Fagane's 'private' raid sidi only to disturb Falcor's raid on saterday



As stated in the Subject, Fangane is going to organise a mini raid only to piss off 100 other people on Falcor's Saterday raid.

Because Fagane is scared for being flamed, he closed his own thread.

I do not want this thread about any of Falcor's rules or why you like or dislike his raids. I only want your oppinion about someone who is organising a raid only to piss other people off.

Personaly I think it's as lame as kill stealing, camp stealing and PM spamming in game.


Not scared for flames, and was hoping somebody like you would open the discusion (thanks!).

I do not recognise that Falcor Owns Sidi, and in case Barry does recognise this, I do not recognise the claims that people make on Barry.

To make that point clear to the world that nobody owns Sidi, there will be a private Raid, got almost 3FG already. If Falcor does not want to take this raid to take place, cool, let him drop ownership of Sidi. And Post his raids with a date in the post.

If people want to do a 10:00 AM Sidi Raid I will not stop them. And apparently Falcor does not go this saturday to Sidi becouse he did not post his Raid jet.

Its only curtsey of me to warn people I am going.



fagane did it because he cant stand the thougt someone claims sidi for eternity on saturday. You can't claim a dungeon like he said...

I agree with this point of view but NOT with this kind of actions actions

So if falcor just makes his regular sidi posts sticky 2 weeks in advance, he won't do it...

Just put the facts straight before the :flame: begins...


Originally posted by Fagane
Not scared for flames, and was hoping somebody like you would open the discusion (thanks!).

I do not recognise that Falcor Owns Sidi, and in case Barry does recognise this, I do not recognise the claims that people make on Barry.

To make that point clear to the world that nobody owns Sidi, there will be a private Raid, got almost 3FG already. If Falcor does not want to take this raid to take place, cool, let him drop ownership of Sidi. And Post his raids with a date in the post.

If people want to do a 10:00 AM Sidi Raid I will not stop them. And apparently Falcor does not go this saturday to Sidi becouse he did not post his Raid jet.

Its only curtsey of me to warn people I am going.


Sad git, very sad.
Unlike you, Falcor did stuff for Albion.
You are just full of crap, and cannot stand other people are succesfull in life, while you are reject.
Only doing this to annoy Falcor, so very sad.
Go back to shagging sheep, seems you are better at it.
Regards, Glottis


/farm flames

Glotis_Xannadu you also applaying for membership? Its getting crowded in our club, but we resered a place behind an elephant for you, becouse that fits better when you want to hide your mouth inside an equal sized ass.


Originally posted by Fagane
/farm flames

Glotis_Xannadu you also applaying for membership? Its getting crowded in our club, but we resered a place behind an elephant for you, becouse that fits better when you want to hide your mouth inside an equal sized ass.

Your so funny, you should start doing the weekly comedy nights at my grandma's retirement home.
Nice thing is, you can use the same jokes every week, cause most of yours are already getting a bit old...
Regards, Glottis


so what, those 2 first mobs drop shit anyway


imo falcors raid thread shows that he does it every saturday.
he isnt "owing" sidi but he imo has a right to do a raid which was organised before your own.
Sidi is free 90% of the week.
I am writing this while in a 7 man focus pulling sidi raid and were approaching bane.
its silly to choose a time that clashes with Falcor's when theres so many other options when sidi isnt used.



Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Sad git, very sad.
Unlike you, Falcor did stuff for Albion.
You are just full of crap, and cannot stand other people are succesfull in life, while you are reject.
Only doing this to annoy Falcor, so very sad.
Go back to shagging sheep, seems you are better at it.
Regards, Glottis

How can you say 'unlike you' when you don't even know who the person is in game.

As for the raid, whats the problem, Falcors raids don't start till gone 1pm, Faganes is an early morning raid to kill just the first 2 epic mobs, theres still what, 13 other epics for Falcor to kill, win or lose Faganes team will be out of there before Falcors group gets anywhere near, and it might not take 5 hours this time with 2 less mobs to kill.


Yeah, why don't we all do what we want?

SOME organisation is nice, it's ashame that foolish people tear everything apart. Just post sooner then him or whatever

Or organise a keepraid party, DF raid afterwards.. or a HoC raid..



Of course, no one owns Sidi. But, while I totally disagree with the way that Falcor runs his raids, he's been doing them for a long time and a lot of people enjoy them and are happy to go on them. Basically, Fagane, what you're going to do is simply going to spoil the enjoyment of the game for a lot of other people. And, worse yet, you're not doing it for any good reason, but simply "to prove a point". You'd actually be far better off proving your point by organising a full, public raid of your own on another day.


i dont care, its a game ppl can do what the hell they want


hes a muppet, go reroll mid and do us all a favour


Yes no one owns sidi but tbh u shouldnt just do something to piss Falcor off and then 100 or so ppl who will turn up.

Originally posted by hercules-df
i dont care, its a game ppl can do what the hell they want

Yes its a game but there are real people playing the chars and so what u do has consequences...


As much as I dislike Falcor's lotto rules - organising a raid just to get in the way of someone else's just isn't on.

Now some who don't read barrysworld and live on the moon could possibly have the excuse that they didn't know - but you've been a regular on his raids.

