Evil, thy name is Lasher

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Originally posted by Faeldawn
The JH is our only decent weapon.

We dont have Magriders.

We dont have Poundermax's.

The gauss is inferior to the other rifles.

We dont have strikers.

The phoenix does crap damage, is 1 shot then reload and has a slow reload rate.

The only thing that improving the lasher has done is to FORCE NC players to use the JH.

No you don't have magriders you have an awfully powerful tank that is two manned the tr prowler is 3.

No you don't have Poundermaxes instead you have missile av maxes who can kill snipers at range and or other personnel plus don't forget vehicles.

The Gauss isn't inferior died to it plenty a time by skilled users.

Yes Pheonix is so shit you can auto guide it to the target you like be it air, ground or personnel. When I had a mag it was taken down plenty a time by the Pheonix. Each AV has its good and bad points, striker auto lock only 3 ammo in one clip, lancer sure large clip but you have to use aiming skills, Pheonix 1 load a time but you put it where you want it and reloading aint slow. Imo non is better than the other and if I was any realm with my no. of certs I would still be AV. <edit> I remember when I looted a pheonix and plenty of ammo and brought down many a mosi/reaver, even with afterburner they could not escape in time even with the pheonix reload time.

Most NC chose the JH cause it pwned not cause other weapons are weak, thats fair enough but don't try to make lame excuses. If the NC population did then they must lack any type of adaptability or skill. In fact most NC have admitted to me in tells or even on this board that the JH was overpowered.


P.S Please whine some more my face has broken a smile.


Originally posted by Esoteric
<large post that really didn't need quoting in full>
Vanguard does own against tanks...Magrider is better against infantry due to the unusual hit detection. I wouldn't want a prowler.

If our AV MAX can take out a sniper at range, I'll not be able to stop laughing. It is good, but its not that good.

Gauss...I love it myself. I think I'm the skilled user.

Phoenix is good against air targets, and good outdoors in general. But it can't hit anything using afterburners, and you can only get two hits on an AMS before it drives out of range. I've got a lot more Reaver kills than the average grunt, but it really sucks indoors.

And as you'll see in another thread, I've had to spec in HA since the patch, while before I could hand out Gauss ownage. I'm looking forward to the LLU so the fight comes out of the corridors again.

The fact that a lot of NC have left since the patch doesn't mean the remaining players should be left to die. I'll look forward to seeing how things go after the next patch.


Originally posted by Esoteric
No you don't have magriders you have an awfully powerful tank that is two manned the tr prowler is 3.

No you don't have Poundermaxes instead you have missile av maxes who can kill snipers at range and or other personnel plus don't forget vehicles.

The Gauss isn't inferior died to it plenty a time by skilled users.

Yes Pheonix is so shit you can auto guide it to the target you like be it air, ground or personnel. When I had a mag it was taken down plenty a time by the Pheonix. Each AV has its good and bad points, striker auto lock only 3 ammo in one clip, lancer sure large clip but you have to use aiming skills, Pheonix 1 load a time but you put it where you want it and reloading aint slow. Imo non is better than the other and if I was any realm with my no. of certs I would still be AV. <edit> I remember when I looted a pheonix and plenty of ammo and brought down many a mosi/reaver, even with afterburner they could not escape in time even with the pheonix reload time.

Most NC chose the JH cause it pwned not cause other weapons are weak, thats fair enough but don't try to make lame excuses. If the NC population did then they must lack any type of adaptability or skill. In fact most NC have admitted to me in tells or even on this board that the JH was overpowered.


P.S Please whine some more my face has broken a smile.

Oh dear, here we go again :(

I'm going to keep this as polite as possible.

NC Missile AV is extremely inaccurate at long range and is hopeless vs snipers and infantry in general.

Gauss and cycler need to change magazines to switch from AI to AP, Vanu simply r-click to do this. Gauss has a slightly lower damage output and cycler a slightly faster rate of fire plus cycler has a 50 ammo clip compared to the gauss 30.

7 Phoenix missiles do not kill a magrider, never had the chance to hit one more than 7 times and even if they could a magrider can move out of range before you can get the 3rd or 4th one off. If you can get 7 shots off, you are sniper bait while you manually guide the missile.

Read my post, i dont recall making any lame excuses for anything.

