Evil, thy name is Lasher

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Erm...forget about the Jackhammer, there is a new daddy in town :)

The revamped lasher is pure evil and now every vanu and his dog seem to be carrying one :)

Also, is it true that Vanu are immune to the lasher?


Originally posted by Faeldawn
Also, is it true that Vanu are immune to the lasher?

Yes it is.

Btw dont discount the chain gun, 50% more time on recoil and a 50% reduced sized cone I think.... plus 100 rounds.


That explains why the vanu guy i tried to lasher (yes, actually looted one fast enough :)) laughed at me when he killed me ;)


Urr immune? They don't take damage from it at all ?


OMG, you mean it might be worth 4 points now!?

Uncle Sick(tm)

Hrm.. the Lasher - is it the one with the kinda slow moving energy balls?

Killed three or four Barneys with a looted one earlier.
They died quite quickly, too. :m00:


Nice to see the NC running in fear, dropping their hammers to the ground as they storm back to the warpgate :)


Jackhammer never was the daddy of medium or long range, it does still however, rock at close range, like point blank sort of range.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Running? Bah...

Towards you, guns blazing. Yeah. :p


Originally posted by mid_Efour
nerf the lasher boo hoo



Cant get near Vanu now in fear of the shiney disco balls everywhere. :)

Damn it hurts now. Good to see vanu can actually kill us now. ;)


Personally im more concerned with the lag caused by so many lashers, my poor lil 'puter cannae cope :(

Manic Miner

Originally posted by Faeldawn

Also, is it true that Vanu are immune to the lasher?

not afaik. I've been using the lasher since the start. i've always liked it - now it's awesome though.

if VS were immune to it then I wouldn't have any where near as much grief as I have atm :)


Its hard to tell at the moment if the new improved Lasher is overpowered. The population of VS and TR testing out their improved weapons means that NC are very outnumbered. Once things settle down, then we'll see.


Faeldawn, from what i've read on the test forums, Vanu are immune to the lashers 'lashing' aspect, that is, they don't feel any of the aoe damage that they emit


take alook at the land control maps

werner has been owned by VS

75% of world theres at moment

i think they should just nerf all HA weapons they should have nerfed the JH a bit it would still be good, but as it is lasher and zerg = lag and death so fast it makes me lol :)


Will makes a good point about lots of VS trying it out right now, so let's wait and see. However, as a clue, on Friday or Saturday I got about 19 kills against VS, which isn't uber but is still ok for me. In the same amount of time tonight, with nothing changed in my certs, I got a big fat ugly zero.

Nerf whiners calling for nerfs, I say :)


A slight exaggeration surely? I've not actually seen any NC since the patch, just VS & TR - presumably the NC haven't worked out how to use the respec option on the certification panels. Must be a bitch having to use another weapon now :m00:


Perhaps, but its interesting to note how TR and VS moaned that every NC and their dog had a JH, and now most TR has a chaingun and every VS seems to have a lasher :)


I can kill just as quickly with the Jackhammer. It's called balance.


i think as soon as u step inside a base now unless you are a max or HA spec your life expectancey is about 30 seconds.

especially in the good `ol mahoosive fights

i know most of the people in my outfit, after 3 hours of getting our arses handed to us dont want to fight VS for a while :p


Originally posted by Turamber
A slight exaggeration surely? I've not actually seen any NC since the patch, just VS & TR - presumably the NC haven't worked out how to use the respec option on the certification panels. Must be a bitch having to use another weapon now :m00:

Yea that's so very true, i'm having to learn how to get the most out of my Lightning instead of being Med assault all the time.

Oh i'm sorry, were you trying to be sarcastic dearest? :p

Uncle Sick(tm)

VS are pansies... I kill them with my Reaver, I kill them with my Gauss and even with my singing knife if I have to.

Not to forget - Hammer time. :p

I got about 40 kills last night.

It's easy to evade the Lasher orbs in open spaces (kind of) but base fights are nasty now due to the crying-for-a-nerf splash damage...
Lasher splash radius seems to be larger than Rocklet splash - which is a joke, imo.