By all means ask to do a raid instead and I'd support people doing that - if you want to do an open-invite saturday raid then I'd expect Falcor to take it weeks about with other people (heh, might keep him his sanity and less silly lotto rules ;) but I digress) but just arranging another one before it is sad.


Originally posted by Kagato.
How can you say 'unlike you' when you don't even know who the person is in game.
From the garbage 'Fagane' has posted on these forums in the last few weeks you can tell alot about the person.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck - its probably a duck


Originally posted by Tilda

I am writing this while in a 7 man focus pulling sidi raid and were approaching bane.

Groo I really hope they nerf that soon :)

in midgard you can't kill half the monsters in TG because someone's focus pulling them constantly.


fangane has the right to organise a raid any time he wants whenever he wants sidi is no1s its not kill stealing or whatever. Thats like saying FC book emain nightly and no1 else can go

total bs tbh

the raids posted on here are to inform alb of raids and to get people to go on them if he wants to organise one why can't he? yeah so Falcor is better known but so what people can choose which raid to go on if they choose to go on falcors then fanganes won't leave...you can't flame sum1 for playing in his own realm when hes paid the same amount of money as everybody else has its just plain stupid.

Molten Lava

Lots of people dont

Lots of people DONT enjoy the Falcor raid with his childish rules. He cant just claim it every saterday..or sunday.....we have to find out a way to distrubute the weekend days for sidi *yes there's is more days to do Sidi but some of us have a job and can only play 5-6 hours non-stop in the weekend*

(Last Falcor raid was only 60-70 people btw...thats shows enough)


he raids posted on here are to inform alb of raids and to get people to go on them if he wants to organise one why can't he?

The huge difference it, that Fangane doesn´s say "hey, wouldn´t it be cool to make a Sidi raid? Lets do it... um.. Saturday!". He´s deliberately placing his raid to spoil Falcors raid, saying "I do not accept your raid and the fact that your weekly Sidi raid is now sticky and therefor I`m going to teach you a lesson and ruin your raid as much as I can".
So the key is: he never has to ask for permission to run a raid and ofc nobody "owns" Sidi. Both is out of question. The key is, that he´s doing all this as an act of revenge because he doesn´t like the fact that somebody is doing Sidi raids on a regular basis and that - after x consecutive weeks - decided to make this thread sticky.


Re: Lots of people dont

Originally posted by Molten Lava
Lots of people DONT enjoy the Falcor raid with his childish rules.

Thought you were making little sense, but then I read your sig
"Anything, lvl 50 sorc - 4L7 - no weapon drops for me"

Guess bitter again.
Except for the one possible rr5+ drop, what other rules are considered childish by mister?

And yes, the reason Fagane is a retard, is cause he is just doing it to try to screw over Falcor. Very sad.
Regards, Glottis


Re: Lots of people dont

Originally posted by Molten Lava
Lots of people DONT enjoy the Falcor raid with his childish rules. He cant just claim it every saterday..or sunday.....we have to find out a way to distrubute the weekend days for sidi *yes there's is more days to do Sidi but some of us have a job and can only play 5-6 hours non-stop in the weekend*

(Last Falcor raid was only 60-70 people btw...thats shows enough)

Distribute for WHO to lead? u? dont think so

Yes i have a job too! saturday is my day of, which i give up so ungrateful ppl like u can have some fun adn get something nice to play with.

It was 70 ppl, and that was due to having relic, df open, mids in frontier a dragon raid at same time, and another sidi raid the very next day.

Ive done 12 raids now, im not trying to claim anything, its just easier to have one thread, and stop the pointless flames a new one gets every single week.


fagane if you want to do another saturday raid - do it next saturday instead of Falcor's (I'm sure he'll not mind a week's holiday ;)). And do it because you want to run one, not because you want to spite someone else.

Starting one immediately before another raid purely out of spite is childish.



Who cares....our skilled random noob will die at the first key mob anyway...

/ignore Fagan retard


For a few facts (for the none flamers):

1) I always wanted to do a private Sidi Raid on saturday, never did it becouse of the big raids (Falcor/Algiro) did.

2) I do not agre that I need to ask a player to do a Sidi raid (as is illigal in CoC), thats shows he claims/owns a place (posting you doing this every suterday on a hot spot is owning).

For me the options are, or respect that Falcor owns Sidi, or ignore his claim of ownership.

I did mention a date and a time I am doing a Raid, Falcor does not (I can deduct it, but if I do I would aknowledge his claim). I also did mention I will cancel my raid if Falcor (or anybody else who leads a raid) will do it close to my spot for a bigger public (free for all raid) out of curtsey, as I always did.

The option for Falcor is, to actualy post a date he is doing a raid (as he always did) and give up ownership. Or we have maybe 2 Sidi raids on 1 day.

And yes I know this is not a nice thing of me doing, but CoC stands behind me for this. It does not stand behind Falcor.



For people who did say, let me orgonize a public Sidi Raid, I know my own limitations, that is that I am not a fast typer. I did lead several raids, but never bigger then 3-4FG or with total strangers.

If the number of people increases, the number of questions that needs to be answerd also. It just goes to slow with my typing. If I would take 150 people to Sidi, I could not cope with the typing.


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