Each faction had their own predominantly powerful weapon, yes the JH is powerful, im not disputing that, but it was the defining weapon for the NC just as the defining weapon for TR was their poundermax's and VS was their magriders. Now this is all skewed.

There, got through all that without flaming once :)


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
VS are pansies... I kill them with my Reaver, I kill them with my Gauss and even with my singing knife if I have to.

Not to forget - Hammer time. :p

I got about 40 kills last night.

It's easy to evade the Lasher orbs in open spaces (kind of)

Just don't look up as often as you should do ya :p


The Mag is a great tank, wasted without a gunner, but I can't fit it inside bases. The Vanguard is just as lethal, NC are not lacking here.

The gauss is a solid weapon, quite equal to the pulsar at the closer ranges, but has a range advantage due to the damage drop off on the pulsar. I don't find the AP mode that useful, we have AV for armoured targets.

The Pheonix has it's advantages. No, you won't take down a mag on your own. I can't take a prowler or Vanguard with my Lancer, the TR can't solo tanks either. This is where teamwork comes to play.

So, what justification is there for the NC to have a much more powerful HA weapon?
People say how they are forced in to HA now that the lasher is on equal terms. Consider yourself lucky, VS couldn't even fallback on that.


I try to stay as far as i can from Vanu now. Thats why the remaining NC might have noticed more fighting on Solsar than Amerish.

If it isnt how fast the Lasher can kill you its the damn fps drop from every flipping Vanu using it. :(

My whole outfit agrees as well. Expect to see less TR's fighting Vanu.


Originally posted by Gekul
The gauss is a solid weapon, quite equal to the pulsar at the closer ranges, but has a range advantage due to the damage drop off on the pulsar. I don't find the AP mode that useful, we have AV for armoured targets.

The Pheonix has it's advantages. No, you won't take down a mag on your own. I can't take a prowler or Vanguard with my Lancer, the TR can't solo tanks either. This is where teamwork comes to play.

So, what justification is there for the NC to have a much more powerful HA weapon?
People say how they are forced in to HA now that the lasher is on equal terms. Consider yourself lucky, VS couldn't even fallback on that.

Gauss does slightly less damage than the pulsar in general, i agree that its perhaps a slightly better long-range weapon, but the pulsar has the edge mid-range.

I agree that the Lasher was a poor weapon compared to the other HA weapons prior to the patch, and vanu were hard-done by there is no doubt of that. Problem is they seem to have over-tweaked the weapon.

The lasher did need improving, but they seem to have gone a lil overboard with the new model.

I love the phoenix, dont get me wrong, its my weapon of choice, but how will the other realms feel if in the next patch the phoenix is bought-up to equal damage with, for example, the striker?


Originally posted by Esoteric
No you don't have magriders you have an awfully powerful tank that is two manned the tr prowler is 3.

No you don't have Poundermaxes instead you have missile av maxes who can kill snipers at range and or other personnel plus don't forget vehicles.

The Gauss isn't inferior died to it plenty a time by skilled users.

Yes Pheonix is so shit you can auto guide it to the target you like be it air, ground or personnel. When I had a mag it was taken down plenty a time by the Pheonix. Each AV has its good and bad points, striker auto lock only 3 ammo in one clip, lancer sure large clip but you have to use aiming skills, Pheonix 1 load a time but you put it where you want it and reloading aint slow. Imo non is better than the other and if I was any realm with my no. of certs I would still be AV. <edit> I remember when I looted a pheonix and plenty of ammo and brought down many a mosi/reaver, even with afterburner they could not escape in time even with the pheonix reload time.

Most NC chose the JH cause it pwned not cause other weapons are weak, thats fair enough but don't try to make lame excuses. If the NC population did then they must lack any type of adaptability or skill. In fact most NC have admitted to me in tells or even on this board that the JH was overpowered.


P.S Please whine some more my face has broken a smile.

<notices a person who knows nada and just wanders off smirking>

btw when you say the Vanguard is two manned, you do realise the magrider DOES actually have a gunner space right? it is also two manned. Yes honestly.


Originally posted by Faeldawn
Gauss does slightly less damage than the pulsar in general, i agree that its perhaps a slightly better long-range weapon, but the pulsar has the edge mid-range.

I agree that the Lasher was a poor weapon compared to the other HA weapons prior to the patch, and vanu were hard-done by there is no doubt of that. Problem is they seem to have over-tweaked the weapon.

The lasher did need improving, but they seem to have gone a lil overboard with the new model.

