Did some posts get deleted or something? I am confused.
It keeps breaking tho, you don't really want it![]()
Your post was a damn site longer than 5 words, as was the thread you started when she pissed off initially.Ouch -how to lose credibility in 5 small words.
I posted this thread, as I was writing Ez Christmas card, and thinking about the thread that made her leave.
I wasn't attacking Gumbo, just some of the things that were said were wrong -especially the judgements about her character.
Dramaqueen much gumbo?
You do have to wonder if we'll get a new thread every few months to say, look she's not back, you were wrong Gumbo!
I'll look forward to it, tell you what, do you want to do it on my birthday, April 25th? It'll make me feel even more special.
Look at it this way Gumbo, I'd be stoked if I had this much of an effect on a woman, it's flattering to say the least.
General people are sh*t, in general. Please go back to where you came from.
Just saying, generally.
Isn't it true. The whole place turned sour when forums merged.
And we return to the amusing banter which is what makes FH good
Ch3t chill out![]()
depends on your outlook, rose tinted bullshit mainly. OT was an awful place too, as many trolls in general as in OT, just less fluff in general. The forums work fine, those who don't like it have moved on and that is their option.
It has nothing to do with some nostalgic value from my side. Just the setting was good to begin with. Two different forums. Also. Chill the fuck out. Who rammed that stick so deep up the arsehole of yours?
In my experience, women on the internet seem to have a sense of humour when it suits them. Additionally, the internet (particularly Facebook) is used by women as a bragging ground that gets woefully tiresome to read.
I'm perfectly chilled, I just think your view is bollocks, and as this is a forum I'm entitled to tell you why.
You missed the SOME outI know a fair few men who get a sense of humour bypass when something doesn't suit them and I know plenty of them who use the internet as a dick waving exercise. The sex of the person is usually irrelevant, it's down to their personality imho.