids 1 week in advance, and also see if no other people got plans. Maybe 2 min more work for Falcor, but apparently 2 min to much.



Originally posted by Fagane
And to quote Tilda on this, he has stated that only raids will be made sticky 1 week in advance. In that case Falcor can plan his raids 1 week in advance, and also see if no other people got plans. Maybe 2 min more work for Falcor, but apparently 2 min to much.


Sad git.
Should GoA have the servers running on saturday again, I will love to attend your raid.
And let me assure you, I will act as childeshly as you are acting now... I will pull mobs onto you nonstop, will bring my own rezbot just to do it.
CoC stands behind me on this also...
Retard Fagane.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Sad git.
Should GoA have the servers running on saturday again, I will love to attend your raid.
And let me assure you, I will act as childeshly as you are acting now... I will pull mobs onto you nonstop, will bring my own rezbot just to do it.
CoC stands behind me on this also...
Retard Fagane.
Regards, Glottis

actually that'd be harassment...

going into Sidi and killing two monsters whilst being somewhat "lame" isn't.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
actually that'd be harassment...

going into Sidi and killing two monsters whilst being somewhat "lame" isn't.

Yo no hablo Engles, lo siento.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Yo no hablo Engles, lo siento.
Regards, Glottis

<sigh> You really don't know when to shut up, do you?


hmm, i agree with the point fagane is trying to make, but like most, i also agree this is not the way to make it. The way that falcor made his post, it certainly does give the impression that he is claiming sidi as his on saturdays. IMHO, we should have a seperate thread each week, and not post a new one until the day of the most recently posted. ie. a thread is made for a raid this saturday, so no raids can be arranged for the saturday after until the one this saturday has passed. this would prevent people from just making 5 posts and claiming sidi for the next 5 weeks aswell.
But certainly, i'd like to see sidi going back to the rules we had when aligro led, he preclaimed a drop yes, but at least EVERYONE got a look in when it came to the other drops, providing it was for their class. It's about time some albs stopped being so damn eliteist...


Re: Re: Lots of people dont

Originally posted by Falcor
Distribute for WHO to lead? u? dont think so

Yes i have a job too! saturday is my day of, which i give up so ungrateful ppl like u can have some fun adn get something nice to play with.

Taken from Falcor's SIDI RAID RULES:

'-I reserve right to ask to keep warlord sword(1h) should one drop.(tho it may not exhist, and if stats r not as expected i dont want)'



It's obviously a dumb idea.

If someone wants an open sidi raid with no precaliming - then they should start a thread claiming a future saturday (or sunday, or any other day) for their own raid.

No one has, (or has ever claimed to have) a monopoly on sidi saturdays. So if you dislike the rules enough to pull a stunt like this, you should think about running a raid yourself.

It's time consuming, requires a decent connection, the ability to ignore pms from dumbasses, and some prior research about the route, the best places to park the zerg, and about mob behaviour; but it's not actually that hard.


Originally posted by old.Zeikerd
As stated in the Subject, Fangane is going to organise a mini raid only to piss off 100 other people on Falcor's Saterday raid.

Because Fagane is scared for being flamed, he closed his own thread.

I do not want this thread about any of Falcor's rules or why you like or dislike his raids. I only want your oppinion about someone who is organising a raid only to piss other people off.

Personaly I think it's as lame as kill stealing, camp stealing and PM spamming in game.

This is a hard subject. What says falcor have the right? Or Pin? Or Aligro? Or anyone, organising a big raid to go ahead and book times like this ahead of small raids. Nothing says this, sidi does not have rule-books. If Fagane is doing this raid to object to Falcors rules (Note, not falcor as a person, some people seem to missunderstand this) I stand behind him, especially since they majority votes against his system. Gogogo.

However if falcor changes his mind I withdraw my statement.


Re: Re: Fagane's 'private' raid sidi only to disturb Falcor's raid on saterday

Originally posted by skile
However if falcor changes his mind I withdraw my statement.

Cause you behave like a prick you got banned from the last sidi raid lotto.
And now you keep on going behaving like a prick with this crusade against Falcor.
Umm, wonder why...
Regards, Glottis

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