I love the phoenix, dont get me wrong, its my weapon of choice, but how will the other realms feel if in the next patch the phoenix is bought-up to equal damage with, for example, the striker?

1 extra orb per second on a sub-par weapon does not seem overboard to me. It does give the user an advantage over someone without the HA cert, that's the game I've been playing from the start though. I had to get used to it, I believe the NC should start playing the game VS have been playing and get used to this fact too.
Pre-patch, we had to get used to the respawn timer when facing the JH. The majority of NC thought this was fine, so I can't see where your complaints are coming from. You will die, just as we did and still do, to NC HA users. I have used both weapons, and I can kill just as fast with either of them. This is what we were facing! If you think the lasher is due a nerf, then the JH is too.

I believe the Pheonix does more damage than the striker already btw.


Originally posted by Omniscieous
<notices a person who knows nada and just wanders off smirking>

btw when you say the Vanguard is two manned, you do realise the magrider DOES actually have a gunner space right? it is also two manned. Yes honestly.

I'm assuming your quoting out of context (he mentions the 3 manned prowler just incase) so that you can throw in a "witty" post about Magriders, whose hitbox size is the same as all the tanks.
NC really can't complain about the Vanguard, it is very decent at taking out infantry, even if it can't run them over as easily. The Magriders that run without gunners are a minor annoyance, it's the ones with gunners that change battles.


Originally posted by Gekul
1 extra orb per second on a sub-par weapon does not seem overboard to me. It does give the user an advantage over someone without the HA cert, that's the game I've been playing from the start though. I had to get used to it, I believe the NC should start playing the game VS have been playing and get used to this fact too.
Pre-patch, we had to get used to the respawn timer when facing the JH. The majority of NC thought this was fine, so I can't see where your complaints are coming from. You will die, just as we did and still do, to NC HA users. I have used both weapons, and I can kill just as fast with either of them. This is what we were facing! If you think the lasher is due a nerf, then the JH is too.

I believe the Pheonix does more damage than the striker already btw.

Why did you quote me when you posted this? Has nothing to do with what i said, hmmm..lets flame someone's post, but not even base that flame on the post we have quoted? Hmm? but anyway.

Phoenix does A LOT LESS the damage of the striker, you believe wrong (now there's a surprise).

I dont recall ever saying the lasher needed nerfing.

Not even gonna bother replying to the rest, if yer trying to provoke me, dont bother, you aint very good at it :)


Originally posted by Faeldawn

I agree that the Lasher was a poor weapon compared to the other HA weapons prior to the patch, and vanu were hard-done by there is no doubt of that. Problem is they seem to have over-tweaked the weapon.

The lasher did need improving, but they seem to have gone a lil overboard with the new model.

1 extra orb per second on a sub-par weapon does not seem overboard to me. It does give the user an advantage over someone without the HA cert, that's the game I've been playing from the start though.

I then go on to explain how the JH effected those without access to it. Explaining why the new lasher is not "over-tweaked". If you can't see what relevance this has to a post about the HA cert and how the developers seem to have "gone a lil overboard", then that's your problem.

Originally posted by Faeldawn
Phoenix does A LOT LESS the damage of the striker, you believe wrong (now there's a surprise).

In that the Striker does 200 and the Phoenix does 250?


Originally posted by Gekul
In that the Striker does 200 and the Phoenix does 250?

I don't like to get into number crunching games as it takes away any sense of reality you may try to get from it. Lots of people did it with DAoC and just ruined my experience of it with how they've got 7 more hp than me and 2% more xxxxxx resist or whatever, I really didn't care.

Assuming you've looked into this and you figures are correct, you are saying that the Striker does 600 damage per clip and the Phoenix 250? Thus confirming Faeldawn theory.


Just steal the Striker, like me. Its like a remote for afterburners, with or without ammo.;)


Originally posted by Omniscieous
Assuming you've looked into this and you figures are correct, you are saying that the Striker does 600 damage per clip and the Phoenix 250? Thus confirming Faeldawn theory.

I say quite clearly the pheonix does 250 where as the striker does 200. If you want to work out damage per clip etc, that's up to you, I'm really not bothered; there are different scenarios where one will outdamage the other, making your per clip argument academic. I can however tell you from experience that striker users rarely use up a clip on my max. It's the amount of strikers + the lock on ability that kill people, not the damage.
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