Originally posted by mid_Efour
i think as soon as u step inside a base now unless you are a max or HA spec your life expectancey is about 30 seconds.
I've had to re-spec into HA just to have a chance. Its a shame, but you just can't last inside a base without it. Before, I could just use my leet Gauss skills (or a stolen Cycler).

[edit] I'm also swapping AV for SA, see if that will help. I just have to remember not to take those long shots with a Decimator.


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
It's easy to evade the Lasher orbs in open spaces (kind of) but base fights are nasty now due to the crying-for-a-nerf splash damage...

Apparently the lasher is "working properly" at the moment, so get used to the lash, its here to stay :(


The JH was overpowered it isn't anymore it is just a good HA like all the others now. I would still pick one up and a chaingun cause I know used right they are still good.

We as Vanu have had our arses handed to us on a plate over and over again due to most NC folk carrying the JH. I /telled a guy once on nc and the response I got was something like "sure its overpowered but forgive me for using the best weapon available to me" well now the tables are even and most nc folk don't like it.

It seems strongly to me that alot of NC folk were "flavour of the month" people who went NC just for the JH now all weapons are even they can play the realm they actually most liked without any significant downside just subtle differences.

Way before pulsar got its little boost I recall at least one vanu a day saying in sanc /b see ya folks Im off to play a diff realm cause I don't like trying to kill with feather dusters. This wasn't a whine it was pretty much reality.

So what now, the "elite kids of nc" can't run around and "pwn" over and over again, get a grip learn some skill (like vanu had to) or leave the game. Most good players will remain.

Oh and evil, thy name is anyone with HA cert be you NC/TR/VS (the way god intended it). Tried a couple chainguns last night and they are fun.

Oh and finally please NC whine some more, I may just break a smile today.


Heh, half the problem is that there aren't any NC left...the world stats are currently broken, but yesterday, VS controlled 47.1% of bases over a 24 hour period, and every server is looking for NC. I've not got more then a couple of base caps against opposition since the patch, even though I've respecced in HA.


Uncle Sick(tm)

Well... and if I was the last NC on Werner, I wouldn't defect to another faction.

I am sick and tired of flavor of the month players... werd.


Originally posted by Esoteric
The JH was overpowered it isn't anymore it is just a good HA like all the others now. I would still pick one up and a chaingun cause I know used right they are still good.

We as Vanu have had our arses handed to us on a plate over and over again due to most NC folk carrying the JH. I /telled a guy once on nc and the response I got was something like "sure its overpowered but forgive me for using the best weapon available to me" well now the tables are even and most nc folk don't like it.

It seems strongly to me that alot of NC folk were "flavour of the month" people who went NC just for the JH now all weapons are even they can play the realm they actually most liked without any significant downside just subtle differences.

Way before pulsar got its little boost I recall at least one vanu a day saying in sanc /b see ya folks Im off to play a diff realm cause I don't like trying to kill with feather dusters. This wasn't a whine it was pretty much reality.

So what now, the "elite kids of nc" can't run around and "pwn" over and over again, get a grip learn some skill (like vanu had to) or leave the game. Most good players will remain.

Oh and evil, thy name is anyone with HA cert be you NC/TR/VS (the way god intended it). Tried a couple chainguns last night and they are fun.

Oh and finally please NC whine some more, I may just break a smile today.

The JH is our only decent weapon.

We dont have Magriders.

We dont have Poundermax's.

The gauss is inferior to the other rifles.

We dont have strikers.

The phoenix does crap damage, is 1 shot then reload and has a slow reload rate.

The only thing that improving the lasher has done is to FORCE NC players to use the JH.


Im a Vanu - was in Beta aswell so have a couple of things to add (Ive played a TR aswell but little of the NC although Ive looted gear and vehicles from them).

As a Magrider I fear the TR and NC anti vehicle range of weapons. The pheonix is just nasty and there is nrly no chance of avoiding it when in the mag. The dmg it does isnt enough to take me down alone sure but if I get hit by a few im in trouble.

Dunno about the gauss - not really used one. Personally I prefer the TR one - much better than others IMO.

The NC AI max is just nasty. The pounder is the daddy of maxes IMO.

The vanguard is pretty tough. I prefer the mag for manoeuvring but the van does take more dmg and brings that big jobbing gun into the battlefield!
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